- suzerain;colonial power;metropolitan state

[suzerain;colonial power] 在外交上不同程度地控制附庸国,而在内政上允许其保持独立自主权力的支配国
Then points out that the suzerain 's psychology has strengthened ;
The UK-India relations transformed from suzerain and colony into two sovereign states .
Australia , New Zealand , and Canada , had no colonial conflict with the mother country .
This island is a colony ; however , in most matters , it is autonomous and receives no orders from the mother country .
France , the former colonial power , showed particular cynicism .
The American colonies threw down the gauntlet to the motherland .
The British colonies took up arms for independence against the mother country .
The colonies against the British and their taxes .
And modern immigrants have become force that cannot be neglected for a suzerain state .
The relations of dependency and suzerain between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire became more complicated .
As the era unfolded , larger more powerful states annexed or claimed suzerainty over smaller ones .
They succeed hardly and obtain the equal right of speaking in the stage to the suzerain intellectuals .
As the colonial person living in suzerain state , he isdiscriminated against consequently and became a marginal man ;
Some happy day the fiber-optic pipelines that circle your metropolis will branch all the way into your home .
Since he lives and works in the UK , the hero accepts Western civilization and the sovereign culture gradually .
When the colonial power , Britain , withdrew from India it left a dangerous legacy of carelessly or arbitrarily drawn borders .
In addition , political and financial issues ultimately brought relations between the colonists and the English homeland to a breaking point .
Although many years later , the Americans broke away from their colonial master , the language of English remained and still does .
At this time the foreign powers also took over the peripheral states that had acknowledged Chinese suzerainty and given tribute to the emperor .
On the one hand , they are afflicted with racial discrimination in the mainstream country . On the other hand , they suffer from sexual prejudices .
With the traditional colonial ideology still hovering in their mind , it has comparatively a longer road for the Europe to establish really equal relations with Africa .
Cura ? ao and St Maarten will become self-governing territories , following the example of Aruba , a sixth Dutch-speaking island in the Caribbean which broke away in1986 .
This meant that science can not simply be angels , in some cases , science also had the function of leading the public worship for the colonial sovereign .
Impeachment originated from England in the Middle Ages , and was brought to North American by immigrants , then became one of the struggling tools between the Colony and England .
As the Constitution in most African countries , Nigeria constitution makes a start in colonial period , and suffers the profound influence of the constitution model and constitution principle of former suzerain .
As a result of the influence of foreign Countries'Legal culture and the development of domestic economics and culture , the origin , establishing time , regulations and standards of ASEAN countries'are different .
As a part of interdisciplinary field of cultural studies , postcolonial theory focuses on the relationship of culture , discourse and power between the " post " - suzerain countries and the colonized countries .
The king of the Korea both take orders from the Ming Dynasty and Misgiving the threaten that from the the Later Jin State , so in an awkward predicament and keep in good repair .
As the overture of modern national liberation movement in Asia , Awakening of Asia in the early 20th century pounded forcefully at the dependent relationship between the colonies in Asia and the suzerain states in Europe .
China 's galiot trade of Manila , about 250 years ' oversea trade , began from 1565 to 1815 ( Ming and Qing Dynasties ) between China , New Spain ( Mexico ), Philippines and their suzerain Spain .