
  • 网络Curved mirror;curved glass;convex mirror
  1. 和望远镜一样,它有一个曲面镜可以积聚阳光。

    Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight .

  2. 一些望远镜的前部不用透镜,而在后面装上一个曲面镜,曲面镜在某些方面要比透镜好。

    Some telescopes do not use a lens at the front . They use a curved mirror at the back . A curved mirror is better than a lens in some ways .

  3. 我们将LOD模型简化技术运用于各类曲面镜成像的过程中(包括柱面镜,球面镜等),根据模型与镜距、视距之间的关系约定调用对应的简化模型参与镜面反射成像。

    We apply LOD technology to the process of Curved Mirror Image ( containing cylindrical mirror , spherical mirror and so on ), and call the corresponding simplified model to participate in the Cylindrical Mirror Image according to the conventional relations between the view point and cylindrical mirror .

  4. 这三台望远镜前部用的都是曲面镜而不是透镜。

    All three of them use mirror , not lenses at the front .

  5. 那么伽利略的两片曲面镜对自然的歪曲又该多大呢?

    How much more would a pair of them ?

  6. 把曲面镜顶腔部分去掉,就形成了开放式同轴型准光腔。

    The top part of cavity is removed to form open coaxial quasi-optical cavity .

  7. 曲面镜不是用来产生真实影像,而是用来产生幻影的流行器件。

    Curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion , untruth .

  8. 如果单一的曲面镜会歪曲自然,那么一对曲面镜对自然的歪曲又会多大呢?

    Single curved glass would distort nature , how much more would a pair of them ?

  9. 除了抛物槽和发电塔之外,还有一项太阳能热电技术,这项技术把曲面镜和碟形镜跟热机结合在一起。

    In addition to parabolic troughs and power-towers there is also a third solar-thermal technology , which combines curved , dish-shaped mirrors with heat engines .

  10. 本文讨论了类负透镜介质一般曲面镜光学谐振腔,并用来分析气体激光器中的热透镜效应。

    The optical cavities of general curved-mirrors with a negative lenslike medium are discussed , and used to analyze the thermal lensing effects in gas lasers .

  11. 将ESPI系统与旋转椭球曲面反射镜检测装置结合,获得了被测容器焊缝360°全方位准确成象及ESPI全场缺陷检测;

    The 360 ° imaging and defect detection of seam weld have been accomplished by using the ESPI system and a rotating ellipsoidal mirror .

  12. 当前全景视觉系统多为通用CCD相机加双曲面反射镜结构,受相机限制分辨率往往不会很高。

    Present the structure of panoramic vision system usually be made up of a CCD camera plus a reflector . The most typical reflector equation is hyperbola . Traditional panoramic vision system used more common CCD cameras and the resolution is often limited by the camera .

  13. 该方法采用Zernike自由曲面反射镜进行设计,对波长没有选择性、系统无色差,且自由曲面具有较大的设计自由度,可以实现超薄的系统结构。

    This method can be used in wide waveband and had no color aberration because the Zernike free form mirrors were adopted . Furthermore , because the free form has more design freedom , ultra-thin imaging system can be realized .

  14. 从三级像差理论出发,设计出了离轴凸双曲面反射镜的Null补偿检验系统,克服了采用Hindle球检验口径过大的问题。

    Based on third-order aberration theory , a null testing system using compensator for an off-axis convex hyperboloid mirror is designed , it avoids that the aperture of auxiliary lens is overmuch larger when the Hindle test is applied .

  15. 两个二次曲面反射镜组成的光学系统的一般研究

    A general study of the optical system with two aspherical mirrors

  16. 光学自由曲面反射镜模芯的镜面成型磨削

    Mirror form grinding of free-form surface of reflector mould core

  17. 一种基于凸曲面反射镜的柱面全景图像无缝快速生成系统

    A Convex Mirror-Based System for Quickly Creating Cylinder Panoramic Images Without Any Gaps

  18. 大口径、离轴凸双曲面反射镜的补偿检验

    Testing of an off-axis convex hyperboloid mirror using compensator

  19. 自由曲面光学镜误差修正加工中输入控制量的算法

    The Algorithm of Solving the Input Data in the Error Correction of Free-form Curved Lens

  20. 本文用三级象差理论讨论了由两个二次曲面反射镜组成的,主要是天文望远镜的光学系统。

    The optical system with two aspherical mirrors essentially for astronomical use is discussed by the third-order aberration theory .

  21. 从设计的结果可以看出,凸双曲面反射镜的像差已经得到了很好的校正,从而使检验变得更加方便。

    As a result , aberration of convex hyperboloid mirror is well corrected , so it is convenient for testing .

  22. 它是将电磁波输入由两个曲面反射镜组成的谐振腔后所建立的电磁场的形式。

    This is the form of the fields set up by feeding electromagnetic energy into a resonator formed by two curved reflectors .

  23. 通过误差矩阵和模具的工作特性函数反求输入控制量是加工高精度的自由曲面光学镜所面临的难题。

    It is a difficult problem to solve the inputted data when the matrix of error data and the working characteristics of the tool are known in precision machining .

  24. 为了减小扫描轨迹的非线性,提出了一种使用曲面反射镜的扫描系统,并对其扫描轨迹进行了求解和计算。

    In order to reduce the nonlinearity of scan trace , a curved rotating mirror scanning system is proposed , and the scan trace for curved rotating mirror is computed .

  25. 为了进一步提高经济效益,新墨西哥州的天空燃料公司正在利用低价的反光薄膜来代替造价昂贵的曲面玻璃镜。

    To improve the economics still further , SkyFuel , a firm based in New Mexico , is replacing curved glass mirrors , which are expensive to make , with a thin , reflective low-cost film .

  26. 说明主镜的加工工艺是成功的,同时也说明凸双曲面副镜的加工、检验[2],熔石英像场改正镜的设计[1]、选料、加工[3]及光学系统的调整[4]也是成功的。

    These show that the technology of primary mirror , the fabricate on and test of the second mirror , the design of the fused quartz field corrector , the select of the fused quartz material and its fabricating method , the alignment of the optical system are successful .

  27. 根据几何光学原理,采用多条带式曲面代替通常反射镜的回转曲面,形成带式积分镜。

    According to the geometrical optics , traditional surface of revolution of focal mirror is replaced by multistrip curved surface to form strip integral mirror .

  28. Coons曲面在汽车前照灯多曲面反射镜设计中的应用

    Design of multi - surface reflector headlamp using Coons surface