
  1. 本质安全防爆型γ射线探头研制

    The Development of Explosion Proof Version γ Detector with Intrinsically Safe Output

  2. 针对煤矿对现场总线本质安全防爆的要求,采用了改进的统一供电法,设计了电源适配器和通讯适配器。

    According to the EX I explosion-proof request on field bus used in coal mine , improved uni-form power supply is adopted . Power supply adapter and communication adapter is designed also .

  3. 此外,我们还对基于EPA的现场I/O设备的本质安全与防爆技术进行了研究与可行性分析。

    Besides , we also make a study and feasibility analysis on the intrinsic safety and anti-explosion techniques of the Field I / O Device based on EPA .

  4. 阐述了WKFB本质安全型防爆温度监控仪的设计思路与研制方法,并介绍了其温度监测电路、声光报警控制电路的设计及防爆工艺的处理。

    The thinking and methods for the design of the Intrinsically Safe Explosion-Proof Temperature Supervisory and Control Arrangement , the design on monitor circuit for the Intrinsically Safe Circuits of Explosion-Proof Temperature , the design of audible-visual alarm circuit and the treatment of the explosion-proof technology are discussed .

  5. 本质安全与安全防爆技术。

    7 , Nature security and anti - explosion .

  6. 应用于易燃易爆环境的直流电源必须满足防爆要求,本质安全是最佳的防爆形式,本质安全开关电源必将获得广泛应用。

    Direct current power supplies applied in the flammable and explosive conditions must meet the requirements of anti-explosive . As the optimal means , intrinsically safe switching power supplies will be of promise in the future .

  7. 本质安全参数评定是本质安全防爆技术的核心内容。

    The parameter assessment of intrinsic safety is the kernel part of intrinsic safety explosive protection technology .