- 名democracy;democratic politics

India has remained true to democracy
Your participation22 in this democracy , your courage to stand up for what ’ s right , your willingness to forge coalitions23 — these actions will speak volumes .
This is a matter of overall significance to improving socialist democracy .
Socialist democracy enjoys strong vitality and superiority .
It marks China 's realization of a great leap from centuries-old feudalistic autocratic politics to people 's democratic politics . c
We must concentrate on institutional improvement and ensure that socialist democracy is institutionalized and standardized and has its procedures . 1 .
The Parthenon is an elegantly crafted symbol , not only of Ancient Greece , but also of the very roots of democracy .
Many homes are run like a democracy . Each family member can have a say . A sense of equality often exists in American homes .
Alexander Lebedev is a Russian billionaire active in democratic politics . He linked the punk rocker case to the expected prosecution of blogger and opposition leader Alexei Navalny .
Family name confers brand recognition , useful contacts and financial contributions - all of which are vital in democracies , and become more so as retail politics become more important .
Since Federation on January 1 , 1901 , Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and is a Commonwealth realm , which has Elizabeth II as its monarch .
With the advent of democracy in South Africa in 1994 , a story started doing the rounds in primary schools about a monster that awaits girls in the school toilet .
It invests millions in lobbying in Brussels and Berlin , but since it finds the democratic political process too slow , it keeps following its own rules in the meantime .
Before coming here , I searched through Baidu , a Chinese search engine " China 's democratic political reform , " I got 1.39 million results in less than a second .
And for all the challenges of a changing world ; for all the imperfections of our democracy ; choosing a politics of hope is something that 's entirely up to each of us .
Its vaunted democratic political system is paralyzed - so dysfunctional that , earlier this year , a Justice of the Supreme Court drew open laughter when he suggested that Congress might act to fix a defective statute .
The key to developing socialist democracy is to combine the need to uphold the Party 's leadership and to ensure that the people are the masters of the country with the need to rule the country by law .
Democracy alone can supply the vitalizing force to stir the peoples of the world into triumphant action , not only against their human oppressors , but also against their ancient enemies - hunger , misery , and despair .
And in a world where weak states are often heavens for violent extremists , getting more children into school can dramatically help reduce the risk of instability and lay the groundwork for more stable democratic political systems to emerge .
Although the prosperity is not evenly shared and there is still poverty in the countryside , we are confident that the trend of prosperity is going to continue and the people will be better off with each passing year . I can 't talk about China without mentioning the political and democratic development .
Political hopes for a swift and smooth transition to democracy have been dashed
By your gracious cooperation in the transition process , you have shown a watching world that we are a united people pledged to maintaining a political system which guarantees individual liberty to a greater degree than any other ,
Democracies " pursuit of short-term political interests can contribute to fragmentation .
He expressed concern about China 's growing influence , and about Beijing 's policy toward the political deadlock between the repressive military and pro-democracy groups .
And while I 'm there , I 'm going to ask everyone for ideas and technologies that can help update our government and our democracy to be as modern and dynamic as America itself .
The report said Washington 's incompetent pandemic containment led to tragic outcomes and that American democracy disorder triggered political chaos . Ethnic minorities suffered racial discrimination , and continuous social unrest threatened public security in the US , it said .