
  • 网络service mechanism
  1. Web集群服务器中基于多类限定延迟的区分服务机制

    Differentiated Service Mechanism Based on Multi-Class Bounded Delay for Web Cluster Server

  2. Web自适应区分服务机制的研究

    A Research on the Web Adaptive Differentiated Service Mechanism

  3. 这篇论文运用精确/近似计算方法设计了一个Web自适应区分服务机制。

    This paper devises a web adaptive differentiated service mechanism with the precise / imprecise method .

  4. Java鉴别和许可服务机制的研究

    The Research of the Mechanism of Java Authentication and Authorization Service

  5. Linux核心服务机制分析

    The Analysis of Linux Kernel Service Mechanism

  6. 基于IPv6客户业务地址的差异化服务机制研究

    Research on Differentiated Service Mechanism Based on IPv6 Customer-Service Address

  7. 一种基于分布式LDAP的分布对象名字服务机制

    A Distributed Object Naming Service Based on Distributed LDAP

  8. LISA映射服务机制研究。

    LISA mapping service mechanism research .

  9. 基于ECA扩展企业经营信息主动服务机制

    An Extensible Mechanism of Active Business Information Service Based on ECA

  10. 传统Web服务机制不直接支持区分服务,无法对HTTP请求进行个性化响应服务。

    A traditional web service mechanism does not directly support differentiated service , and it is not able to make personal response service in the demands of HTTP requests .

  11. 本文在分析中间件TAO及其服务机制基础上,研究无人直升机分布式飞行控制系统实现,利用TAO构建分布式仿真系统,以验证无人直升机分布式飞行控制系统设计。

    In this paper , we study UH distributed flight control system based on the analysis of TAO and its service mechanism .

  12. 最后在以上模型与方案的基础上,实现了一种高可靠性的电子政务PKI服务机制。

    On the basis of the above models and solutions , we proposed a highly reliable mechanism for e-government services PKI .

  13. OPNET环境下区分服务机制的研究及仿真

    Simulation Research of the Diffserv on OPNET

  14. 本文在对SBA中的信息复杂性和信息交互需求进行分析的基础上,总结出了信息协同的不同层次,建立了虚拟采办系统中信息协同与协同服务机制。

    This paper , on the basis of analysis of information complexity and information exchange requirements in SBA , summed up the different levels of information coordination , studied information service coordination and collaboration mechanism .

  15. 第三倡导构建公平的电信普遍服务机制,建议选择电信普遍服务基金作为我国电信普遍服务的补偿形式,探讨此制度与中国电信市场的契合性;

    Establish justice universal service system : Universal Service Fund .

  16. 区域高校社会服务机制的构建

    Construction of Social Service Mechanism of Regional Colleges and Universities

  17. 定价约束、社会福利与电信普遍服务机制设计

    Price Constraints , Social Welfare and Mechanism Design of Telecommunications Universal Service

  18. 建立中国电信普遍服务机制的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Building China 's Telecommunications Universal Service Mechanism

  19. 基于知识管理的数字图书馆个性化服务机制研究

    A Study on Personalization Service in Digital Library Based on Knowledge Management

  20. 基于用户上下文的新闻服务机制研究

    Study of news service based on user 's context

  21. 网络化协同产品开发资源集成服务机制研究

    Integrated service mechanism of networked collaborative product development resources

  22. 802.11WLAN区分服务机制及其性能分析

    Diffserv Mechanism in 802.11 WLAN and Its Performance Analysis

  23. 略论高校档案利用服务机制的创新

    On the Innovation of Service Mechanism in Use of Files in Colleges and Universities

  24. 一种基于网络跳数的网格信息服务机制

    Grid Information Service Mechanism Based on Network Hops

  25. 关于建立基础测绘公益性服务机制的探讨

    Approach to Establishment of the Public Good Service Mechanism for Basic S / M

  26. 基于网络的交互式智能化咨询服务机制

    Network-based Interactive and Intelligent Consulting Service Mechanism

  27. 电子新闻系统的服务机制

    The Service Mechanism of Electronic News System

  28. 经济文献信息服务机制探讨&以西南少数民族地区为例

    On the Information Service Mechanism of Economic Documents & Case Study of Southwest Minority Regions

  29. 资源管理与服务机制。

    Resource management and service mechanism .

  30. 因此,这种现实的局限性给直接研究网格的信息服务机制带来了很大的困难。

    That is , it is very difficult to evaluate the performance of grid information service .