
cāo pán shǒu
  • trader
  1. 从纽约到伦敦,操盘手都在注册成为twitter用户,以便和别处的操盘手重新建立联系。

    Traders from New York to London are signing up for Twitter to reconnect with traders elsewhere .

  2. 软件公司很快便注意到这种现象,并已推出相关服务,帮助操盘手将他们通过twitter接收到的大量信息进行分类。

    Software companies have been quick to notice the phenomenon , and have launched services that help traders sort the vast amount of information they receive through Twitter .

  3. 但许多操盘手表示,Twitter不仅被用于搜寻炒股贴士,他们还用它来学习其他人如何操作。

    But Twitter is not only being used to hunt for stock tips , many traders say . Instead , they want a way of picking up how other traders are trading .

  4. 大家所熟知的1992年英镑钉住汇率制事件中,外汇交易市场的操盘手实际上已经挑战了英国央行(BankofEngland),不仅如此,他们甚至迫使英镑贬值并从中获利达数十亿英镑。

    In the well known case of the GBP peg in1992 , the major players in the FX market actually challenged the Bank of England , no less , and forced a devaluation of the GBP , making billions in the process .

  5. stocktwits是操盘手们用于在twitter上跟踪股票走势等相关讨论的最流行工具之一。

    Stocktwits is one of the most popular ways for traders to track relevant discussions on twitter , including stock trends .

  6. LexvanDam曾是高盛集团的顶级操盘手,现任Hampstead资本的对冲基金经理,他对于华尔街老板们的过热反应不以为然。

    Lex van Dam , former top trader at Goldman Sachs and head of hedge fund , Hampstead Capital , takes a dim view of the over-hyped reactions of the Wall Street bosses .

  7. 您并不希望看到一名不诚实的股票操盘手在一份具有误导性的报告中伪造股票的定义,因此标准XBRL分类本身提供了一个股票单位的定义。

    You don 't want a sharp operator manipulating the definition of shares in the cause of a deceitful report , so the standard XBRL taxonomy itself provides a definition of a unit of shares .

  8. 你需要操盘手、投资者以及其他利用不平衡状况的人。

    You need traders and investors and whoever to exploit imbalances .

  9. 但阿克曼不仅是一个金融操盘手。

    But Mr ackman is more than a financial hit man .

  10. 你几乎可以听到短线操盘手们的呼喊。

    You can almost hear the yelps from day traders .

  11. 冷战期间,美国和苏联是这里最大的操盘手。

    During the cold war , the US and the USSR were the big players .

  12. 约有9万用户在该网站注册,其中许多是短线操盘手。

    About 90,000 people have signed up to the site , many of them day traders .

  13. 作为一个操盘手,我在自己的工作中发现了很多可以赚钱的秘密。

    This is why many day traders lose all their money and may end up in debt as well .

  14. 在交易过程中,速度对操盘手的要求也是很严格的。

    In the process of trading , the speed of the requirements of the terror hand also is very strict .

  15. 曾在华尔街担任操盘手的弗兰克•帕特诺伊说,老板们应该鼓励员工抽出时间享用午餐。

    Frank Partnoy , a former Wall Street trader , says that employers should encourage workers to take time off for lunch .

  16. 他也曾经是20世纪90年代全国首位进入到期货市场(未来蓬勃发展)中的专业股票操盘手。

    He was one of the first professional stock traders to participate in the country 's then-budding futures market during the 1990s .

  17. 但对其他人来说,这是一段故事,讲的是两名短线操盘手如何智胜已逐渐统治金融市场的“速射机器”。

    For others , though , it is a tale of how two day traders outwitted the rapid-fire machines that have come to dominate financial markets .

  18. 许多业主代表了美国富人阶层的一个横截面:高管和名流,医生和律师,科技行业企业家和华尔街上的操盘手。

    Many of the owners represent a cross-section of American wealth : chief executives and celebrities , doctors and lawyers , technology entrepreneurs and Wall Street traders .

  19. 马化腾也许不是值得效仿的天才操盘手,毕竟,去年12月他就抛出了自己持有的一部分公司股票,而那时的股价比目前水平低了五分之一。

    Mr Ma may not be the best lead to follow ; last December he sold part of his holding at a price around one-fifth below current levels .

  20. 刘益谦仍是一位活跃的股票操盘手。他说,他不担心那种打压,称自己的钱都是通过合法途径获得的。

    Mr. Liu , who is still an active stock trader , said he was not concerned about the crackdown , stating that he acquired his money through legal and legitimate means .

  21. 为投资获利而购买个股很容易赔钱,因为一般人很难胜过专业人士,这些职业操盘手、高频交易员和职业投资人早已把各个公司的经营状况仔细研究过了。

    People that aren 't investing for a living are likely to lose money by buying individual stocks because they are being outsmarted by professional traders , high-frequency traders , and professional investors that have studied companies ' fundamentals closely .