
  1. 这些国家也可以作为企业下一步重点考虑的投资地区。

    These countries or as an enterprise next priority investment areas .

  2. 基于产业集群的企业重点投资地区决策的仿真

    Simulation Study on Decision-Making to Key Investment Region Based on Industrial Cluster

  3. 我国高等教育财政投资地区差距的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis About Regional Disparity of Higher Education Financial Investment in China

  4. 集聚经济对外商直接投资地区分布影响的实证研究&以江苏主要城市为例

    An Empirical Analysis of the Agglomeration Economy on the Regional Distribution of FDI

  5. 农村人力资本投资地区差异的结构分解

    The Structure Decomposition of Human Capital Investment Regional Disparity

  6. 投资地区分布相对集中;

    Centralization of invest in the area ;

  7. 需要投资地区的多样化·区别化。

    Pursuing diversification in investment regions .

  8. 他表示,这只基金将专注于投资地区性商业服务公司,涉及航运与石油等领域。

    He said the fund would focus on investing in regional business services companies , in areas such as shipping and oil .

  9. 显然南部非洲对中国来说一直是一个重要投资地区,但他们关注的是其它领域,而不是原钻,其中一名高管表示。

    Clearly southern Africa has been an important investment area for China – but their focus has been on other areas , not rough diamonds , said one .

  10. 从而为从另一个新的空间的视角考察影响我国国际直接投资地区分布的因素在实证研究上做出了贡献。

    Therefore , based on a new spatial perspective , this thesis made a contribution on the empirical study of the regional distribution of the foreign direct investment .

  11. 本文最后从投资地区、投资行业和财务成果三个方面论述了电力企业利用优惠政策进行纳税筹划。

    Finally , the thesis discusses that enterprises of electric power make use of preferential policies to plan paying taxes concerning investment areas investment industry and financial results .

  12. 本章主要从实证的角度,利用面板数据模型方法分时间段分地区考察影响我国国际直接投资地区分布的因素。

    From the perspective of the empirical study , this chapter used the panel data model to analyse the impact of the factors respective for different regions and different periods .

  13. 采用面板数据的分析方法,对陕西省外商直接投资地区技术溢出效应进行总体实证分析,结果证明外资在地区层面产生了较为显著的溢出效应。

    By using the analysis method of panel data , overall analysis about FDI regional spillover effect in Shaanxi Province was carried on and it is proved that FDI has a more remarkable spillover effect .

  14. 中国经济发展的地区差距不断扩大和外商直接投资地区分布不均,是整个社会日益关注的问题,也是经济学家们致力研究的问题。

    The enlarging of regional disparity in China 's economic development and the regional imbalance of FDI are problems that attract the attention from the society as well as economists who have worked at such problems .

  15. 第三部分:对江苏省利用外资的历史回顾和特点分析,主要利用历年江苏省数据分析对项目规模;投资地区分布;投资产业的分布;引资成功率这四个方面进行统计分析。

    Part III : The historical Review of foreign capital in Jiangsu Province , which use of the historical data , including four aspects : the project scale ; investment in the regional distribution ; the distribution of investment in industry ; investment success rate .

  16. 外商直接投资、地区差异与中国经济增长

    Foreign Direct Investment , Regional Difference and China 's Economic Growth

  17. 浙商投资中部地区的特征和动因

    Features and Motives of Zhejiang Entrepreneurs ' Investment in Central China

  18. 外商投资对地区资源环境影响的机制分析

    The Mechanism Analysis of FDI Impact on Regional Resource and Environment

  19. 加强外商投资的地区导向工作;

    Strengthen the area lead work of the investment of foreign trader ;

  20. 利率上调意味着投资这些地区货币的回报率会提高。

    Higher interest rates mean better returns for those countries ' currencies .

  21. 教育投资是地区基础设施投资中的重要组成部分。

    Education investment is an important component of infrastructural investment .

  22. 外商投资与地区资本形成的东西部比较

    Comparison between FDI and Regional Capital Formation in Eastern and Western China

  23. 目的是用石油收入来投资这个地区。

    This is supposed to use oil money to invest in the area .

  24. 中国利用国外直接投资的地区差异

    Regional Disparities Analysis on China Used Foreign Direct Investment

  25. 拉美地区已取代亚太地区成为新的投资热点地区。

    Latin America has replaced the Asia-Pacific region as the new key investment region .

  26. 投资分布地区较广,但以香港、澳门和发展中国家为主;

    Abroad area distribution but mass in Hong Kong , Macao and some developing countries .

  27. 跨国公司投资与地区产业群落的互动关系研究

    Research on the Interaction Relationship between MNCs ' Investment and Development of the Regional Industrial Clusters

  28. 第四,抓紧落实鼓励外商投资中西部地区的政策。

    Fourth , further implementing the policy of encouraging foreign investment in central and western regions .

  29. 认为地点最重要的投资人,会把大多数的时间用来找出自己想要投资的地区。

    Location-based investors spend the bulk of their time identifying which areas they want to invest in .

  30. 一些人指责该基金会在将那些自身肯定不会投资的地区列入援助列表时就行动迟缓;

    Some blame the foundation for being slow to specify areas it will definitely not invest in ;