
  • 网络regional airport;feeder airport;branch airport
  1. 支线机场是指所处地理位置较偏远,在可预见的中枢航线网络中不会成为枢纽的机场。

    Regional airport refers to the airport located in the remote area , which will hardly become a center in the foreseeable flight courses ' network .

  2. 随着我国机场布局的不断完善,支线机场的建设与发展成为发展航空运输的重要组成部分。

    With the constant improvement of the airport layout in china , the construction and development of regional airport become an important part of air transportation development .

  3. 支线机场GNSS非精密进近的成本/效益分析法

    Cost-Benefit Analysis of GNSS Non-precision Approach on Feeder-Route Aerodromes

  4. 针对中小支线机场,给出GNSS仪表非精密进近与传统陆基导航设施下的仪表非精密进近的成本/效益分析方法。

    The cost benefit analysis methods for the GNSS non precision approach and the traditional non precision instrument approach are given as reference for middle or small feeder route aerodromes .

  5. 中心辐射(Hub-and-spoke)表示一种典型的美国空中客运模式:乘客在大型的中心机场(hub)之间被运送,然后再转机前往靠近目的地的支线机场。

    Hub-and-spoke refers to the typically US model of passengers being processed through large " hub " airports and then on to secondary flights to " spoke " airports near their final destination .

  6. 本论文所研究的贵州省荔波机场是以旅游为主的支线机场,飞行区等级指标本期为3C,远期拟扩建为4C。

    Libo airport researched in this paper is a lateral airport with main intent to tour . The grade index in flight area is 3C at this date and 4C at a future date by scale-up construction .

  7. 我国支线机场建设融资模式与运营方式研究

    Research on China Regional Airports Construction Financing Models and Operation Methods

  8. 民航支线机场综合(航管)办公楼防雷措施与实践

    Lightning protection measures and practices in civil aviation airport integrated office building

  9. 国内支线机场的建设时机

    Opportunities for the Construction of Domestic Regional Airports

  10. 结构性问题仍然没有得到解决,例如枢纽机场过剩但支线机场过少。

    Structural issues remain unaddressed , such as the overabundance of hub airports with too few spokes .

  11. 在供给方面,我区所属的机场中7个属于支线机场,基本形成了比较完整的区内机场网络,这为支线运输的发展创造了条件。

    In the aspect of supply , seven of the airports under the administration of Inner Mongolia are regional airports , which make an integrated airport network in this region possible .

  12. 绵阳机场属于发展缓慢、客流量突破困难的支线机场之一,目前对于绵阳机场来说,机遇与挑战并存。

    To Mianyang Airport , one of the branch line airports which are in low growth and have great difficulty in enhancing the air passenger flow , the opportunity and the challenge coexists .

  13. 榆林机场和其它支线机场一样,依靠政策庇护、行业垄断、国家支持,痛苦而艰难地走出了计划经济体制所铺设的独特的经营管理道路。

    Like other regional routes stations , Yulin airport , depending on aegis of policy , transportation monopolization and government 's support , has difficultly broke away from the traditional mode of control and management which was aroused by planned economy system .

  14. 随着民航改革的进一步深入以及对外资、民营资本的逐步开放,有的机场日趋壮大,有的机场被收购、托管,有的只有停航,而且现在占国内机场80%的支线机场基本处于亏损状态。

    As reform of civil aviation goes further , foreign and private capital gradually open up , some airports increasingly expand , some airports are entrusted and some are suspended , now regional airports that account for80 % domestic airports are almost at loss .

  15. 为地方和支线航线提供机场服务、期客运航班、空货运及邮件运输。

    Airport services , scheduled passenger flights , cargo and mail transportation on local and regional routes .