
  • 网络Seminar;China Pharm
  1. 举办高水准技术交流会,将邀请有关专家、学者,对当前行业热点问题进行研讨。

    Sophisticated technical seminar will be held and related scholars and learners asked to discuss the present hot issue in the industry .

  2. 与时俱进再创粉煤灰利用新局面&记2003年全国粉煤灰利用技术交流会

    Heading Forward Abreast of Time To Open Up New Prospect for Fly Ash Utilization & A Record of 2003 National Seminar on Fly Ash Utilization Technologies

  3. 首届中澳炼铁原料准备技术交流会

    First China-Australia Technical Exchange Conference on raw material preparation for ironmaking

  4. 展览会期间还将同时举行大型技术交流会。

    Major technical symposiums will be held concurrently during the Expo .

  5. 全国第六次热轧窄带钢生产技术交流会

    The 6th meeting on production and technology for narrow strip hot rolling

  6. 第四次全国中厚板生产技术交流会

    The Fourth National Symposium on steel plate production and technology

  7. 第二届光学薄膜技术交流会消息

    News from the Second Symposium of the Optical Film Technique

  8. 2005年全国空调与热泵节能技术交流会综述

    Review of the national air conditioning and heat pump energy technology symposium 2005

  9. 全国第六次熔融还原技术交流会

    The 6th National Conference on smelting reduction technology

  10. 冶金部1988年浇铸技术交流会简讯

    The casting technology exchanging symposium held by the Ministry of metallurgical industry in 1988

  11. 全国1000m~3以下高炉生产技术交流会在新余召开

    The meeting of ironmaking productive technology below 1000m ~ 3 BF held at Xinyu

  12. 索尼新技术交流会在京举行

    SONY New Technology Briefing Held in Beijing

  13. 第二次欧洲环境技术交流会

    Second European Conference on Environmental Technology

  14. 中国金属学会热能与热工学会有色冶金节能技术交流会会议纪要

    Summary of technical exchanging meeting of non-ferrous metallurgical saving-energy on heat and energy society , CSM

  15. 冶金部轧钢情报网第八届焊管(涂镀)生产技术交流会在张家口召开

    Eighth welded-pipe production ( plating ) symposium held by the rolling information network of metallurgy ministry in Zhangjiakou

  16. 如欲参加技术交流会可届时直接到技术交流室登记。

    Should you want to attend the seminers , please go to the seminer room directly for registration .

  17. 摩擦学学会扩大理事会暨全国摩擦学工业应用技术交流会召开

    The Convening of Enlarged Meeting of Tribology Council and National Exchange Meeting of Industrial Applied Technology of Tribology

  18. 1995年金秋之际,第二届中日建筑结构技术交流会在上海同济大学举行。

    The Second Sino-Japan Symposium on Building Structure Techniques was held at Tongji University in Shanghai in late autumn of1995 .

  19. 纵论大型设备吊装&第二届全国工程建设行业大型吊装市场研讨暨技术交流会在大连召开

    On Talking Freely of Large-type Equipment Hoisting The Large-scale Hoisting Market Seminar and Technological Exchange Meeting of the Second China National Project Construction Industry Convened in Dalian

  20. 文章作者作为中国金属学会派出的“中国线材代表团”成员,于1993年和1998年参加了在美国伍斯特市召开的第六届、第七届“摩根国际线材轧机技术交流会”。

    The author , as a member of China wire rod mill delegation sentny China metal commission , at-tended " the sixth and the seventh Interational Technical Symposium on Morgan wire rod mill " held in1993 and in1998in U.S.A.

  21. 全国第四届冷轧窄带钢生产技术经验交流会

    The 4th meeting on production and technology for narrow strip cold rolling

  22. 改进耐火材料成型设备技术经验交流会在鞍山召开

    Exchange of technical experience to improve moulding equipments for refractories

  23. 第六届全国无缝钢管生产技术经验交流会在宜昌召开

    The Sixth National Symposium on seamless steel pipe production technology held in Yichang

  24. 第九届全国无缝钢管生产技术信息交流会将于1994年10月在安徽合肥召开

    The 9th national information seminar on seamless steel tube production technology to be held in oct. , 1994 , hefei , anhui

  25. CO2焊焊接电弧的控制(全国CO2焊技术推广应用交流会论文选登)

    CONTROLLING FOR CO_2 WELDING ARC ( Selected paper from National Conference for Application of CO_2 Welding )

  26. 全国炼铁新技术应用经验交流会

    National Conference on the application of new technology in ironmaking

  27. 优质激光红宝石晶体攻关技术和经验交流会在河南召开

    Conference on key Technological Task and Exchanging Experience of High-Quality Ruby Crystal for Laser Held in Henan

  28. 周谷城是享誉海内外的著名学者与历史学家。首届海内外中华青年学者材料科学技术研讨及交流会举行

    Zhou Gucheng was a well-know historian and scholar at home and abroad . The 1st Symposium of Materials Science and Technology of Chinese Young Scientists in China and Abroad Was Held

  29. GTM沥青混合料施工技术及实验方法技术交流会简讯

    A Brief of Technical Exchange Conference on GTM Asphalt Mixture Construction

  30. 德国板材表面装饰高新技术启动中国市场&全国人造板装饰技术交流会综述

    High Tech of Germany Board Surface Decoration Triggers Chinese Markets