
  • 网络technical changing
  1. 技术变更管理是工程建设项目管理中的重要问题,从技术变更的内容、技术变更的处理、技术变更的控制、技术变更价款的确定、技术变更中应注意的事项等方面阐述技术变更的管理。

    The technical changing management is very important in the management of engineering construction projects . The technical changing management is described from the aspects of content , disposal , control , price determination and points for attention .

  2. IEEE软件杂志致力于为那些紧跟快速技术变更的软件从业者提供创新性思想、专家分析和各种真知灼见。

    IEEE Software Magazine offers pioneering ideas , expert analyses , and thoughtful insights for software professionals who need to keep up with rapid technology change .

  3. 因此您在技术变更方面的业务战略应该将遗留系统包括进来。

    So your business strategy for change in technology should incorporate legacy systems .

  4. 虽然要素相对价格影响着诱发的技术变更的方向,但并不是所有研究都着眼于此。

    While relative factor prices affect the directions taken by induced technological change , not all research is oriented this way .

  5. 虽然在内部将该变更宣传为简单的技术变更,但是实际上,需要一组新的行为和对整体项目前景的变更。

    Although the change was internally advertised as a simple technical change , in reality it required a new set of behavior and a change to the overall project vision .

  6. 二是确保高速铁路项目工程设计各方面的高质量,从而使项目可以顺利实施,无须做任何技术变更。

    The second would be the high level of design quality of all engineering aspects of high speed railway projects so that project implementation is carried out without any technical changes .

  7. 采用BOM技术对变更管理涉及的数据进行组织与管理,建立了数据组织模型,讨论了数据的完整性控制;

    BOM technology is adopted to manage the complex data , the data integrality control also is discussed .

  8. 统计技术的变更应由质量部按程序执行。

    Changes of statistical techniques should be conducted by Quality Dept. as per relevant procedures .

  9. 如果该变更是技术性变更,应适用行为时法。

    If the change is the alteration of technology , only the old law is applicable .

  10. 纽约时报公布了一些这次技术选型变更的细节。

    The New York Times published the some details on the technology change that took place .

  11. 我们全部知道技术是变更地多很快;身为工程师,它只是很困难持续。

    We all know how quickly technology is changing ; as engineers , it is difficult just to keep up .

  12. 论行政强制执行的主体及其监控机制统计技术的变更应由质量部按程序执行。

    On Principal Part of Administrative Compulsory Implement and Monitor Mechanism ; Changes of statistical techniques should be conducted by Quality Dept. as per relevant procedures .

  13. 在分析图书馆随着技术条件变更发生的变化的基础上,对复合图书馆的特点和发展方向进行了阐释,指明了复合图书馆的管理模式、服务方式和内容。

    After analyzing the change of library along with the changing of technical condition , this article expounded the characteristic and developing trend of hybrid library , then pointed out the real management model , service mode and content of hybrid library .

  14. 开发结果表明,基于MDA方法来开发Web应用是可行的,能较大提高开发的效率,增强系统的可维护性,提高系统对新技术和需求变更的适应能力。

    Development results showed that MDA-based approach to the development of Web applications was feasible , because it could greatly improve the development efficiency and enhance system maintainability , and it improved the capability of adapting to demand changes and new techniques .

  15. 分析了土地变更调查的必要性,传统土地变更调查的缺陷,将VRS技术用于土地变更调查的意义;

    The necessity of land changing survey , disadvantages of traditional land changing survey and the meaning of VRS technology in land changing survey are analyzed .

  16. 新的系统则是将个人信息的变更写入到网格中,然后使用write-behind技术将这些变更推到数据库中。

    The new system writes profile changes to the grid and then these changes are pushed to the database using the write-behind technology .

  17. 任何超过最大工日数、或造成培训服务或技术支持服务变更的额外服务,将由业主根据本协议附录3c中规定的承包商专家的日息率向承包商支付。

    Any additional services exceeding maximum man-days or causing the change in training services or technical support services shall be compensated by the customer to the Contractor by applying per diem rates of the specialist of the Contractor as defined in appendix3c of the agreement .

  18. 本桥技术参数发生变更,恕不另行通知。

    The technical data may be changed without prior notice .

  19. 遥感技术在土地变更调查中的应用研究

    Application Study on Remote Sensing Technology in Land Change and Update Surveying

  20. 识别每一阶段需要的技术和组织变更

    Identify technology and organization changes required for each stage

  21. 通过更新转换来完成对实现的技术架构的变更。

    Changing the technical architecture of the implementation is accomplished by updating a transformation .

  22. 日益革新的技术和不断变更的业务需求使越来越多的软件系统成为遗留系统。

    Ever-changing technology and business requirements turn more and more existing software into legacy systems .

  23. 说明:由于产品改进,技术参数的变更,恕不另行通知。

    Remark : We reserve the right to make any technical improvement without prior notice .

  24. 而考虑到商业需求和技术的持续变更,今天的改进过程可能会成为明天的阻碍过程。

    And considering the constant change of business needs and technology , what is today 's improved process may well become tomorrow 's impeding process .

  25. 您也可以合并之前显示的一些技术,如变更数据系列(例如,添加聚集视图等)。

    You can also combine some of the techniques shown earlier , like changing the data series ( add an aggregate view , for example . )

  26. 通过组织新技术施工、变更设计、索赔,以技术优势来实现开源节流,可以有效降低施工成本,充分挖掘项目的经济效益。

    It is available to organize new technologies construction , to change design , claims , and to earn more income and cut down expense by technological superiority for the achievement of effective construction cost reduction and full economic benefits of the project .

  27. 该重构造会暗示技术框架中的变更,例如,到SOA框架的移植。

    This restructuring could imply a change in the technological framework , such as a migration to an SOA framework .

  28. 首先分析了GPSPDA技术应用于土地变更调查的意义,研究了单基准站后处理差分解算、坐标转换模型。

    Firstly , the meaning of the technology of GPS PDA applied in the survey on the alteration use of land is analysed , and then the models of post processing of difference and coordinate transformation on a single base station are studied .

  29. Michele曾从事过不同类别的工作,拥有广泛的技术经验,比如变更配置管理、监视和可用性管理、IBM自主计算技术及出版行业的数字资产管理。

    Michele has broad technical experience from working on different disciplines , such as change configuration management , monitoring and availability management , IBM autonomic computing technologies , and digital asset management for the publishing industry sector .

  30. 那么,为何不借助软件开发中的技术来帮助管理变更呢?

    Why not borrow some technology from software development to help manage your changes ?