
jiàn shè chénɡ shì
  • build a city
  1. 研究结果表明:在类似沂水县的经济欠发达地区,采用BOT模式建设城市污水处理厂是可行的。

    On the other hand , to reuse wastewater and sludge . The study has made clear that : it 's feasible to adopt BOT mode to build city sewage treatment plant in underdeveloped areas similar to Yishui county .

  2. 山东东营:舞动规划龙头建设城市大绿地

    Dong Ying : Giving Leading Role to Planning , Building Green Urban Areas

  3. 建设城市地理信息系统对我国城市现代化进程具有重大的作用和影响。

    Constructing city geography information system has great role and influence in China 's urbanization .

  4. 建设城市循环经济体系是全人类在21世纪努力追求的一个重要目标。

    To build Urban Recycling Economy System will be a significant object much pursued by human beings in the 21st century .

  5. 由于城市用水量的不断扩大,所以大力推广和建设城市建筑中水工程已势在必行。

    Since cities need more and more water , the mid-water engineering in cities should be built quickly and extended energetically .

  6. 建设城市防汛防旱指挥信息管理系统是新形势下的防洪工作的必要手段。

    Under new circumstances , it is an necessary measure to build the command information management system of flood and drought prevention in cities .

  7. 最后结合西方发达国家经验,分析了我国发行市政债券建设城市基础设施的必要性和有效性。

    Finally , integrating the developed country , the author analyzes its necessary and validity issuing local public bonds for municipal infrastructure construction in China .

  8. 建设城市绿地的目的是要求城市绿地系统为城市提供各种生态服务。

    The purpose of the building of urban green space requirements of urban green space system is to provide all kinds of urban ecological services .

  9. 当前,追求人与自然、人与社会之间的和谐,建设城市和谐社会已在我国城市建设中蓬勃开展。

    Currently , seeking the harmony between the human being & nature and society , and constructing the harmonious society in the city have been launched vigorously .

  10. 第三十九条城市人民政府应当配套建设城市生活垃圾清扫、收集、贮存、运输、处置设施。

    Article 39 Urban people 's governments shall build supporting installations for the cleaning up , collection , storage , transportation and treatment of urban house refuse .

  11. 随着我国大力发展和建设城市轨道交通,其在公共交通体系中所扮演的角色越来越重要。

    With the vigorous development and rapid construction of urban rail transit , it plays a more and more important role in the public transport system in China .

  12. 逐步改造城市与企业物流系统,建设城市物流中心,建设企业或社会化配送中心,强化物流硬件与物流软件的建设,推进各类物流装备的现代化;

    Reforming the cities ' and enterprises ' logistics system , establishing logistics center and social distribution center . To realize the modernization of logistics facilities step by step .

  13. 本文从多角度归纳和分析城市设计理论思潮的发展,说明城市设计如何在建设城市和城市生活中发挥作用。

    This paper sums up and analyses the trends of urban design theories from multi-angle of view , so as to understand how urban design exerts in the process of city and city life construction .

  14. 通过对城市绿地系统发展过程的研究,认为面向生态城市的城市绿地系统规划的关键在于建设城市生态绿地系统。

    Through the research on the development stages of the green space system , it was considered that the key for the planning of the urban green space system towards eco-city is to construct urban ecological green space system .

  15. 实施城市经营战略,是城市政府适应国家经济体制变化所走的一条建设城市、完善城市功能和发展城市经济的必由之路。

    To carry out the strategy of urban management is the only way of constructing cities , perfecting urban functions and developing urban economy , which makes urban government to fit in with the transformation of national economic system .

  16. 介绍建设城市停车诱导系统的意义及系统功能,提出城市停车诱导系统的结构设计方案,并对交通引导及动态指示牌的设立问题进行探讨。

    The significance of constructing urban parking guide system and its systematic function are introduced , the scheme on structural design of urban parking guide system is put forward as well as establishment of traffic guidance and dynamic signal board is probed .

  17. 城市森林是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,结构和功能是其首要特征,了解城市森林的结构及其与功能的关系、协调城市森林多种功能的发挥是更好地建设城市森林的关键。

    Urban forest is the key components of urban ecosystem and structure and function is its primary characteristics . To understand the city forest structure and its relationship with function and to coordinate variety functions for the better construction is the key area .

  18. 近年来,为了促进城市经济发展,提升城市形象,为市民提供更好的公共活动空间,各地政府投入大量资金整治河流,来建设城市滨河景观,城市滨河地段再次成为城市发展的焦点和热点。

    In recent years , In order to promote the development of urban economy , enhance the image of the city and provide better public activity space for people , local governments invested a large amount of money to renovate rivers and build water-front landscape of the city .

  19. 史密斯先生写了一本轻松的旅游指南,其中有一系列简短的章节专门介绍城市公园的具体方面,比如多年来为建设完美城市而提出的各种方案。

    Mr. Smith has written a breezy guidebook , with a series of short chapters dedicated to specific aspects of urbanity — parks , say , or the various schemes that have been put forward over the years for building the perfect city .

  20. 环境规划法律制度在建设生态城市中的作用

    The Environment Plan Law System Does In The Construction Ecology City

  21. 加快道路交通设施建设构筑城市综合交通体系

    Speeding up transportation facility construction and establishing city integrated transportation system

  22. 北京市铁路建设对城市局地热环境的影响

    Influence of Railway Construction on the Local Thermal Environment in Beijing City

  23. 沈阳市建设生态城市指标及对策研究

    Study on Index and Countermeasure of Constructing Eco-city in Shenyang

  24. 昆明城市基础设施建设与城市管理问题与对策

    Issues and Countermeasures to urban infrastructure construction and urban management of Kunming

  25. 天津市快速轨道交通线网建设与城市发展

    On Construction of Rapid Rail Transit Network and Urban Development in Tianjin

  26. 加强城市生态建设促进城市经济发展

    Strengthen Urban Ecological Construction and Promote Urban Economic Development

  27. 香港政府防范儿童肥胖的措施对建设健康城市的启示

    Elicitation of Creating the Healthy City from Hongkong Government to Prevent Children Obesity

  28. 如何在建设现代化城市同时也保护自然环境景观?

    How to protect the natural landscape while we construct the modern city ?

  29. 本文首先揭示了建设信息化城市的原因所在;

    This paper posts the reasons for constructing infor - mational city first .

  30. 路灯建设与城市美化的探索和实践

    The exploration and practice about the city street lamp construction and city beautifying