Local businessman Lance Benson owns the town , and is selling to focus on his traveling concession company .
The reasons behind the rise are loosened visa requirements for Chinese , better flight connections and preferential policies to facilitate overseas consumption .
Study of the Favored Tourist Services in Japan ; Effect of 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games on Development of Guangdong Tourist Industry and Countermeasures
The interpretation also clarified that rewards of monetary value given to suspects will be considered bribes , including home furnishing , travel packages and shopping coupons .
Ni Jiali , general manager of Lvmama . com 's outbound tourism department , said the rise resulted from beneficial tourism policies adopted by both China and the US .
Economics Analysis of the Tourism Concessions Taxation Policy under the Constraints of the Environmental Capacity
Do you have any discount tickets for foreign tourists ?
Because tourism industry plays an important role in gaining foreign exchange income , stimulating domestic demands and promoting economic development , both central and local governments attach much Importance to its development and favorable policies to accelerate the tourism industry development are successively carried out .