
zì fú shù zǔ
  • character array
  1. substring()在Java语言中是通过创建一个共享原始字符数组的新String而实现的。

    String . substring () is implemented in the Java language by building a new String sharing the original character array .

  2. rope的构建是个关键因素:当直接使用底层的CharacterSequence或字符数组构建rope时,它只有一个简单的结构,里面包含一个扁平rope。

    The rope 's construction is a key factor : When a rope is constructed directly from an underlying CharacterSequence or character array , it has a simple structure consisting of a single flat rope .

  3. XML解析器对任何写入到Unicode字符串和字符数组中的文档进行转换。

    The XML parser converts whatever the document is written in to Unicode strings and char arrays .

  4. WasteInCharArrays查询能够显示字符串所引用的字符数组中浪费的空间。

    The Waste In Char Arrays query shows the amount of wasted space in character arrays that are only referenced by strings .

  5. 所有的string类都是以C-style字符串为基础的。C-style字符串是字符数组。

    All string classes eventually boil down to a C-style string , and C-style strings are arrays of characters , so I 'll first cover the character types .

  6. 我们还定义了宏INBUFSIZ,它是在读取输入时用作缓冲区的字符数组的大小。

    We also define a macro INBUFSIZ , which is the size of a character array used as a buffer while reading the input .

  7. 存储密码必须作为字符数组提供。

    The store password must be supplied as an array of characters .

  8. 二进制源数据必须是一维的无符号字符数组。

    Binary source data must be a single-dimensioned array of unsigned char .

  9. 字符串是定长字符数组。

    A string is an immutable array of characters .

  10. 极其常见的缓冲区种类是简单的字符数组。

    An extremely common kind of buffer is simply an array of characters .

  11. 需要字符串或字符数组的投入。

    Requires string or character array input .

  12. 插入一个字符数组的子串到文本框的内容中。

    Inserts a subrange of an array of characters into the contents of the TextBox .

  13. 即使你已经知道一个字符串是一个字符数组,你也应该阅读本部分。

    Even if you already know that a string is an array of characters , read this part .

  14. 要应用以下知识点:文件的读写;字符数组的操作;命令行参数的使用。

    Knowledge points to the following : file read and write character array operations command line arguments to use .

  15. 这样做是安全的,因为字符数组和字符串之间的转化是自动进行的。

    It is also safe , since the conversion between an array of char and a string is automatic .

  16. 例如,你不能安全地获得指向字符串对象16位字符数组的指针以在循环中迭代它。

    E.g.you cannot safely get a pointer to a String object's16-bit char array to iterate over it in a loop .

  17. 但是如果只有一小段字符串被使用,那么由于整个字符数组仍然被保存就有一些空间被浪费了。

    If only a small substring is needed , then because the whole character array is retained some space is wasted .

  18. 数据类型被分别转换为字符数组和字节数组,它们具有不同的行为并可能占用更多内存。

    Data types are converted to character and byte arrays , respectively , which have different behavior and might use more memory .

  19. 偏移量没有引用字符串内的位置,或者目标字符数组的长度不够。

    Either offset did not refer to a position in the string , or there is an insufficient length of destination character array .

  20. 字符串和字符数组在典型的业务应用程序中占用了大量的空间,所以它们是另一个值得分析的方面。

    Strings and character arrays occupy a large amount of space in a typical business application , so they are another area worthy of analysis .

  21. 默认情况下,它不会检测所有函数,而只是检测确实需要保护的函数(主要是使用字符数组的函数)。

    By default , it doesn 't instrument all functions , only those that it deems as being in need of protection ( mainly functions with character arrays ) .

  22. 动态方法具有许多优点:它们能够向上适用于更大的问题(而不是带来任意的限制),而且它们没有导致安全问题的字符数组截断问题。

    Dynamic approaches have lots of advantages : they can scale up to larger problems ( instead of creating arbitrary limits ), and they don 't have the problem of truncations causing security problems .

  23. 注意:这个函数只用于字符型数组。

    Note : This function only works on numerical arrays .

  24. json修饰符前面必须加上@字符,这样数组变量就可以传递到jsonmodifier()。

    The json modifier must be preceded by the @ character so that the array variable can be passed to json_modifier () .

  25. 例如,要注意字符方法接受SAX字符数组或字符串。

    For example , notice that a characters method accepts the SAX character array or a String .

  26. 字符型:字符型是字符串数组。

    String : a string is an array of characters .