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zhí fǎ ɡuān
  • marshal;law enforcement officer;lawman;military judge
  1. 家庭暴力是执法官最难应付的案件之一。吾心目中认为有价值之一切中国优秀作家,皆排斥笔法之说。

    Domestic violence is one of the most dangerous calls that a law enforcement officer has to make . All good Chinese writers who to my mind are worth anything have repudiated it .

  2. 有些地方执法官滥用逮捕权进行逼供。

    Some magistrates have abused their powers of arrest to extort confessions .

  3. 作为一名执法官,我必须尽职。

    In my capacity as an officer of the law , I must do my duty .

  4. 相比之下,圣安东尼奥的一名地方执法官宣布实施的历时6月的GPS跟踪计划则更让人难以接受,他规定旷课学生需要像罪犯一样戴上沉重的GPS脚环。

    A San Antonio justice of the peace championed a program where truant students would wear thick , GPS-equipped ankle bracelets for six months like criminals .

  5. 执法官如果我知道的话,你现在已经知道答案了。

    However , we will tell you about two of them .

  6. 一个执法官本身受到人们的尊敬。

    A law officer , such as a sheriff or marshal .

  7. 狄龙警长是当地唯一的执法官。

    Marshal Dillon was the only law enforcement the territory had .

  8. 执法官不得不亲笔记下了全部证词。

    The magistrate had to write all the evidence down in longhand .

  9. 执法官这不是我可以回答的问题。

    Keeper of the Law That is not for me to know .

  10. 他是国王的御前执法官,王家刽子手。伊林·派恩爵士。

    Ser Ilyn Payne , the King 's Justice . The royal executioner .

  11. 法庭或法官的司法权权威和权限仅次于郡治安官的执法官。

    The jurisdiction of a law court or judge .

  12. 喔,事实上我们不是真的执法官。

    Oh , acacally , we 're noreally marshals .

  13. 那你呢,你是一个执法官。

    What about you ? You were a lawman .

  14. 她猛然冲上前去,但是执法官用手臂拦住了她。

    She started violently forward , but the sheriff 's arm checked her .

  15. 他们既不知道有审判官,也不知道有执法官。

    Neither judge nor bailiff is known there .

  16. 我戴着手铐,被联邦执法官带往圣菲县成人管教所。

    The federal marshals took me away in handcuffs to the Santa Fe County Adult Correctional facility .

  17. 又过了一会,法官驾到,执法官就宣布开庭。

    There was another pause , and then the judge arrived and the sheriff proclaimed the opening of the court .

  18. 执法官们设计了各种方案诱鱼上钩,试图诱捕他们,特别是较为活跃的里奇。

    Marshals have designed tantalizing schemes to nab them , especially rich , who is the more active of the two .

  19. 约翰逊县执法官迈克瑞斯说,这是我见过的最糟糕的案件。他已经在当地的执法部门工作了27年。

    It 's the worst thing I 've ever seen , said Johnson County Sheriff Mike Reece , who has worked in local law enforcement for 27 years .

  20. 洛杉矶县副执法官奥拉-西耶拉说,已收到发生第三次雪崩的消息,据说有三人失踪。

    A third avalanche also was reported and as many as three people were believed to be missing , said Los Angeles County sheriff 's Deputy Aura Sierra .

  21. 他焦虑万分,生怕在越过国境线的第一站,或者是在纽约火车站,会有一个执法官在等着他。

    He was greatly agitated lest at the first station across the border or at the depot in New York there should be waiting for him an officer of the law .

  22. 纹章为椭圆形,上绘有大革命时期流行的标志之一&束棒,这是古罗马高级执法官用的权标,是权威的象征。

    Coat of arms for the oval , the painted one of the symbols popular during the Great Revolution-beam rods , which is senior Roman magistrate with the power standard , is a symbol of authority .

  23. 1.法律的实施;执法市司法官美国市法律执行官员,负责实施法庭命令

    A city law enforcement officer in the United States who carries out court orders .