
  1. 新闻媒介生产什么?

    What do the media produce ?

  2. 媒介生产的社会学思考

    A Sociological Reflection on Media Production

  3. 在此理念支配下,媒介生产管理出现了从编辑中心制到集成管理的创新变化。

    In this concept domination , media production management appeared from the editors center system to integrated management innovation changes .

  4. 毫无疑问,作为媒介生产样式的媒介仪式对媒介形象具有重要的建构作用。

    Beyond all questions , media rituals as one of media product , plays an important role to the construction of media image .

  5. 此外,由于媒介生产并不等同于一般商品生产,媒介组织的社会属性决定电视造星策略必须坚持相应的社会责任,把经济效益与社会责任统一起来。

    In addition , because the medium production is not equal to the general merchandise production , television organizations have to insist the social responsibility .

  6. 论文虽然是基于《新闻夜宴》个案进行的研究,但是在一定程度上,上述研究发现对分析电视新闻评论类节目的生产,乃至整个媒介生产领域都具有普遍意义。

    The article is based on an individual case , however , to a certain extent , the discovery of this article t the analysis of TV news commentary type of program production , and even the whole field of media production is of universal significance production practice .

  7. 媒介文化生产中的偶像制造与消费及其媒体责任

    Making and Consuming of the Idol in Mass Media Production and Obligation of Mass Media

  8. 我们将著眼于社会阶级、性别及种族政治学是如何影响大众传播媒介的生产过程和接受度。

    We look at the ways in which the politics of class , gender and race influence both the production and reception of media .

  9. 这种消费模式以愉悦、认同和想像为核心,以新媒介的生产和消费为主要活动,以粉丝网络社群为平台,以粉丝文化制成品为标志。

    With pleasurable identification and fantasy as its core , this mode of cultural consumption is characterized by the utilization of new media and fan production in an internet-based fan community .

  10. 新闻监管机制的改革、新闻价值体系的构建和新闻职业理念的革新都是进行媒介话语生产机制重建的重要措施。

    The reform of the News monitoring mechanism , the Construction of news value system and the innovation of the concept of News Career ideas are important measures to the reconstruction of media discourse production mechanism .

  11. 探讨媒介话语生产机制的重建,是希望成功的汶川地震报道不只是个案、特例,而是成为以后制度化的良好开端。

    Studying in the reconstruction of media discourse production mechanism is in the hope that the success of Wenchuan earthquake report is not only cases , a special case , but has become the good start of institutionalized .

  12. 本课程介绍描述和分析媒介文本的生产、发行、接受及其属性的方法。

    Introduces techniques for describing and analysing the production , distribution and reception , as well as the formal properties , of media texts .

  13. 在城市空间景观中,网络媒介具有空间生产能力,通过“再现”机制,对城市空间进行虚拟生产和形态重塑;

    To the aspect of urban space scene , with the capacity of space-production , internet fictitiously produces and reconstructs urban space through representation mechanism .

  14. 而人脸作为人类个体进行身份标识和信息表达的重要媒介,在生产生活的各个领域都起着不可或缺的作用。

    And as a very important medium for human to identify and express information , human face is playing a critical role in almost every aspect of our society .

  15. 以文学媒介场的生产流程为脉络,从探讨文学媒介场的生产方式的特征入手,从我国社会主义市场经济基本国情出发,在这种经济基础基础之上,探讨作为上层建筑的文学媒介场域特点。

    From our country socialist market economy fundamental realities of the country , above this kind of economic basis foundation , the discussion takes the overtop structure the literary media field territory characteristic .

  16. 媒介对艺术生产的影响时当代艺术中已经成为一个赫然存在的事实,艺术理论必须回应现代传媒发展给艺术生产带来的新的变化,对之进行必要的理论阐释。

    Medium to artistic production influence when in contemporary art already became the fact which exists impressively , the artistic theory must respond the modern media development the new change which brings for the artistic production , carries on the essential theory explanation to it .

  17. 象是达意传形的媒介,武术技术生产的源泉,也是武术具有艺术性的根源所在。

    Xiang is the intermediary of Yi , and it is the source of production of Wushu techniques , it also has the roots of martial artistry lies .

  18. 在生产层面,可以剥析出现实主义认知方式、新闻的话语、制度化的媒介等几种新闻生产的重要决定因素;

    In the production stratification plane , may exhaustedly separate out the realism cognition way , the news discourse , the institution medium and so on several kind of news productions important determining factor ;

  19. 大众媒介作为从事信息生产和传播的专业化传播组织,大量生产、复制和传播信息,同时也集中、广泛地反映、制造和表达着媒介趣味。

    The mass media , as specialized communication organization for information production and communication , not only substantially manufacture , copy and communicate information , but also intensively reflect , produce and express media taste .

  20. 在当今媒介时代,艺术生产主体也有了新的变化,原来的个体艺术创作转变成集体协作,个体艺术家转变成了组织化的艺术生产集团。

    In the medium time , the artistic production main body also has the new change now , the individual artistic creation originally transformed the collective cooperation , the individual artist transforms the organization artistic production group .

  21. 同时,马克思的《资本论》也蕴含着极为丰富的货币媒介交易、推动生产、配置资源、调控经济、作为经济增长第一推动力和持续推动力以及中央银行所具有的货币政策职能等重要思想。

    At the same time , Marx 's Capital Contains the extremely abundant monetary ideas such as media trade , promote production , dispose the resource , control economy , the first motive force and lasting motive force .

  22. 第二部分从马克思主义媒介文化与西方文化媒介说阐明媒介文化的生产。

    The second part uses Marxism Media Culture theory and western media points to introduce how Media Culture is produced .

  23. 作者提出,在大众媒介与另类媒介之外存在着边缘群体自发的集体媒介生产&草根媒介的形态。

    The author argues that there exists an autonomous collective mediaproduction & grassroots media besides mass media and alternative media .

  24. 在媒介因素方面也有三个点:媒介权力、媒介占据意义生产的核心位置和受众的流失。

    There are also three media factors : media power , media occupying the produce of meanings , the decrease of audience .

  25. 当前媒介数量和媒介内容的爆发式增长给受众带来了更多的选择,但媒介内容生产同质化严重,受众面对内容大同小异的媒体,选择变得随意和无序,忠诚度降低。

    At present , the explosive growth number of media and media content have brought more choices to the audience , but the audiences face with the homogenization of media content , become random and disorderly , loyalty will be reduced .

  26. 现代大众媒介的产生和发展必然导致相应的文化出现,而大众文化就是以大众传播媒介尤其是电子媒介生产和传播的文化。

    The emergence and development of the modern mass media inevitably brings about the relevant cultural formation . Popular culture is produced and transmitted by the mass media especial electronic media .

  27. 以传播学经典理论为框架,探讨了现代社会体育与媒介结合的产物&媒介体育的内涵、产生背景,并援引符号学和批判学派的观点,对媒介体育的生产及本质进行了梳理与解读。

    Based on the classical theory of communication as framework , this paper discussed the connotation and background of media sports , the product of combining modern social sports with media , explained the emergence and essence of it .

  28. 第二章对媒介融合的概念做了界定;从技术、经济、市场三方面分析媒介融合产生的原因;并介绍了媒介融合的生产形态。

    In chapter II the concept of integration is defined ; from the technical , economic and market aspects , it analyzes the three aspects of the causes for the media integration and describes production patterns of the integration of media .