
  • 网络Gas fractionation unit
  1. 采用aspenplus流程模拟软件对气体分馏装置中丙烯塔的精馏过程进行计算机模拟。

    In this paper , the process simulation software of ASPEN PLUS has been used to simulate the distillation process of the propylene tower in the gas fractionation unit .

  2. 气体分馏装置原料液化石油气(LPG)中有机硫化物形态复杂,考察分析工业装置精丙烯硫化物含量变化难度大。

    It 's very difficult to investigate the content variation of sulfide in fine propene since the state of organic sulfide in gas fractionation unit feedstock ( LPG ) was very complex .

  3. 通过aspenplus模拟软件计算,找出扬子石油化工股份有限公司炼油厂气体分馏装置在高负荷下的瓶颈问题。

    Bottleneck of the light-ends unit in Refinery of Yangzi Petrochemical Company Limited under the condition of high load has been found out through the calculation with Aspen plus simulation software .

  4. 当气体分馏装置的轻C4组分只作MTBE原料不作烷基化装置的原料时,气体分馏装置不设或不开碳四塔是必要的,这样可节约投资和能耗。

    When light C4 hydrocarbons are used as feedstocks for MTBE but not for alkylation unit , cancelling the C4 tower from the flow diagram of a grass-roots light ends plant or shuting it down in an existing unit is necessary for investment and energy savings .

  5. 兰州石化公司生产高辛烷值汽油的碳四加工联合工艺,原采用催化裂化生产的轻碳四馏分,由MTBE、聚异丁烯、气体分馏、叠合和烷基化等装置组成,流程较长。

    The original combined process for C 4 processing to produce high octane value gasoline in Lanzhou Petrochemical Company was made up of MTBE , polyisobutylene , gas fractionation , polymerization and alkylation units , taking FCC light C 4 distillate as feedstock .

  6. 针对锦西石化分公司300kt/a气体分馏装置的丙烯塔,建立了基于丙烯塔单位综合经济收益最大化的在线优化模型及与鲁棒多变量控制器(RMPCT)的接口。

    For optimizing operation of propylene rectification tower in a 300 kt / a liquefied hydrocarbon separation installation , software consisting of online process optimization model and its interface with advanced controller ( RMPCT ) was developed .

  7. 以过程系统能量综合优化三环节系统方法为指导,采用流程模拟技术,提出了对炼油厂催化裂化气体分馏联合装置进行能量优化改造方案,降低装置的1.0MPa蒸汽消耗;

    Based on the three link energy model of process system energy optimization , an energy optimization scheme for catalytic cracker integrated with light ends plant was proposed for reducing the 1.0 MPa steam consumption by using advanced process simulation software .

  8. 气体分馏装置丙烯精馏塔操作条件的优化

    The Process Simulation of Propylene Rectification Tower in Gas Fractionation Unit

  9. 锦西石化分公司气体分馏装置的扩能改造

    Capacity expansion of a light ends plant in Jinxi Petrochemical Company

  10. 改造气体分馏丙烯塔提高丙烯纯度

    Improvement of Propylene Purity by Modification of Gas Fractionating Propylene Tower

  11. 气体分馏装置精馏过程的动态建模与仿真

    Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Distillation Process in Gas Fractionation Equipments

  12. 某气体分馏装置地基土性试验研究及分析

    Study and Analysis of Subgrade Soil Properties Using Gas Fractionation Device Foundation

  13. 专家系统在气体分馏自适应调优系统中的应用

    The application of self-adaptive optimization expert system in FCC gas separation system

  14. 气体分馏装置的在线自适应调优技术

    Adaptive On - line Performance Optimization of Gas Fractionation Plant

  15. 气体分馏装置精丙烯塔控制设计及生产状况分析

    Control design and production of fine propylene tower in gas ends plant

  16. 催化裂化气体分馏热联合装置的能量优化方案

    An energy optimization scheme for catalytic cracker integrated with light ends plant

  17. 气体分馏装置优化扩产节能研究

    Optimizing a Gas Fractionation plant to save Energy and Expand Production Capacity

  18. 介绍了1种液化气气体分馏装置优化控制的数学模型。

    A mathematic model for optimizing control of LPG separation is proposed .

  19. 气体分馏装置丙烯总硫超标的原因分析

    Cause for overrun total sulfur concentraion in propylene of light ends plant

  20. 气体分馏装置在线调优指导系统

    Coach System of On-line Performance Optimization of Gas Fractionation Plant

  21. 模式识别离线调优在气体分馏装置上的应用

    Application of pattern recognition for optimizing operation of a gas fractionation unit

  22. 气体分馏装置中碳四塔的地位

    The c_ ( 4 ) tower 's position in light ends plant

  23. 气体分馏装置丙烯损失的原因及对策

    Causes and cures for propylene loss in light ends unit

  24. 对提高气体分馏装置加工能力的探讨

    Investigation on Capacity Increasing of the LPG Fraction Plant

  25. 催化裂化装置吸收稳定系统和气体分馏装置的联合优化

    Integration optimization of FCCU condensing system and gas fractionator

  26. 气体分馏装置软测量模型在线修正策略的研究

    Study on the on-line correction strategy of soft-sensor of the gas fractionation units

  27. 气体分馏装置的脱乙烷塔底设有隔板,将塔釜分为两个空间。

    The bottom of LPG fractionator is separated into two spaces by baffle .

  28. 气体分馏优化控制数学模型的研究

    A mathematic model for optimizing control of LPG separation

  29. 气体分馏装置若干问题的探讨

    Exploration on some problems of light ends plants

  30. 气体分馏装置重沸器结焦原因剖析

    Study on the cause of coking in the reboiler of a gas fractionation unit