
  1. 我国对外文化贸易逆差的原因及应对

    China foreign culture trade defict 's reason and application

  2. 政策目标是在近期内逐步缩小文化贸易逆差,进而实现我国文化产品进出口的大致平衡。

    The target of policy is to narrow the trade deficit of cultural trade and reach an approximate balance between import and export of cultural goods in the near future .

  3. 然而,对于国际传媒公司如何才能减少中国的文化贸易逆差,目前尚不确定。这种逆差出现的主要原因不是外国的贸易壁垒,而是中国传媒公司未能创造出有吸引力的内容。

    It is unclear , however , what international media groups can do to reduce a Chinese deficit that is mainly the result not of foreign trade barriers , but of the failure of the country 's media companies to come up with compelling content .

  4. 中国作为文化贸易的大国,却也是文化贸易逆差的大国。

    China is a great country of international trade and also has a great deficit in cultural trade .

  5. 文章从分析中国文化贸易的现状入手,探究中国文化贸易逆差产生的原因,在此基础上提出中国发展文化贸易、改善文化贸易逆差的策略建议。

    This paper analyzes the reason of the deficit and points out some measures to develop the cultural trade and to reduce the deficit .

  6. 近年来我国文化产品出口数量有所增长,但文化贸易逆差的现象仍未得到根本的改变。

    In recent years , export volume of China 's cultural products increased , but the phenomenon of cultural trade deficit has not been fundamentally changed .

  7. 摘要文化贸易作为促进各国各民族文化交流的重要方式,被发达国家用来作为推进其强势文化的手段,导致发展中国家出现巨大的文化贸易逆差。

    Cultural trade is an important means to accelerate cultural communion all over the world , which is used by developed countries to advance their mainstream culture , so a lot of developing countries have unfavorable balances of cultural trade .