
  • 网络regular expression;RegEx;RegExp;JavaScript
  1. source:正则表达式所匹配的输入字符串。

    Source : The input string the regular expression is matched against .

  2. 首先,它创建一个正则表达式模式用于查找句子末尾,并为每个单词创建一个ONE变量,用于统计单词的出现频率。

    First it creates a regular expression pattern that looks for the end of sentences and one for individual words .

  3. Fuzzy正则表达式与Fuzzy有限态自动机的关系

    On the relation between Fuzzy regular expression and Fuzzy finite state automaton

  4. value属性可以是文本字符、变量或变量外加一个定制的正则表达式。

    The value attribute may be literal characters , variables , or variables plus a customized regular expression .

  5. 正则表达式与XML配置文件相结合的数据提取

    Data Extraction Using Regular Expression and Integration of XML Configuration Files

  6. 解析页面的同时利用正则表达式技术,将Web节点特征化。

    Parse the page while using regular expressions technology , and characteristics of the Web node .

  7. 在Rule部分的input框中输入以下正则表达式模式

    Enter the following regular expression pattern into the input field of the Rule section

  8. VISUALBASIC6.0中正则表达式的应用

    Application of regular expression in Visual Basic 6.0

  9. 构建一个说明所期望值格式的正则表达式,并将其放到pattern属性中。

    Build a regular expression that describes the expected value format and put it in the pattern attribute .

  10. 一种基于Bloomfilter的正则表达式集合快速搜索算法

    A Fast Regular Expression Set Matching Algorithm Based on Bloom Filter

  11. 针对中文信息,提出了一个基于正则表达式、面向Web表格的信息抽取方法。

    Aim at Chinese information , a regular expressions based , Web table oriented information extracting method is proposed .

  12. NET平台下,用户可以使用控件和正则表达式在服务器端实现输入验证,通过几个例子简单地介绍了在ASP。

    NET , users can apply controls and regular expression to input check in web server .

  13. 使用简单的正则表达式从XML提取纬度和经度。

    A simple regular expression is used to extract the latitude and longitude from the XML .

  14. 路由在模式匹配时使用正则表达式,并且使用XML表示。

    Routes make use of regular expressions for pattern matching , and are expressed using XML .

  15. 但是,实践证明对于很长的正则表达式这样太复杂了(很难确定group元素与正则表达式的关系)。

    However , this proved too complex with long regexes ( it was difficult to decide how the group elements related to the regex ) .

  16. 它定义了一种XML语言,可用于定义新类型的词汇表示的正则表达式。

    It defines an XML language for defining regular expressions for the lexical representation of new types .

  17. 用正则表达式解析XML

    Parsing XML with regular expressions

  18. 正则表达式对象在ASP中的应用

    Analysing the Use of Regular Expression Object in the ASP

  19. 给定一个字符串,它对Match进行循环以试图找到相应的正则表达式。

    Given a string , it loops through the Match to try to find the appropriate regular expression .

  20. 要在Java代码中使用正则表达式,通常需要完成以下七个步骤

    To use regular expressions inside your Java code , you usually need to complete the following seven steps

  21. 在图10中,ReferenceName(在本例中是User)存储使用正则表达式语法提取的值。

    In Figure 10 , the Reference Name ( User in this example ) stores the values that are extracted using regular-expression syntax .

  22. 另外,也可以使用RegularExpressionBuilder自己构建正则表达式模式。

    Alternatively , you can try to build the regular expression pattern yourself using the Regular Expression Builder .

  23. 我们也把split游戏推广到了广义ω-正则表达式。

    An extension of the split game to generalized ω - regular expressions is also established .

  24. 例如,正则表达式A(B(C))包含子组(B(C))和(C)。

    For example the regular expression A ( B ( C )) has the subgroups ( B ( C )) and ( C ) .

  25. 相反,XI使用正则表达式来将文本文档转换成XML。

    XI , on the other hand , uses regular expressions to transform text documents into XML .

  26. 再次使用syntaxmatch为一个正则表达式定义标识符,然后把标识符与Error关联起来。

    You would again be using syntax match to define an identifier for this regular expression and link to Error .

  27. 该规则验证了任何country为US的记录,其postalcodes也匹配一个特定正则表达式。

    This rule verifies that any records that have country as US also have postal codes that match a particular regular expression .

  28. 这些方法的最后一个是search方法,它搜索正则表达式的匹配结果并返回其位置。

    The last of these methods is the search method , which searches for a match of a regular expression and returns its position .

  29. Features文件夹是空的,Rules文件夹包含名为Coordinates的规则,但是还没有定义正则表达式模式。

    The Features folder is empty and the Rules folder contains the rule named Coordinates , but no regular-expression pattern is defined yet .

  30. 请注意,上面的正则表达式如何只捕获“connectionfrom”和一个非数字的字符串后面的数字和点。

    Note how the regular expression above captures only digits and dots , after " connection from " and a string of non-digits .