
  • 网络genealogy archives
  1. 通过对宁波史氏、楼氏两大家族的研究,就利用家谱档案解释这两大家族史研究中的若干问题提出一点自己的认识。

    Based on a study of Shi clan and Lou clan in Ningbo , some proposals will be put forward to explain some problems in the genealogy archives based historical study of these two clans .

  2. 第四部分,探讨了在家谱档案转型之后,学者、民众、档案馆应该怎么对其进行利用,重点是从档案馆的角度,分析以后的工作如何展开。

    The fourth part , this paper discusses the scholars , people and Archives how to use after the genealogies archives transformation , and analysis of how to carry out work .

  3. 从档案角度看,如何将传统纸制家谱档案数字化,以及如何应对电子家谱这一新形态档案的管理,是当代档案馆及档案工作者正日趋重视的现实问题。

    From the perspective of archives , how the traditional paper genealogies digital archives , and the management of electronic genealogies , are the realistic problems that contemporary archives and archives workers pay attention increasingly .

  4. 到了今天,随着信息化时代的到来以及计算机网络技术在各个行业、领域的普及应用,传统的家谱档案也必然面对这一时代的挑战。

    Today , along with the arrival of information age and the computer and network technology in all the popularization and application of industry field , the traditional genealogies files also to face the challenge of times .

  5. 第三部分,介绍转型时期出现家谱档案两种不同形式&数字化家谱档案与电子家谱档案,分别分析了它们的含义和意义,并介绍国内外数字化家谱档案与电子家谱档案的现状及其特点。

    The third part , introduces two different forms during the transformation period & digital genealogies and electronic genealogies , analyzed their meaning and significance , and introduced the status and characteristics of digital genealogies and electronic genealogies in the domestic and foreign .