
shí tǐ fǎ
  • substantive law;material law
  1. 证据是实体法和程序法的联结点。

    It is also the connection of material law and procedure law .

  2. 其问题主要有:重行政效率和实体法,轻行政程序,从而忽视了听证的价值与功能;

    The problems in the current system include : stressing the administrative efficiency and material law and neglecting the value and functions of hearings .

  3. 实体法界定权利,程序法则制定保护和实施权利的秩序。

    but if it benefits the majority it is useful . Substantial law defines rights , and procedural law establishes the procedures by which rights are protected and enforced .

  4. 本文参照WTO《反倾销协议》、欧盟和美国等国家的反倾销法,采用比较分析的方法,对我国反倾销实体法和程序法中存在的主要问题进行论述,并提出完善的建议。

    By comparing with the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement , EU and American anti-dumping law , the author carefully analyzes the important substantive issues as well as the procedural aspects of Chinese anti-dumping legislation including determination of dumping , determination of injury , public interest , judicial review system .

  5. 有时法律被划分为实体法和程序法。

    Sometimes law is classified into substantive law and procedural law .

  6. 复合地基等效实体法研究

    An Analysis of the Equivalent Entity Method for the Composite Ground

  7. 第四,完善现有实体法对分时度假进行规制。

    Forth , improving the existing substantive law regulates the timeshare .

  8. 认为证明责任规范本质上是实体法规范。

    It shows that burden of proof is essentially substantive provision .

  9. 仲裁实体法选择方法思考

    About the Selecting Method of Substantive Law of the Arbitration

  10. 第一个层次是海商实体法责任的主体;

    It is firstly on person liable of the maritime substantive law ;

  11. 论经济法诉讼的实体法支持

    On the Sustainment of Substantive Law in Economic Law Litigation

  12. 程序法与实体法关系的法理学评析

    Jurisprudential Analysis of Relationship between Procedural Law and Substantial Law

  13. 再识程序法与实体法之关系

    Understand the Relation between Program Law and Entity Law Again

  14. 严格按照实体法和程序法办案。

    Cases are tried strictly in accordance with substantive and procedural laws .

  15. 中国与欧盟反倾销实体法的差别分析

    China and EU anti-dumping legal law 's difference analysis

  16. 同时,还要对域名的统一实体法的前景进行展望。

    Further more , I will prospect the future of international unified legislation .

  17. 略论程序法与实体法的关系

    On the Relation between Procedure Law and Entity Law

  18. 定罪的过程是实体法与程序法高度结合的过程。

    The judicial procedure is a combining course of procedural and substantive laws .

  19. 因为实体法与程序法具有高度的统一性。

    Because highly substantial law and procedural law unity .

  20. 但是,这些法律文件偏重诉讼程序的解决,对于医患双方实体法上的权利、义务仍未作出明确规定;

    However , these laws lay particular stress on the solution of procedural problems .

  21. 论澳门反黑刑事实体法的特色

    On the Characteristics of Macau Anti-gangdom Criminal Law

  22. 中国;印度;反倾销法;实体法;程序法;

    China ; India ; law of anti-dumping ; substantial law ; procedural law ;

  23. 证明责任分配属于实体法领域,同时也属于法律适用问题。

    Proof burden allocation involves domain such as substantial law and applicability of law .

  24. 程序正义是用以实现实体法的工具、手段或形式,它本身也是目的,即具有一种独立于程序结果的内在价值。

    The procedure itself obtains the internal value which is independent from the procedure outcome .

  25. 第三部分阐述了证券欺诈民事赔偿中四个实体法问题。

    Chapter 3 expatiate 4 substantive law problems in the civil compensation of securities fraud .

  26. 排斥重叠合并的深层原因是实体法与程序法的混同。

    The deep-seated reason of excluding alternative joinder is confusing substantive law with procedural law .

  27. 统一发明专利实体法的若干方面公约;

    Convention on the unification of certain points of substantive law on patents for invention ;

  28. 合同应当受卖方国家的实体法监管。

    The contract shall be governed by the substantive law of the supplier 's country .

  29. 程序法与实体法;

    Procedure law and substantive law ;

  30. 实体法方面,包括民事、行政和刑事保护。

    In the substantive law , there are civil protection , administrative protection and criminal protection .