
  • 网络solvent-free paint
  1. 电气绝缘无溶剂漆浇铸漆饼制作工艺的研究

    Research on Preparation Technics for Sample of Solventless Varnish for Electric Insulation

  2. 整体浸无溶剂漆用制冷系统

    A Refrigerating System for Solvent - free Lacquer Impregnation

  3. 901无溶剂漆及真空压力浸渍在充油式潜水电机上的应用

    Application of Solventless Resin 901 and Vacuum Pressure Impregnation to Oil-filled Submersible Motors

  4. 催干剂的潜伏性改性及其在无溶剂漆中的应用

    Modification of the latency of drier and its application in solvent-free unsaturated polyester paint

  5. 无溶剂漆是中小型电机线圈常用的浸渍漆。

    Solventless varnishes are often used for impregnating the coils of middle and small motors .

  6. 环氧改性耐热聚酯无溶剂漆的研制及应用

    PREPARATION AND APPLICATION OF COMBUSTION-FREE GLAZED COATING Research and application of epoxy modified heat-resistant polyester solventless impregnating varnish

  7. 聚酯型H级阻燃无溶剂浸渍漆性能的研究

    Study on a new class H flame-retardant solventless UPR impregnating varnish

  8. H级双马来酰亚胺无溶剂浸渍漆

    Study on a Class H Solventless Bismaleimide Impregnating Varnish

  9. H级不饱和聚酯亚胺无溶剂浸渍漆的研究

    Research of class H unsaturated polyester-imide solventless impregnating varnish

  10. 高、低压电机通用F级无溶剂浸渍漆

    General class F solventless impregnating varnishes for both high and low voltage motors

  11. 结果表明:该新型H级阻燃无溶剂浸渍漆具有阻燃性能好、电气绝缘性能佳、低温快固化的特点;

    The results showed that the impregnating varnish had good flame-retardant properties , and it could be cured quickly at lower temperature .

  12. 采用加入自制烯基阻燃树脂组份的新方法,合成了一种新型的H级阻燃无溶剂浸渍漆。

    The vinyl-flame retardant resin and thermal-resistant UPR were mixed in styrene ; a new class H flame retardant solventless impregnating varnish was prepared .

  13. 525F级无溶剂浸渍漆的应用研究

    The Application Researchs about Class 525F Solventless Impregnating Varnish

  14. 无溶剂浸渍漆的选用原则

    The Experiences in the Selection and Usage of Solventless Impregnating Varnish

  15. 苯并恶嗪无溶剂浸渍漆的研制

    A Novel Solventless Impregnating Varnish Based on Benzoxazine

  16. 不饱和聚酯无溶剂绝缘漆的研究

    Solventless insulating varnish of unsaturated polyester

  17. RH-2H级无溶剂浸渍漆的研制

    RH-2 Class H Solventless Impregnating Varnish

  18. 介绍了无溶剂绝缘漆广泛使用的活性稀释剂&苯乙烯的性质,并着重探讨了它的化学反应性、毒性等问题,并提出了在无溶剂漆生产使用过程中安全使用、降低危害的建议。

    This paper introduces the properties of styrene that is used in solventless insulation varnish broadly , especially its chemistry property and toxicity . Many relevant measures of prevention are suggested .

  19. H级无溶剂浸渍绝缘漆制备研究

    Study on Preparation of Solvent Free Impregnating Varnish for Class H

  20. 聚酯亚胺F、H级无溶剂滴浸漆的研究

    Development of Pei solvent-free drip-impregnating varnish of f , h class

  21. 本文介绍了F级快固化无溶剂绝缘浸渍漆的合成及工艺性能,并对有关问题作了简单的分析。

    This paper introduces the synthesize and technical properties of a new class F fast curing solventless Insulation Impregnating Varnish , and analyzes related problem simply .

  22. 环氧聚酯亚胺型无溶剂绝缘浸渍漆的研究

    Study on solventless impregnating varnish of epoxy / unsaturated polyester / imine type

  23. 耐高温无溶剂绝缘浸渍漆的研究

    Study on heat-resistant solventless insulating impregnating varnish

  24. 以改性二苯醚树脂为原料,合成了一种新颖不饱和聚酯型无溶剂浸渍绝缘漆。

    One new solvent free impregnating resin based on unsaturated polyester with modified diphenylene ether is prepared .

  25. 为了改进一种聚酯亚胺无溶剂绝缘浸渍漆的耐电晕性能,加入自制的纳米氧化铝改性。

    To improve the electronic corona-resistance of a unsaturated polyesterimide solventless impregnating varnish , nano alumina was added into the varnish .

  26. 采用分子设计方法,将不饱和双键引入环氧树脂中合成了不饱和环氧树脂,并以苯乙烯为稀释剂制备了无溶剂型绝缘漆。

    Unsaturated epoxy resins were synthesis by inducing vinyl into epoxy molecules via molecular design , and the solventless unsaturated epoxy insulating varnish was prepared with styrene as thinner .

  27. 以亚胺树脂改性环氧/不饱和聚酯树脂体系,制备了综合性能良好、耐热指数为165.5℃的无溶剂绝缘浸渍漆。

    A solventless impregnating varnish was obtained by modifying the epoxy resin / unsaturated polyester resin system with an imine resin , and this varnish had good comprehensive properties and a heat-resistance index of 165.5C .