
  • 网络Xin'anjiang model;XAJ
  1. 在假设流域诸多初始条件下,使用SCEUA优化算法通过日模型率定新安江模型。

    The Xin'anjiang model was calibrated under daily forecast mode by using various hypothetical initial conditions of the catchment with the SCE UA optimization algorithm .

  2. 研制了包括Sacramento模型、Tank模型、API模型、新安江模型等多种洪水预报模块,并形成了浑河流域暴雨洪水预报系统。

    Developing lots of flood forecasting models , including Sacramento Model , Tank Model , API Model and Xin'an River Model , and forming the storm and flood forecasting schemes in the Hun basin .

  3. 本文选用三水源新安江模型、TOPMODEL和HEC模型对宽城流域进行洪水模拟,探讨半干旱地区的洪水预报问题;

    Xinanjiang model , TOPMODEL and HEC model are applied to Kuancheng watershed for flood simulation , Flood forecasting of semi-arid region is discussed in this thesis ;

  4. 分别将HEC-HMS和新安江模型应用于江西万家埠流域,模拟了历史洪水过程。

    The performance of HEC-HMS was compared with that of the Xinanjiang conceptual model using historical flood data from the Wanjiabu catchment in China .

  5. 传统的新安江模型在半干旱半湿润地区,往往难以取得比较满意的结果。

    The traditional Xin'anjiang model could not produce satisfactory result in the area .

  6. 新安江模型参数的自动率定

    Automatic Calibration of Xingan Jiang Model Parameters

  7. 以三水源新安江模型为例,研究探讨了概念性水文模型多目标参数自动优选方法。

    Formulation of an automatic calibration using multiple objectives strategy for the Xinanjiang rainfall-runoff model was outlined .

  8. 对粒子群算法进行了详细描述和分析,并将其应用于新安江模型的参数优选中。

    Particle swarm optimization is described and analyzed ; and it is applied to calibrate Xin'anjiang model .

  9. 含融雪结构的新安江模型在天山山区河流应用已有研究,效果较好。

    Xin ' anjiang watershed model containing snowmelt structure has been applied in Tianshan Mountains , and gains better effect .

  10. 最后采用水文模拟法作平行研究,即以新安江模型理论为基础,从流域水资源合理配置的角度出发,按照不同的下垫面分别采用不同的产流计算方法,建立流域降雨径流模型。

    In final , the Xin'an river precipitation-runoff model was used to simulate the stream flow according to different underlying surface .

  11. 以大伙房水库流域为例,分别应用大伙房模型、新安江模型对大伙房流域进行洪水产流预报。

    The paper makes the forecast of runoff producing with Dahuofang model and Xinanjiang model taking Dahuofang reservoir as the example .

  12. 原有预报系统分别采用了新安江模型法、周期均值叠加法和固定系数法。

    The old forecasting system respectively adopts Xin ' anjiang model method , periodic mean value superposition method and fixed coefficient method .

  13. 新安江模型能较好解决降雨时空分布问题,但忽略了其他分布不均的影响。

    In Xin'anjiang model , problem of the spatial distribution of rainfall has been well resolved while other non-uniform distributions are ignored .

  14. 结合新安江模型参数的特点,将其应用于该模型参数的率定,并编程实现检验分析。

    In this paper , such improved particle swarm algorithm is used for parameter calibration of Xin'anjiang rainfall-runoff model in combination with the Parameter characteristics of the Xin'anjiang model .

  15. 第三章根据流域特性,选用新安江模型作为金盆水库入库洪水预报模型,并对该模型做了简单介绍。

    In the third chapter , xin ' an jiang model is chosen as enter reservoir flood forecast model based on the character of watershed , and the model is introduced briefly .

  16. 鉴于此种情况本文将人工神经网络算法同新安江模型相耦合以提高模型预报的精度。

    As such in this study , attempt was made at coupling the artificial neural network ( ANN ) with the Xinanjiang conceptual model with the view to enhancing the quality of its flow forecast .

  17. 新安江三水源模型在珊溪水利枢纽洪水预报中的应用

    Application of Xin'an River Three-source model to flood forecasting in Shanxi Hydraulic Complex

  18. 以新安江流域水文模型为基础,建立了以网格为计算单元适合大尺度应用、时间尺度为月的分布式水文模型。

    The Xin ' anjiang Model is used as the basic model to develop a monthly grid-based distributed hydrological model for Macro-scale geographic domain .

  19. 然后将逐步插值法处理后的栅格型降雨数据作为研究区内每一栅格单元上的雨量输入,并在各栅格上应用新安江降雨径流模型进行产流计算;

    The grid precipitation data after step-by-step interpolation were taken as the input of the Xin ′ anjiang model for runoff calculation for each grid element .

  20. 采用该方法进行新安江流域水文模型的参数优选,可以直接对模型性能进行全面评价,自动率定模型参数,显著提高了模型率定效率。

    Using this model to calibrate Xinanjiang model can directly assess the model performance , calibrate the model parameter automatically , and significantly improve the efficiency of calibration .

  21. 模型中河道洪水演算采用基于圣维南方程组的差分解法,流域降雨径流预报采用新安江三水源模型。

    In the model , the differential method based on the Saint Venant equations is used to calculate river floods , and the Xin ′ anjiang three water source model is used to predict precipitation and runoff in river basins .

  22. 新安江网格化月水文模型的改进。由于计算时段加长,雨强均化,导致原新安江月水文模型在淮河流域的应用中,网格径流深出现了大量不合理的零值。

    Due to the increase of time interval and decrease of precipitation intensity within a month , no monthly runoff appears in some gridded cells as the Xin ' anjiang monthly hydrological model is applied to the Huaihe River Basin .