
pī pínɡ jiào yù
  • criticism and education
  1. 一部分是犯错误的革命者,包括党员和非党工作人员,应当用批评教育的方法来改造他们。

    And revolutionaries , including Party members and non-Party personnel , who have made mistakes and who should therefore be remoulded through criticism and education .

  2. 60.8%认为大学生发生婚前性行为学校不应给予任何处理,26.9%认为学校可以私下批评教育。

    60.8 % thought school should not give any punishment to the students who had premarital behaviors , and 26.9 % students agreed to give criticism and education in private by university .

  3. 在4月25日召开的最近一次会议中,他批评教育部长安德烈富尔先科(andreifursenko),学术界与私营部门之间协调不畅。

    At its last meeting on April 25 , he took Andrei Fursenko , education minister , to task for poor co-ordination between academia and the private sector .

  4. 对其他从事服务的工作人员及参赌金额较小的其他涉案人员进行了批评教育。

    In the service of other staff and a smaller amount gambled other people involved were criticized .

  5. 他还批评教育体制尤其是标准化的测试高效率却没有实际作用。

    And he criticized the education system - and standardized testing in particular - for being efficient but not effective .

  6. 提出要通过正面引导教育和批评教育的方法来加强基本道德教育,使高校道德教育真正落到实处。

    In addition , it covers the correct way to guidance , encouragement and criticism to have moral education in practice .

  7. 对高校图书馆违规读者进行批评教育的工作艺术违反这些规则者将受罚。

    The Working Art of Criticizing the Readers Who Breaks the Rules in the University Library Disregard of these regulations will be punished .

  8. 执法人员对涉嫌赌博的电玩城游戏厅业主现场进行了批评教育,并责令其立即停业接受调查处理。

    Law enforcement officers suspected of gambling games gaming city hall owners had criticized the education field , and ordered its immediate closure of investigation and treatment .

  9. 通过事后的争吵余则成发现,翠平的鲁莽与大胆绝不是批评教育可以解决的,而他又无法将她送走。

    After all the arguments pertaining to this incident , Yu discovered he could neither teach or change Cupping 's boldness and recklessness , nor send her away .

  10. 拒绝协助代表执行代表职务的,有关单位应当予以批评教育,直至给予行政处分。

    Any one , who refuses to assist a representative in the performance of functions , shall be given criticism , inculcation or administrative sanction by the related unit .

  11. 第二十五条专利代理人有下列行为之一,情节轻微的,由其所在的专利代理机构给予批评教育。

    Article 25 For one of the following offenses on the part of patent agents , relevant patent agencies may criticize the offenders if the cases are not serious ;

  12. 三是对存在网络游戏低俗推广现象的企业,要约谈企业负责人,进行批评教育,责令改正。

    Thirdly , for those online games companies which promote their vulgar prodducts , we need to have a serious talk with their heads and criticize and educate them , requiring them to correct .

  13. 认为医务人员收受药品回扣以批评教育为主,必要时给予行政处分,甚至吊销其职业医师(药师)资格而免除刑事处罚是妥当而合法的。

    In the case of medical staffs ' receiving rebate , the punishments inclued improving medical ethics education , giving criticism and necessary administrative punishment , even cancelling their qualification of license physician ( apothecary ), while exempting their crime punishment is legal .

  14. 批评是教育中常用的一种重要方法,也是一种不可缺少的方法。

    Criticism is an important means in the education and also an indispensable method .

  15. 如果党员不遵守党员所应尽的义务,党的组织必须迅速地给予批评和教育。

    When a Party member fails to fulfil his duties , the Party organization should promptly criticize and educate him .

  16. “事实上,上个大学什么都不能保证,”张明说。作为一名政治学家,他批评中国教育制度也是直言不讳。

    " College essentially provided them with nothing ," said Zhang Ming , a political scientist and vocal critic of China 's education system .

  17. 统一战线的原则有两个:第一个是团结,第二个是批评、教育和改造。

    There are two principles for the united front : the first is to unite , and the second is to criticize , educate and transform .

  18. 首先通过对教育批评的教育基础和社会基础的分析,然后确立了教育批评建构的价值取向。

    First of all , analyze the education and social foundations of educational criticism , and then set the value orientation of the construction of educational criticism .

  19. 第二章质性课程评价模式研究主要审视了三种有代表性的课程评价模式即回应模式、解释模式、教育批评和教育鉴赏模式。

    " 2 2 Models of Qualitative Evaluation " explored three representative models : responsive evaluation model , illuminative evaluation model , and educational criticism & educational connoisseurship model .

  20. 因此,当党员初次违背自己的义务的时候,及时地给予批评和教育,常常可以帮助他们不再犯类似的错误,或者不使小错误发展为大错误。

    Therefore , when a Party member fails in his duties for the first time , timely criticism and education are often sufficient to help him avoid making similar or bigger mistakes in future .

  21. 艾丽斯·沃克是美国20世纪末期著名的黑人女诗人、小说家和散文家,广泛涉足文学、文化批评、教育、法律和美国社会、政治问题;

    Alice Walker is a famous black woman poet , novelist and prose writer in America at the end of the 20 ~ ( th ) century , who makes influences in the development of literary and cultural criticism , education , law and American social and political issues .

  22. 审视与批评:开放教育教学过程的质量管理

    Survey and Criticism : Quality Management of Open Education Teaching Process

  23. 第四部分:回应:教育批评引发的教育反思。

    The forth path studied the response of education to educational criticism .

  24. 它的产生机理是教育批评主体对教育病理现象和问题所进行的探索和反思活动,以及在此基础上对教育功能的重新思考。

    Exploring and reflecting education pathology phenomena and rethought education function urged the appearance of educational criticism .

  25. 也许发达国家的教育比较完善,也许批评中国的教育制度太容易。

    It may be true that China 's education system is less developed and therefore offers fewer opportunities .

  26. 我得到的最常见的批评是:教育项目为美国而教如何?

    And one of the most common criticisms I got went like this : What about Teach for America ?

  27. 这个时候,你要告诉他,如果他顶嘴或批评你的教育方式,那就立马从自行车上下来。

    Tell him that , if he back-talks you or criticizes your parenting , he can get off his bike !

  28. 最后结合目前的实际情况,对圆形设计批评在设计教育中的必要性问题作了有益的思考。

    According to the facts of design education in China , the necessity of applying Round Criticism to education is discussed instructively lastly .

  29. 对“形”的知觉心理在艺术形式建构过程中的作用研究,在艺术批评和审美教育中深具意义。

    The study of the role of perception psychology in the changing of art form has great meaning in the art critics and aesthetic education .

  30. 设计批评与设计教育&将设计批评引入专业基础理论课程的初步探讨植物学网络课程在线评课系统的设计

    Design Criticism and Design Education & A study of introducing design criticism into basic design courses Design of On-line Lesson Evaluation System for Botany Network Teaching