
  • 网络WarGames;Wargame;Wargaming;war game
  1. 战争游戏法是企业竞争情报有效的分析和预测方法之一。

    Wargaming is one of the effective methods of the analysis and forecast in corporate competitive intelligence .

  2. 皆在能够促进我国对战争游戏法的理论研究和实践的应用。

    We hope this study could promote both the theoretical study and the practical study of wargaming in China .

  3. 《看管人》:规训社会中权力与战争游戏的隐喻

    The Caretaker : A Metaphor of Power Struggles in a Disciplinary Society

  4. 基于四角模型的战争游戏法分析框架研究

    Research on War Game Analysis Framework Based on the Four Components Model

  5. 军营属于战争游戏的一个重要场景,也是玩家的休息之地。

    Barracks are an important scene of war games is the player to rest .

  6. 准备好所有关于战争游戏的程序。

    Prepare all programs for war games .

  7. 军事狂人重演越南战争游戏。

    Military enthusiasts begin re-enacting Vietnam War .

  8. 竞争情报战争游戏法研究

    Study on the Wargaming in Competitive Intelligence

  9. 这些计划也许会让外交战争游戏玩家兴奋不已。

    Such schemes may excite diplomatic war-gamers .

  10. 还有战争游戏以及手拿各式武器的人快速追击的镜头。

    War games and high-speed pursuits by characters with guns and weapons of all kinds .

  11. 但是,我们的战争游戏的成功,取决于美国是否伴随着它。

    But the success of our war game depends on whether Washington goes along with it .

  12. 询问一下孩子们学前班的老师,听听他们对于战争游戏和武器玩具的观点。

    Ask the teachers of your child 's preschoolabout their policy on war play and toy weapons .

  13. 在生日聚会上,我的小外甥一直都在玩我电脑上的一款模拟战争游戏。

    During the celebration my young nephew spent the entire time on my computer playing a simulated war game .

  14. 人们在玩角色扮演游戏或者战争游戏时,经常会把很多的时间花费在掷骰子上。

    People who play role-playing games , or war games , often spend a lot of time rolling dice .

  15. 里根对《战争游戏》的关注令威尔的忧虑得以第一次进入最高决策圈。

    Reagan 's screening of " WarGames " brought Mr. Ware 's concerns into high policy-making circles for the first time .

  16. 假如你的孩子对战争游戏和武器着迷的话,那么控制他看电视就是个好办法。

    If your child appears to be crazy about war play and weapons , it would be a good idea to control his viewing .

  17. 他继续跟一个书中没有仔细描述的当地人玩战争游戏,那人不知道是否计划杀死跟他竞赛的乌多。

    He continues to play his war game with a sketchy local character who may or may not have plans to kill his opponent .

  18. 在全面战争游戏里,电影将首次展示一个间谍如何试图渗透据点和敌人的军队。

    For the first time in a Total War game , there are now movies showing a spy 's attempts at infiltrating settlements and enemy armies .

  19. 《英雄联盟》和《遗迹保卫战2》都是多人在线竞技游戏,这种动作策略战争游戏通常由五人小组对战。

    League of Legends and DOTA 2 are both Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas or Mobas , action strategy war games typically involving two opposing teams of five individuals .

  20. 出于练习的目的,我们假装没人玩过这个游戏,也没有人看过战争游戏。

    Let 's pretend , for the purposes of the exercise , that no one has ever played this before , and no one has watched War Games .

  21. 等等,我们说的可不是《战争游戏》中的一些场面,而是大家的电脑火力全开地攻击一个国家的电子设施。

    No , we 're not talking about a scene out of the movie " WarGames , " we 're talking an all-out attack on a nation 's electronic infrastructure .

  22. 朝鲜甚至威胁在韩国和美国上个月的战争游戏中的一次先发制人的核打击。这些行动已经结束,但似乎边缘政策不是这样。

    North Korea even threatened a preemptive nuclear strike during South Korean and U.S. war games last month . Those maneuvers are over , but it seems the brinkmanship is not .

  23. 他解释说,你可以把异常状况搞得像“战争游戏”,但每一次的答案只有一个:刹车,并希望对孩子的伤害降到最小。

    You can " war game " anomalies , he explains , but each time , the only answer is to brake and hope for the least damage to the child .

  24. 少数几个超英勇的现役女性对《简氏超大杀伤力步兵武器指南》爱不释手,或把周末泡在战争游戏里,这没有什么错。

    There 's nothing wrong with a handful of super-tough modern-day GI Janes being hooked on Jane 's Guide to Extra Lethal Infantry Weapons , or wasting their weekends playing war games ;

  25. 本文阐述了企业竞争情报战争游戏法的定义、由来、目标、适用范围、实施的主要步骤以及战争游戏法的等级、主要成果等,并且对战争游戏法进行了案例分析。

    The concept , the origin and the aim of wargaming as well as the scope , the main process , the rank , the main production and the case study of wargaming are studied in this paper .

  26. 《战争游戏》中的情节引起了里根的好奇心,结果就是第一个强化电脑安全性的国家政策出台,而这些情节很大程度要归功于那个第一次提出警告,说电脑非常容易遭受攻击的人,这是非常适宜的。

    It 's fitting that the scenario of " WarGames " - which aroused Reagan 's curiosity and led to the first national policy on reducing the vulnerability of computers - owed a crucial debt to the man who 'd first warned that they were vulnerable .

  27. 如果你看人生是一场战争或游戏,你会看重输赢。

    If you see life as a battle or a game , winning will be very important to you .

  28. 注意:在太平洋战争这个游戏里面瞄准一个供给范围外的基地当你的航母来到攻击距离内的时候飞机将自动攻击。

    Note : In WitP you can target a base that is out of range and when your carriers come within range , the aircraft will attack .

  29. 从文体构成来看,玄幻小说融合了武侠、科幻、军事战争、网络游戏等多种文艺形式中的传奇元素。

    In the form , the novel combines various legendary elements in wu shu , science fictions , military wars and cyber games .

  30. 棋类游戏表面上似乎隐喻着战争(棋类游戏拥有骑士、城堡和国王),但其实质却是训练玩家的空间控制、揣摩对手心思、玩虚实和谋略之类。

    Chess appears to be vaguely about war ( it has knights and castles and kings ), but it 's really a game of controlling space , of reading the opponent 's mind , of trickery and tactics and so on .