
sǐ tāi
  • stillbirth;dead fetus;stillborn foetus
死胎 [sǐ tāi]
  • [dead fetus] 死于母腹的胎儿

  • 产下一个死胎

死胎[sǐ tāi]
  1. 结论:郑州市孕妇中存在人微小病毒B19的感染,可能导致不明原因流产或死胎。

    Conclusion : The infection of human parvovirus B19 exists in the pregnant women in Zhengzhou , which may explain the unidentified reason abortion or stillborn foetus .

  2. 日粮中添加富钾矿物一定程度上提高了母猪产仔数、活产仔数及仔猪断奶成活率(P0.05),降低了死胎、木乃伊、畸形、弱仔数(P0.05);

    The dietary added with potassium-rich mineral can increase the litter size , live farrow and the weaned survival rate of piglets ( P0.05 ), and reduce the number of stillborn foetus , mummies , deformities and weak porkets ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 她生了死胎还能活下来,真是奇迹。

    It was a miracle that she survived the birth of her stillborn baby

  4. 死胎胎盘组织中HBVdna表达

    Expression of HBV DNA in placenta tissues of dead fetus

  5. 死胎肝脏组织中HBVdna表达的初步探讨

    The primary study on the expression of HBV DNA in the liver tissues of died fetus

  6. 结论:死胎胸腺组织中有HBV复制;

    Conclusions : There existed replication in the thymus tissue of the died fetus .

  7. 结果:死胎脾脏组织中HBVdna的检出率为65%。

    Results : For the spleen tissues , there were 26 ( 65 % ) cases with HBV DNA .

  8. 死胎肝脏组织中HBVdna与乙肝母亲HBV血清标志关系的探讨

    Relationship between HBV DNA in Liver of Died Fetus and HBV in Serum of Puerperal with Hepatitis Virus B

  9. 死胎胎盘组织中HBsAg表达及其意义

    Expression of HBsAg in placenta tissues of the dead fetus and their signification

  10. 死胎组(删除胎盘早剥者)脐动脉S/D值高于对照组,血压低于对照组(P值均〈0.01)。

    The stillbirth group ( delete those with placental abruption ) was significantly higher in umbilical cord blood S / D value and lower blood pressure ( P0.01 ) .

  11. 3例未产,1例死胎,其余16例足月分娩,新生儿体重平均为(3315.0±436.9)g。

    There was one stillborn , three undelivered mothers and sixteen full term born neonates with an average birth weight of ( 3315.0 ± 436.9 ) g.

  12. g/kg剂量组除出现上述改变外,死胎数增多。围生儿死亡率与单胎及多胎胎盘早剥有关

    The number of the dead fetus increased in the group of 100mg / kg coffeine treated mice . Perinatal mortality associated with abruptio placenta in singletons and multiples

  13. HBVdna颗粒在死胎脾脏白髓、边缘区、红髓中的淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞浆、脾血窦、脾脏血管中呈点、灶状分布,脾脏淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞核不着色。

    HBV DNA were mainly in the plasma of the lymphocyte and the macrophagocyte in the white pulp ? marginal zone ? red pulp and the spleen vessels .

  14. 猪细小病毒N株是从广西初产母猪所产死胎脏器分离的自然弱毒株。

    The N strain of porcine parvovirus was a natural low virulent variant strain , which was isolated from the viscera of a stillborn fetus farrowed by a gilt in Guangxi .

  15. 目的:观察死胎胎盘组织中乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)DNA表达情况,探讨通过产妇传播到死胎胎盘组织中的HBV是否存在复制。

    Objective To observe the expression of HBVDNA and to explore the possibility of HBV copy in the placenta tissues of the dead fetus via vertical transmission .

  16. 死胎胎盘组织中HBsAg阳性率与孕妇静脉血中HBV标志无关。

    The positive rate of HBsAg in the placenta of the dead fetus is not correlated with the HBVM in the pregnant woman veins .

  17. 妊娠期妇女人细小病毒B19感染与死胎及胎儿畸形关系的研究

    The Relationship between maternal infection with human parvovirus B19 and fetal death and congenital malformation

  18. 子痫前期,胎盘早剥与宫内死胎患者血清CD活性显著高于正常孕妇,均P<0.01。

    The serum CD activity in patients of placenta premature separation , preeclampsia and intrauterine fetal death was distinctly higher than that in normal pregnancies ( P < 0.001 ) .

  19. 乙型肝炎病毒感染妊妇所产死胎脐带组织中HBV-DNA表达

    Expression of HBV-DNA in the Umbilical Cord Tissues of The Dead Fetus Delivered From Puerperant With Hepatitis Virus B Infection

  20. 方法:采用ELISA和PCR方法分别检测郑州市237例正常孕妇及29例不明原因流产或死胎孕妇血清中B19IgG、B19IgM和B19DNA表达情况。

    Methods : B19-IgG , B19-IgM , and B19 DNA in the serum were detected using ELISA and PCR .

  21. 结果:282例弓形虫IgM抗体阳性孕妇中17例是死胎或胎儿畸形、新生儿畸形者。

    Results : 17 Cases of 282 Cases pregnant woman which were IgM Positive of Toxoplasma were dead fetus , monster and newborn teratogenesis .

  22. 结果死胎脐带组织中HBV-DNA的检出率为16/40(40%)例。

    Results For the umbilical cord tissues , there were 16 / 40 ( 40 % ) cases detected out HBV-DNA .

  23. PCR技术较常规病原体分离敏感、快速,适合于HCMV/弓形虫感染所致流产、死胎的早期诊断。

    PCR , being more sensitive and rapid than pathogen isolation , might be useful for early diagnosis of abortions and stillbirths with HCMV or Tox infection .

  24. 死胎脐带组织中HBcAg表达的临床和病理研究

    Clinical and Pathological Study on the Express of HBcAg in the Unbilical Cord Tissues of the Stillborn Fetus

  25. RT-PCR检测健康猪扁桃体和流产死胎猪瘟病毒的应用及RFLP分析

    Application of RT-PCR detecting hog cholera virus in tonsil of healthy pigs and in samples of abortions and dead born and its RFLP analysis

  26. 试验结果表明:鸽蛋人工孵化可有效减少破蛋率,降低死胎率,出雏率提高12.2%(P0.05)。

    The experiments indicates : the artificial incubation of pigeon eggs can effectively decrease the rate of broken eggs and dead fetus , increase the birth rate by 12.2 % ( P05 ) .

  27. 死胎脐带组织中HBV-DNA表达与产妇血清中HBV复制状态无关。

    But the expression of HBV-DNA in the umbilical cord tissues of the died fetus is not related with the HBV replication status in the pregnant woman veins .

  28. 方法采集我院40例乙型肝炎产妇娩下的死胎,常规尸检,取肾脏组织,SP法检测HBsAg;

    Methods 40 cases dead fetus laboured by the puerperal with hepatitis virus B were made ordinary autopsy for kidney tissues to detected HBsAg with immunocytochemistry ( SP ) .

  29. 目的:探讨孕妇及胎儿Rh(D/E)血型不合的免疫性溶血病的治疗,预防孕妇早孕自然流产或不足月死胎。

    Objective : To investigate the therapy of Rh ( D / E ) hemolytic diseases caused by maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility , prevent the spontaneous abortion and fatal death .

  30. EE组胎仔身长,尾长,体重,死胎数,活胎数,孕天数与其余3组比较有显著差异(P<0·05)。

    Body weight , body length and tail length of fetal rats in the EE group were lighter and shorter than those of other three groups ( P < 0.05 ) .