
mǔ ɡōnɡ sī
  • parent company;parent firm
  1. 包括母公司在内,每个单位都有自己的地方管理层。

    Each unit including the parent company has its own , local management .

  2. 和其他特许经营者谈一谈,问问他们对母公司是什么看法。

    Talk to other franchise holders and ask them what they think of the parent company .

  3. 捷利康公司终于从其母公司帝国化工集团中分离了出来。

    Zeneca was at last demerged from its parent firm , ICI

  4. 这两个母公司现在合并为一家企业经营业务。

    The two parent groups now run their business as a single combined operation .

  5. 把像谷歌这样的公司拆分成五家小公司并不会阻碍它们的自我重构:随着时间的推移,其中一家小公司会重现母公司的辉煌。

    Breaking up firms like Google into five small ones would not stop remaking themselves : in time , one of them would become great again .

  6. 在日本(Japan),这类说法通常是指建合资企业,然而这些合资企业会反过来拖累母公司。

    In Japan , that kind of talk often leads to joint ventures that come back to haunt the parent companies .

  7. 我们需要在欧洲建立一种体系,使得对母公司的监管在某种程度上能够促进对子公司的监管,这被称为集团监管(groupsupervision)。

    In Europe we need a system where regulation of parent companies at one level facilitates the regulation of subsidiaries , known as group supervision .

  8. 谷歌母公司Alphabet的拉里•佩奇(LarryPage);

    Larry Page of Alphabet , Google 's parent company ;

  9. 现在华尔街投资者们有机会品尝这款游戏和母公司King所带来的甜头。

    Here on Wall Street investors are getting their opportunity to taste Candy Crush and parent company King Digital .

  10. 上述消息在周一发布后,《每日邮报》母公司DailyMailAndGeneralTrust的股价上涨了不到1%。

    Shares of Daily Mail And General Trust , the newspaper 's owner , rose less than 1 percent following the announcement on Monday .

  11. 买家华能集团是香港上市公司华能国际(huanengpowerinternational)的国有母公司。

    China Huaneng Group , the buyer , is the state-owned parent of Huaneng Power International , which is listed in Hong Kong .

  12. 纾困行为表明,这些基金的母公司对于“跌破一元”(breakingthebuck)造成的名誉风险十分重视。

    They show how seriously the parent companies take the reputational risk of " breaking the buck " .

  13. HBO属于时代华纳,CNN的母公司。

    HBO is owned by Time Warner , CNN 's parent company .

  14. Waymo将归谷歌母公司Alphabet所有。

    Waymo will be owned by Google 's parent company , Alphabet .

  15. 但是TrinityMirror(明镜报母公司)表示明镜报的所有记者都在英国媒体投诉委员会和刑事法的约束之内工作。

    Trinity Mirror said its journalists work within the criminal law and Press Complaints Commission code of conduct .

  16. 这一被标为绝密的指示由上海市委宣传部发出,并由《第一财经日报》母公司上海文广集团(ShanghaiMediaGroup)的主管签字。

    The directive , which was marked top secret , was sent by the Shanghai propaganda ministry and signed by executives at Shanghai Media Group , the parent company of China Business News .

  17. 对谷歌的母公司Alphabet而言,这是其又一次在布鲁塞尔吃苦头的一周。

    It is another tough week in Brussels for Alphabet , Google 's parent company .

  18. 一些人可能会看上谷歌(Google)母公司Alphabet或苹果(Apple),对于这些科技集团而言,汽车只是一项巨额研究成本;

    Some might look to Google parent Alphabet or Apple , the technology groups for whom cars are just a large research cost ;

  19. 这家公司的母公司,日本上市企业SunCorp过去一周里股票暴涨逾60%。

    Shares in the company 's Japan-listed parent , Sun Corp , have leapt more than 60 per cent in the past week .

  20. 根据其网站披露,摩托罗拉移动风险投资(MotorolaMobilityVentures)主要投资于与其母公司具有战略协同效应的初创公司。

    According to its website , Motorola mobility ventures invests in early-stage companies that have strategic synergies with the parent company .

  21. 这种众包技巧对于母公司百事可乐(PepsiCo)来说并不新鲜。

    This crowdsourcing technique is nothing new to parent company PepsiCo .

  22. 上市首日,澳门永利与总部位于美国内华达州的母公司Paradise的市账率之差约为10个百分点,如今已扩大到27个百分点。

    Its price / book spread with its Paradise , Nevada-based parent , about 10 percentage points on debut , is now pushing 27 .

  23. 通过一边开设新店、一边开展并购,华润创业实现了增长。在母公司华润控股(ChinaResources(Holdings))的支持下,华润创业逐步收购了一系列商店集团。

    Growth has come from a combination of new stores and M & A , with China Resources Enterprise gradually taking over a series of store groups with support from its parent , China Resources ( Holdings ) .

  24. 中国铁建是竞标马新高铁的中国联合体成员之一,联合体由中国中铁(ChinaRailway)牵头,其他成员还包括中国铁路通信信号(ChinaRailwaySignals&Communication)以及中国交通建设(ChinaCommunicationsConstruction,中国港湾工程的母公司)。

    CRCC is part of the Chinese consortium led by freight transporter China Railway bidding for the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore line . The party also includes China Railway Signals & Communication and China Communications Construction ( the parent company of CHEC ) .

  25. 麦当劳周二宣布,旗下位于日本的门店停止向上海福喜食品公司(ShanghaiHusiFoodCo.)购货。上海福喜的母公司是总部位于美国伊利诺伊州奥罗拉的福喜集团(OSIGroupInc.)。

    McDonald 's on Tuesday said its outlets there cut ties with Shanghai Husi Food Co. , an arm of OSI Group Inc. of Aurora , Ill .

  26. 这是WhatsApp首次与母公司共享用户数据。

    This is the first time that WhatsApp has shared any user data with its parent .

  27. 有人估计该公司将面临一亿到两亿美元的财政赤字。NBC的母公司——有线系统公司康卡斯特(Comcast)坚信这块资金空缺终将被填满。

    Comcast , the cable firm that owns NBC , is confident that the bet will eventually pay off .

  28. 光启科学的母公司光启集团(Kuang-Chigroup)表示,计划在中国杭州建造的这座太空旅游和未来科技主题公园,将展示各种技术,包括一种能让游客们感觉到自己正在乘坐旅行者号气球游览太空的模拟飞行装置。

    The Kuang-Chi group , parent company of KuangChi Science , said the space and future park it plans to build in the Chinese city of Hangzhou will showcase technologies , including a ride designed to give visitors the sensation of space travel in the Traveller balloon .

  29. 德国戴姆勒是梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的母公司,戴姆勒表示对于这一事件引起的关切致以诚恳的歉意。

    Germany 's Daimler , parent of Mercedes-Benz , said it sincerely apologised for the concerns raised by the incident .

  30. 代表美国航空公司母公司AMR的一名律师表示,这份包含司法部反垄断条款的协议得到了债权人的支持。

    A lawyer representing AMR says the settlement involving Justice Department antitrust issues was not opposed by the company 's creditors .