
fánɡ wū suǒ yǒu quán
  • housing ownership;ownership of housing;title to houses
  1. 补偿标准低,房屋所有权人的参与性少,补偿主要由政府和开发商主导。

    Compensation is low , housing ownership less participatory , compensation led primarily by government and developers .

  2. 土地使用权期限与房屋所有权完整性的探讨

    Probing into the Relations Between the Term of Land Use Right and the Integrity of Housing Ownership

  3. 拥有房屋所有权者人数减少的趋势可能会持续。

    The downward trend in home ownership is likely to continue .

  4. 房地产设典的权利为房屋所有权。

    Estate sets the right of allusion to be building droit .

  5. 像房屋所有权这样的事要观察起来就困难得多,

    Something like homeownership is much more difficult to see ,

  6. 这个问题有关房屋所有权:

    So this one 's now asking about homeownership :

  7. 一房二卖中房屋所有权的归属是根本性问题。

    The ascription of the proprietorship of the house is the basic matter .

  8. 而对于许多人来说,这是他们持有房屋所有权的最后机会。

    And for many , it 's their last hope for home ownership .

  9. 国有土地使用权被抵押和房屋所有权的关系是什么?

    What is is state-owned land access mortgaged and the relation of building droit ?

  10. 本章对各法律关系中房屋所有权的认定标准进行了归纳和阐述。

    This chapter of the legal relationship of the Criterion of house ownership are summarized and described .

  11. 这是中国第一次要求房屋所有权记录作为贷款条件。

    It was the first time China has required home ownership records as part of lending criteria .

  12. 国家实行土地使用权和房屋所有权登记发证制度。

    The State shall practise a system of registration and certification for land-use right and ownership of houses .

  13. 但今天的故事是不同的,作为房屋所有权者已成为许多人难以实现的梦想。

    But it is a different story today , as home ownership has become an elusive dream for many .

  14. 房屋所有权人必须遵守国家法律和政府有关房产管理的各项规定。

    The Owner of the property must obey the pertinent national legislation and governmental provisions about the real estate adm.

  15. 第三人不能取得房屋所有权时,其与出租人之间的合同仍然有效。

    Third , when people cannot obtain home ownership , with the contract between the lessor is still valid .

  16. 第一章房屋所有权争议概述,为本文的逻辑出发点。

    The first chapter gives an overview of real estate ownership disputes , which is the logical starting point .

  17. 与房屋所有权一样,教育被视为美国梦的一个重要组成部分。

    Education , like home ownership , is a deemed to be a crucial part of the American dream .

  18. 因为20%预付款已经是产业标准,这会让那些想拥有房屋所有权的购房人继续发愁。

    Sadly for those who deferred the gratification of homeownership , the20 % down payment has now become industry standard .

  19. 房地产抵押,应当凭土地使用权证书、房屋所有权证书办理。

    The mortgage of real estate shall be made upon the presentation of the land use certificate and housing property title certificate .

  20. 所以我们还原了我们的启发法,关于我们自认为有多少人拥有房屋所有权的偏差。

    so we revert to our own heuristics , our own biases about how many people we think own their own homes .

  21. 税务局:这意味着你们是以转让无形资产换取房屋所有权。

    Tax official : you mean that your company tra fer the right to use land in exchange for the ownership of the housing .

  22. 树立私权理念是正确解决城市建设与房屋所有权保护之间利益冲突的重要基础。

    Creating the concept of private right is an important basis for settling the interest conflicts between city construction and protection of the house ownership .

  23. 房屋所有权意味着对你的未来做了一次投资,此外也表示将承诺扎根于此,至少也会是一段时间。

    Home ownership means making an investment in your future , but it also means committing to stay put , at least for a while .

  24. 公民申请房屋所有权登记,必须使用户籍姓名,不得使用化名、别名或假名。

    The citizen applies for building droit to register , must use census register full name , do not get use alias , alias or anonym .

  25. 主要的问题集中在投资额变化引发争议、房屋所有权归属、合作各方的利润分配、第三人违约及责任承担这几个方面。

    The main problems are concentrated in the disputes over investment , the ownership of the building , the share of the profit and the responsibility of the investors .

  26. 人民法院、行政机关对土地使用权、房屋所有权依法实施财产保全等限制措施;

    The people 's court or an administrative organ exercises , according to law , restrictive measures such as property preservation on land-use rights and ownership of a house ;

  27. 在美国,房屋所有权已被广泛接受的最好租在许多情况下,尤其是在长期的所有权预计将至少五年。

    Among Americans , home ownership is widely accepted as preferable to renting in many cases , especially when the ownership term is expected to be at least five years .

  28. 证件不全或房屋所有权不清楚的,暂缓登记,待条件成熟后办理。

    If the aforesaid certifying documents are incomplete or the ownership of the houses in question is uncertain , the registration procedures shall be postponed until conditions are ripe for registration .

  29. 如果能同时成功地提供人们需要的权属选择,弥合因资产状况造成的房屋所有权鸿沟,那么未来将有很不错的10年,巴恩斯说。

    If it is as successful in providing the choice of tenure that people need and bridging the equity gap to home ownership , it will be a good decade , says Barnes .

  30. 从法理以及实际利用的角度讲,房屋所有权与作为房屋所有权存在基础的土地使用权只能归属于同一主体。

    In the legal theory as well as the actual use point of view , Housing ownership right and land-use rights which is the basis of housing ownership right can only belong to a person .