
fú yǎnɡ fèi
  • alimony;cost of support;cost of maintenance;aliment
  1. 但是,我们认为这是他使用的烟幕来掩盖他为了一个年轻女人而跟太太离婚的计划。说他太太有外遇就可以使他不用付他太太大笔扶养费。

    But we think this is nothing but a smoke screen for his plan to divorce her for a younger woman and save paying her a lot of alimony .

  2. 提出以离婚后扶养费制度取代原有离婚经济帮助制度,完善我国的离婚救济制度。

    Proposed system after divorce alimony divorce financial assistance to replace the original system and improve the relief system of divorce in China .

  3. 第四十八条对拒不执行有关扶养费、抚养费、赡养费、财产分割、遗产继承、探望子女等判决或裁定的,由人民法院依法强制执行。

    Article 48 In cases where the person refuses to abide by judgements or rulings on maintenance , upbringing or support payments , or on the division or inheritance of property , or on visits to children , the people 's court shall enforce the execution of the judgements or rulings according to law .

  4. 法院推定扶养费是按时支付的。

    The court presumes the maintenance payments are being paid on time .

  5. 葛林先生被判犯了四条重婚罪,以及一条未支付子女扶养费的罪行。

    Mr. Green was convicted on four counts of bigamy and one count of failure to pay child support .

  6. 除非另其规定,本判决中任何有关配偶或家庭扶养费的支付,只有在受款人死亡之后方可终止

    Any payment for spousal or family support contained in this judgment shall terminate upon the death of the payee unless otherwise provided

  7. 在扶贫项目中应用参与式方法的实践与体会追索赡养费、扶养费、抚育费以及解除收养关系案件的一方当事人死亡的。

    Practice and Reflection on Participatory Poverty Alleviation ; Where the litigant of one party dies in a case involving the claiming of alimony or costs of support or upbringing , or termination of relations of adoption .

  8. 对遗弃家庭成员,受害人提出请求的,人民法院应当依法作出支付扶养费、养费、养费的判决。

    If , in regard to the desertion of one family member by another , the victim makes a request , the people 's court shall pass a judgment on the effecting of maintenance , upbringing and support payments according to law .

  9. 一方不履行扶养义务时,需要扶养的一方,有要求对方付给扶养费的权利。

    If one party fails to perform this duty , the party in need of maintenance shall have the right to demand maintenance payments from the other party .

  10. 在修改婚姻法或者制订民法典亲属编时,应当从扶养权利人扶养需要的变化、扶养义务人经济能力的变化、扶养费变更的溯及力以及额外开支的特殊问题等方面加以规定。

    The future marriage law or the civil code should have the provisions about the variety of the debtee 's need , the variety of the debtor 's economic ability , the scope of validity of the alteration of maintenance and the special problem of the additional expenditure etc.