
zé ǒu
  • Mate selection;choose a spouse/mate
  1. 进化心理学择偶心理机制假设的跨文化检验&以天津、Boston两地征婚启事的内容分析为例

    Verification of Evolutionary Hypothesis on Human Mate Selection Mechanism in Cross-Culture Context

  2. 最近的研究发现,除这些作用之外,OT还参与调节哺乳动物的母性行为、择偶行为及社会交往、记忆等活动。

    However , recent researches revealed that , OT can play some other roles like modulating maternal behaviour , pair-bonding social communication , and memory .

  3. 经济学家CezarSantos联合进行了一项研究,追踪1960年至2005年间人们的择偶趋势。

    and University of Mannheim economist Cezar Santos -- tracks trends from 1960 to 2005 .

  4. 凤姐频繁更新自己的新浪微博(中国版Twitter),向自己的140万粉丝发布信息。去年12月她重申了自己将择偶作为人生重心的态度。

    Ms Feng posts frequently to her 1.4 million followers on Sina Weibo - the Chinese equivalent of Twitter - and in December she reasserted her focus on finding a mate .

  5. 研究分为问卷调查与实验研究两部分。首先,40名女性和33名男性完成有关自感配偶价值评价(SPMV)和择偶偏爱策略的问卷调查,问卷调查结果是实验研究中数据分析的基线。

    Seventy-three participants ( 40 women , 33 men ) completed questionnaires concerning their self-perceived mate value ( SPMV ) and preferred mating strategy in two separate sessions , with baseline measures collected during the first stage .

  6. 后来的研究发现,人类也存在择偶复制。

    Later studies found that human mate choice copying also exists .

  7. 我的择偶观嘛,第一,要是喜欢我的;

    My view of mate-selecting : first , he likes me ;

  8. 回族婚姻择偶中的妇女外嫁禁忌

    On the Taboo of Hui Women Marrying Non-Hui Men On Marriage

  9. 十五年来中国男性择偶标准的变化

    Changes of mate selection of Chinese men in the last 15 years

  10. 当代女大学生择偶心理研究

    Psychological Study on Choosing Spouse of Contemporary College Girl Students

  11. 对择偶复制现象的研究起源于对动物族群的观察。

    Research on mate choice copying originates from the observation of animal .

  12. 对于在读女硕士生来说,择偶是她们每个人都应该考虑的问题。

    Female graduates in learning should consider the mate question .

  13. 择偶是一个很重要的心理的、文化的和社会的现象。

    Mate selection is an important psychological , cultural and social phenomenon .

  14. 当代高师大学生的择偶心理现状

    The Current Psychological Status of Students of Normal Schools in Choosing Spouses

  15. 不要把择偶的标准设为可爱或酷。

    Dont let your primary criteria be cuteness or coolness .

  16. 初婚者与再婚者择偶心理机制之比较&对西方进化心理学初/再婚择偶市场假说的检验

    Comparison between Primary and Secondary Mate Markets in China

  17. 近年来,有关青年择偶的研究越来越多。

    In recent years , more and more research about youth mate choice .

  18. 楚婚俗不拘礼法,不重媒妁,择偶缔婚形式多样而且具有自由开放的情韵。

    The Chu marriage custom was free and open .

  19. 他择偶的标准是什么?

    What kind of woman is he looking for ?

  20. 同样科技也改变不了你的择偶对象。

    Technology is also not going to change who you choose to love .

  21. 西方有关择偶启事的研究和论争

    Studies and Disputes on Personal Advertisements in the West

  22. 16~18世纪英国中上阶层的择偶标准

    Criteria of choosing spouse in English upper-and-middle class from 16th - 18th century

  23. 青年学生择偶、择友期望行为的实验研究

    An experimental study on spouse and opposite sex friends ' expectations in college students

  24. 人类择偶有自然模式。

    We have natural patterns of mate choice .

  25. Ⅵ:大学生择偶要求更加现实。

    ⅵ: The mate demands are more realistic .

  26. 此外,要从多个方面寻求择偶成功的途径。

    In addition , they should to seek mating to success from several aspects .

  27. 择偶,是家庭组建、婚姻缔结的前提条件。

    Spouse-selection is the prerequisite for family formation and the conclusion of the marriage .

  28. 谈到择偶的时候,切记以上这些事实。

    When it comes to choosing a spouse , remember some of these facts .

  29. 择偶标准不应当事先确定。

    Criteria for marriage partner are not predetermined .

  30. 本文是一篇关注当代青年择偶观的文章。

    This paper is a concern to the concept of symmetry contemporary youth article .