
zhǐ lìnɡ cānɡ
  • command module
  1. 然后,再携带宇航员从月球起飞,与指令舱对接。

    It would later launch them from the moon to rejoin the command module .

  2. 然后,他们返回绕月轨道上的指令舱,开始返回地球。

    Then they returned to the orbiting command module and started back to Earth .

  3. 你们得在指令舱失动力前。

    You 've got to get the guidance program transferred .

  4. 而且,他们只能在没有指令舱导航设备的情况下完成这一动作。

    And they had to make this move without the navigational equipment in the command module .

  5. 两名宇航员将从在轨道上飞行的指令舱乘载登月舱在月球着陆。

    Two astronauts would ride in it from the orbiting command module to the moon 's surface .

  6. 当指令舱位于轨道的最高点时,登陆月球的宇航员离留守指令舱的宇航员约有3585千米。

    At the highest point in their orbit , they were about 3585 kilometers from their fellow astronauts .

  7. 然后,他们开始准备发动登月舱起飞,返回正在绕月轨道上飞行的指令舱。

    Then they began to prepare to launch the lander for the return flight to the orbiting command module .

  8. 在每次任务中都会有一位宇航员留在指令舱中,与此同时另两位宇航员会踏上月球表面。

    Each of these astronauts stayed alone in the command module while two other astronauts landed on the Moon .

  9. 政府正在为太空舱起名字,截止到2020年,连同空间站的指令舱、两个实验模块及补给舱都将完成建造。

    Names are being sought for the station , due for completion before the end of the decade , along with its command module , two laboratory modules and supply ship .

  10. 最有可能的人是阿波罗登月计划中曾待在位于月球轨道上的指令舱里的6位宇航员了,他们分别是:迈克尔•科林斯、迪克•戈登、斯图尔特•罗萨、阿尔弗莱德•沃尔登、肯•马丁利和罗纳德•埃万斯。

    The most likely suspects are the six Apollo command module pilots who stayed in lunar orbit during a Moon landing : Mike Collins , Dick Gordon , Stu Roosa , Al Worden , Ken Mattingly , and Ron Evans .

  11. 最后,飞船指令长阿姆斯特朗和美国国家宇航局的航天操控者们同意此时将登月舱“鹰”与哥伦比亚号的指令舱分离。

    Finally , spacecraft commander Armstrong and NASA flight controllers agreed it was time to separate the lander module Eagle from the command module Columbia .