
  • 网络Host Galaxy;hostgalaxy
  1. 吉奇称,这些气泡可能代表了星系演化的一个阶段,当时中心的黑洞对不断发展的寄主星系起到了一种阻碍作用。

    Geach says the blobs could represent a phase in galaxy evolution when the black hole at the center exerts a brake on the growing host galaxy .

  2. 我们还发现寄主星系形态为早型的PSQs倾向于具有相对较强的AGN活动,而那些寄主星系形态为旋涡型的PSQs具有更强的PAH发射,表明其具有更多的恒星形成。

    We also find that PSQs in early-type host galaxies tend to have relatively strong AGN activities , while those in spiral hosts have stronger PAH emission , indicating more star formation .

  3. 这些宽线活动星系核(ActiveGalacticNuclei,AGN)的光学谱均含有大质量中等年龄星族的光谱标志性特征,这使其适合用来研究AGN及其寄主星系之间的关系。

    The optical spectra of these broad-lined active galactic nuclei ( AGNs ) simultaneously show spectral signatures of massive intermediate-aged stellar populations making them good candidates for studying the connections between AGNs and their hosts .

  4. 从寄主星系中恰当地扣除星光的影响以后,有8个源出现了不可分辨的光学核,其中5个源首次证认出致密的光学核。

    Unresolved optical cores emerge in 8 FR-I RGs after properly removal of starlight from the host galaxies , out of which 5 are identified for the first time .

  5. 观测上,人们发现了γ暴的低能余辉以及与γ射线爆发同时的光学爆发,还发现了它位于宇宙学距离的寄主星系。

    In the aspect of observations , fading X-ray , optical and radio afterglows , optical burst occurring during the gamma-ray emission , and the GRB host galaxies at cosmological distance are discovered .