
Companies are affected because , according to estimates by Standard Chartered bank , some 32 per cent of new credit these days is used simply to pay off the interest on existing debts .
To do this , we use the credit constraint variables ( one minus the ratio of newly added credit in the current year to GDP ) on behalf of the market interest rate .
Statistical and Time Series Analysis on Credit Growth of Commercial Banks
As a result , the authorities decided to squeeze new bank credit .
The major banks have reported credit growth of more than 20 per cent last year .
These actions have failed to curb credit growth , as January produced record new credit figures .
As a result , asset market bubbles can occur even when the central bank is slowing the amount of new credit in the economy .
For the past few weeks , global markets have focused intently on the amount of new credit that Chinese banks are issuing , looking for signals on potential tightening .
The authorities have restricted new credit in part to stifle inflation but they have also introduced measures deliberately aimed at limiting property speculation and squeezing out small , poorly capitalised developers .
But rather than unleash a wave of new credit as China did in 2008 to offset a global slowdown , China should rely on small remedies - ' micro-surgery ' as Mr. Rhee put it - to stem financial contagion .
New consumer credit fell to $ 3.7 billion in August .
In addition , there is the potential impact from the ocean of new credit in the economy .