
  • war film;war movie;War;War piece
  1. 这是一部很平庸的战争片。

    It 's just a run-of-the-mill war film .

  2. 这部战争片将在波士顿、亚特兰大、芝加哥、丹佛以及美国和加拿大的其他几个城市的90多家指定影院上映。

    The war film will be released in over 90 selected theaters in Boston , Atlanta , Chicago , Denver and a few other cities across the U.S. and Canada .

  3. 以男性为主角的战争片和传记片也属于男性催泪影片。

    War movies and biographical films of a male character tend to also be guy-cry films .

  4. 你喜欢什么电影?B:我喜欢浪漫喜剧片。我喜欢动作惊险片。我也喜欢战争片。

    I like romantic comedies . I love action thrillers . I also like war movies .

  5. 这部3D战争片的男主人公冷锋(吴京饰)是个痞性十足的特种兵。一次突击行动中他违抗军令打死了毒枭,被开除出队。

    The 3-D war epic centers on Leng Feng , an insubordinate special forces soldier who is expelled from the army because he disobeys orders and shoots a drug lord during an assault mission .

  6. 据说弗朗索瓦·特吕弗(FrançoisTruffaut)曾经说过,根本就没有“反战电影”这种东西,因为任何战争片都会让打斗看起来很有意思,但这不是真的,甚至有很多电影会把死亡变成可以轻松消费的奇观。

    Fran ç ois Truffaut is said to have observed that there 's no such thing as an antiwar movie because all war movies make combat look fun , which isn 't true , even if many turn death into easy-to-consume spectacles .

  7. 我讨厌战争片,5频道演什么?

    I hate war films . what 's on channel five ?

  8. 总的来说,我不喜欢恐怖片,也不喜欢战争片。

    Generally , I don 't like horror and fighting movies .

  9. 意象建构与意识形态操纵&当代好莱坞战争片意识形态分析

    Ideology of Contemporary Hollywood War Films Ideology and Ideological Criticism in Film

  10. 马克:京晶,你有很多战争片啊!

    Mark : Jingjing , you have a lot of war movies .

  11. 我之前不知道你对战争片这么感兴趣。

    I didn 't know you were into those .

  12. 京晶:午餐时你还想继续谈论战争片吗?

    Dialogue 2 Do you still wanna talk about war movies over lunch ?

  13. 并非所有的男孩子都喜欢战争片。

    Every boy is not fond of war films .

  14. 但是战争片有时候不得不展现血淋淋的场面。

    But war movies have to show that sometimes .

  15. 你大老远拖我到这里来看战争片?

    You dragged me all the way out here to watch a war movie ?

  16. 不是每部战争片都很精彩。

    Not all of those are great movies .

  17. 此地的影片千篇一律:有战争片、西部片和侦探片。

    The movies here are the same : war stories , westerns , and mysteries .

  18. 战争片是展现一个人好与坏的最好的方式。

    War dramas are a perfect way to bring out the best and the worst in people .

  19. 吉胜严告诉记者,郑婆婆还喜欢看电视,特别是武打片和战争片。

    Ji told the reporter that Zheng enjoys watching TV , especially Kung Fu and war series .

  20. 战争片常常会激起人们心中的爱国情,《战狼》也不例外。

    War films are known to arouse a sense of patriotism , and Wolf Warriors is no different .

  21. 向你的孩子所在的学前班的教师们就对待战争片和玩具武器的办法征询一下意见。

    Ask the teachers of your child 's preschool about their policy on war play and toy weapons .

  22. 马克:我们对战争片的态度一模一样。那你最喜欢哪部片子?

    Mark : I 'm the same way with war movies . Which one do you like best ?

  23. 战争片在全世界一直都很受欢迎,无论是以电影还是电视剧的形式。

    War dramas have always been popular around the world , on both the big and the small screen .

  24. 好吧,西部片、探险片、战争片或者科幻片,你最喜欢哪种?

    Well , western , adventure , war or science fiction movies , which of them do you like best ?

  25. 科幻电影《阿凡达》和战争片《拆弹部队》各自获得本年度奥斯卡金像奖九项提名。

    Science-fiction film Avatar and war movie The Hurt Locker lead the way at this year 's Academy Awards with nine nominations each .

  26. 玛格丽特:你在开玩笑吧!你大老远拖我到这里来看战争片?

    Margaret : You 've got to be kidding ! You dragged me all the way out here to watch a war movie ?

  27. 我小时候看了许多电影,战争片都把美国人拍得很坏。

    I watched a lot of movies when I was young , and the ones about the war made Americans look very bad .

  28. 从家庭事业的标准来衡量,约翰尼·方腾是否得到那部战争片中他所梦寐以求的角色,只是小事一桩。

    By family business standards whether Johnny Fontanel got his coveted part in the war movie , or did not , was a minor matter .

  29. 的坚毅和信仰,弱化了以往战争片对于人物的符号化描写和民族精神的形式化表现。

    With the weakened symbolism in portraying characters and the nation 's patriotic spirit forsaken , Assembly tried but failed to depict the solders'fortitude and belief .

  30. 第一章阐述了新中国战争片五十年间持续繁荣的社会历史依据和在这种独特的创作环境下创作主体的创作理念。

    Chapter ⅰ investigates the historical foundation of a fifty-year prosperity of new China war pictures and reveals the production theory of the filmmakers under this special circumstances .