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yōu lǜ
  • worried;concerned;fearful;apprehensive;anxious;trouble;distress;disquiet;grief;agitation;perturbation;heartache
忧虑 [yōu lǜ]
  • [worried;anxious;concerned] 忧愁思虑

  • 他们为日常生活开支高昂而忧虑

  • 常多忧虑。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

忧虑[yōu lǜ]
  1. 对变革有忧虑不过是人之常情。

    It 's only human nature to be worried about change .

  2. 她在忧虑时仍然会吸吮大拇指。

    She still sucks her thumb when she 's worried .

  3. 你没有理由忧虑未来。

    You have no reason to be apprehensive of the future .

  4. 犯罪率日益增长令人忧虑。

    There is anxiety about the rising tide of crime .

  5. 公众对新型列车的安全深感忧虑。

    There is considerable public disquiet about the safety of the new trains .

  6. 人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。

    There is growing concern about violence on television .

  7. 他眼中透露出忧虑的神色。

    There was a haunted look in his eyes .

  8. 报告表达了对失业率居高不下的忧虑。

    The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment .

  9. 他不无忧虑地观察选举结果。

    He watched the election results with some apprehension .

  10. 消费者对未来非常忧虑。

    Consumers are very nervous about the future .

  11. 教师对这些变化表示忧虑。

    Teachers have expressed concern about the changes .

  12. 人们普遍对在保护区修建新的房屋感到忧虑。

    There is widespread concern that new houses will be built on protected land .

  13. 他无法掩饰对局势演变的忧虑。

    He was unable to hide his unease at the way the situation was developing .

  14. 你要是担心自己的健康,就把你的忧虑告诉医生吧。

    If you 're worried about your health , share your anxieties with your doctor .

  15. 战争的阴影在逼近,令人忧虑。

    The prospect of war loomed large .

  16. 这个决定让我们忧虑不堪。

    The decision occasioned us much anxiety .

  17. 唯一的忧虑是他们可能要搬家。

    The only dark cloud on the horizon was that they might have to move house .

  18. 她知道你哥哥的失踪让你有多忧虑。

    She knows how your brother 's disappearance weighs upon you .

  19. 部长们表达了对持续进行的种族清洗的忧虑。

    The ministers expressed dismay at the continued practice of ethnic cleansing

  20. 社会失衡比收入不公平更令他忧虑。

    Social imbalance worries him more than inequity of income .

  21. 他对教会中日益增强的自由主义倾向心存忧虑。

    He was concerned over growing liberalism in the Church .

  22. 这种报道势必会引发忧虑。

    Reports of this kind are guaranteed to cause anxiety

  23. 我们搞不明白是什么使他忧虑不安。

    We could not see what had alarmed him .

  24. 上面说这张照片可能引起公众的忧虑和反感。

    It says the photograph is likely cause distress and offence to the public

  25. 首相对按揭费用上涨的忧虑置之不理。

    The Prime Minister swept aside concern about the rising cost of mortgages .

  26. 我们的治疗师会教你如何消除心中的忧虑。

    Our therapists will show you how to clear your mind of worries .

  27. 米勒对这位严肃剧作家在美国的命运颇为忧虑。

    Miller is gloomy about the fate of the serious playwright in America .

  28. 股票价格和交易因人们对战争的忧虑而走低。

    Share prices and trading have been dulled by worries over the war .

  29. 你怎么解释这家公司高得令人忧虑的人员流动率?

    How do you account for the company 's alarmingly high staff turnover ?

  30. 许多社论对该国经济的混乱状况表示忧虑。

    Many editorials express their anxieties about the economic chaos in the country .