
xiào lì
  • effect;force;efficacy;serve;potence;render a service to
效力 [xiào lì]
  • (1) [force;effect]∶约束力

  • 有同等效力

  • (2) [effect]∶效果

  • 有治病的效力

  • [render a service to;serve] 效劳;为出力

  • 但有甚事,即当效力。--《三国演义》

效力[xiào lì]
  1. 对GPA协定救济制度的基本内容进行探讨后,文章第四和第五部分重点分析了该制度的特性和效力发挥。

    After probing into the basic content of GPA agreement relief system , the fourth and fifth parts of this article analyse the characteristic and render a service to give play toes of system especially .

  2. 他们愿意在祖国需要的时候为她效力。

    They were willing to serve the fatherland in its hour of need .

  3. 这些指导原则不具有法律效力。

    These guidelines do not have the force of law .

  4. 新的规定将具有追溯效力。

    The new rule will be applied retrospectively .

  5. 这种疫苗对流感的免疫效力时间较长。

    The vaccine provides longer immunity against flu .

  6. 我无法相信,他几句好听的话就哄得你为他效力!

    I can 't believe you let him sweet-talk you into working for him !

  7. 这一裁决应该具有追溯效力。

    The ruling should be applied retroactively .

  8. 我为摩纳哥队、AC米兰队效力时两次都只拿到了亚军,但是事不过三,我希望能为流浪者队拿下一个冠军。

    I 've had two runners-up medals with Monaco and AC Milan , but I hope it will be third time lucky and I get a winners ' medal with Rangers .

  9. 我认为他为英格兰队效力时不可能充分发挥自己的水平。

    I don 't think he could do himself justice playing for England

  10. 他已经忠心耿耿地为巴克莱银行效力了20年。

    He has 20 years of loyal service to Barclays Bank behind him

  11. 法律必须拥有效力,而且必须强制实施。

    The law must have teeth , and it must be enforced .

  12. 想为我效力的人可是排着长队呢!

    People are queueing up to work for me !

  13. 我感谢他们长期以来忠诚的效力。

    I thanked them for their long and loyal service

  14. 银行家们立即声讨有追溯效力的税收立法。

    Bankers are quick to condemn retrospective tax legislation .

  15. 反对派争辩说新委员会不但违反宪法,而且没有效力。

    The opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth

  16. 他们因艺术的治疗效力而面貌一新。

    They are transfigured by the healing powers of art

  17. 1978年,他效力于获得世界杯冠军的阿根廷队。

    In 1978 he played for the victorious Argentinian side in the World Cup .

  18. 我很乐意再次为英格兰队效力。

    I would love to play for England again

  19. 想到可能为英格兰首屈一指的球队效力,我非常兴奋。

    I 'm very excited about the possibility of playing for England 's first team

  20. 这激发了我对政治的兴趣,于是我开始效力于民主党。

    This roused my interest in politics and I went to work for the Democrats .

  21. 爸爸和儿子同队效力,那真是太棒了。

    It 'll be neat to have a father and son playing on the same team

  22. 我一直说,只要需要,我愿意为党效力,不管以何种方式。

    I have always said that I would serve the Party in any way it felt appropriate .

  23. 我希望明年世界杯举行的时候我仍然效力于该队。

    I hope still to be in the side when the World Cup comes around next year .

  24. 他决心利用他效力曼彻斯特联队的剩余一年时间最后一次冲击联赛冠军。

    He was determined to use his remaining year with Manchester United for one last tilt at the League title .

  25. 我愿意为该党效力,因为它的利益和我的利益完全一致。

    I 'm willing to work for the party because its interests and my interests are one and the same .

  26. 我们的很多部队和军官分驻世界各地的英属殖民地,为英王效力。

    Many of our troops and officers were scattered around the world in the service of His Majesty in the colonies .

  27. 这药因受潮失去了效力。

    The drug has lost its potence by being exposed to moisture .

  28. 两种文本具有同等效力。

    Both texts are equally authentic .

  29. 你的话对他没有发生什么效力。

    Your advice ( or words ) had no effect on him whatever .

  30. 未成年儿童签署的合同不具有法律效力。

    A contract signed by a child is void .