
wěi rèn
  • appoint;nominate;mandate;authorize;entrust;designation;tap
委任 [wěi rèn]
  • (1) [appoint;mandate;authorige]∶任命某人担任职务

  • 委任一个官员

  • (2) [entrust]∶托付

委任[wěi rèn]
  1. 经过适当考虑,我们决定委任戴维斯先生干这项工作。

    After due consideration , we have decided to appoint Mr Davis to the job .

  2. 库尔德领袖穆萨德·巴尔扎尼(MassoudBarzani)警告称,至少还需要一个月的时间,政治家才能关于委任关键的部长职位达成一致。

    Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani cautioned it could still be another month before politicians agree on how to appoint key ministerial positions .

  3. 理查兹获得委任接替行将退任的主席。

    Richards has been tapped to replace the retiring chairperson .

  4. 她委任了谁为她的副手?

    Who has she designated her deputy ?

  5. 首相已委任一位平民为国防部长。

    The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian as defence minister

  6. 只有持委任状的军官才有资格获得十字勋章。

    Only commissioned officers qualify for the Military Cross .

  7. 一些参加的组织抗议他们所选出的代表未获委任。

    Some of the organisations taking part protested that the delegates they had chosen were not being accredited .

  8. 中尉被委任指挥一个步兵排。

    The lieutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon .

  9. 美国女性历史博物馆(NationalWomen’sHistoryMuseum)委任迪佩塔为咨询委员会成员。

    The US National Women 's History Museum appointed Mr Di Petta to its advisory council .

  10. 该委任对所有的ActiveDirectory进行粗略的管理,它不会像域管理组那样分发出太多的权限。

    This provides granular control over all Active Directory functions , without giving away too much power like the Domain Admins group does .

  11. DFR委任哥本哈根的BIG设计事务所于2010年春季在曼哈顿内引入新的建筑类型。

    DFR commissioned Copenhagen based BIG in the spring of2010 to introduce a new residential typology to Manhattan .

  12. 几个月后,W3C签发了新委任状,成立了一个HTML工作组。

    A few months later , the W3C issued a new charter for an HTML Working Group .

  13. accreditedadj.被认可的,可接受的,委任的露丝总是诚实的,所以她所说的任何话都会被人相信。

    Ruth is always truthful and anything she says will be accredited .

  14. Cleveland委任她的秘书为该公司第一任公共关系主任。

    Miz Cleveland made her secretary the company 's first director of public relations .

  15. 年,联合国分割计划(UNPartitionPlan)的实现,把被委任统治的领土分为两个国家―犹太和阿拉伯,每个国家大约拥有一半土地。

    Fulfillment of the1947 UN Partition Plan would have divided the mandated territory into two states , Jewish and Arab , giving about half the land area to each state .

  16. 最近对一项纪录的研究表明,X公司在委任第一级经理后就已经开始赢利了,那时该公司还是公有制体系。

    A close look at the records shows that X has been profitable since the appointment of a first-class manager , which happened while X was still in the public sector .

  17. 本行即日在大阪市开设一分公司,并委任T.先生为经理。

    I inform you that I have this day opened a new branch establishment in Osaka , and have entrusted the management thereof to Mr.T.

  18. 他委任佛罗里达州众议员员斯库茨(DebbieWassermanSChultz)担任民主党全国委员会的主席。

    He chose Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida to head the Democratic National Committee .

  19. 这项艰巨的任务需要我们做出更大的努力。3.mandatevt.委任统治,授权,委托

    The arduous task requires of us still greater efforts .

  20. 最佳着手方式是委任高水准的外部专家团体,他们的建议将在年底前供g20领导人考虑。

    The best way to proceed would be to commission high-level bodies of outside experts whose recommendations would be considered by G20 leaders towards the end of this year .

  21. MrBuxton强调下一步非常重要。因为任何委任命令都可能推翻八个月前才刚刚宣布的重组命令。

    Mr Buxton stressed the importance of getting this next step right , particularly since any appointment will mean overturning a management reorganization that was announced only eight months ago .

  22. 正如全港第一家酒店HongKongHotel在十九世纪自我标榜为远东地区最宽敞、最佳委任酒店,而上述几家酒店都只敢自诩在亚洲出类拔萃。

    Like the citys first hotel , the Hong Kong Hotel , which described itself in the 19th century as the most commodious and best-appointed hotel in the Far East , all these hotels could justly lay claim to being among the finest in Asia .

  23. 由罗纳德??里根(RonaldReagan)委任的最高法院法官,实则现在法院提案关键投票者的安东尼??肯尼迪(AnthonyKennedy),在过去的几年里挺身而出,直言抗议美国监狱的非人性化环境。

    ANTHONY KENNEDY , appointed to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan and in effect its swing vote nowadays , has for years been speaking out against the inhumane conditions inside America 's prisons .

  24. 七名由于结婚而违背了独身条令而被驱逐出天主教堂定牧师在肯尼亚的Kisumu被委任神职。

    Seven married priests who were expelled from the Catholic Church for failing to obey the law of celibacy have been ordained in the Kenyan city of Kisumu .

  25. 自己也是努尔人,Guch先生是南北苏丹士兵联合部队的司令,这支部队被委任保持纳西尔地区的和平。

    Nuer himself , Mr Guch is commander of a joint integrated unit ( JIU ) of southern and northern Sudanese soldiers mandated to keep the peace in Nasir .

  26. 文章通过阐述国际投资争端中心(ICSID)仲裁申请、仲裁庭的组成与仲裁员的委任、管辖权、准据法、仲裁裁决及其执行效力等基本内容,来对ICSID仲裁制度进行潜在价值分析。

    This paper analyses the potential value of ICSID arbitral system by elaborating the basic contents of ICSID , including its arbitral application , constituting of arbitral court and appointment of arbiter , jurisdiction , applicable law , the arbitrament and its effect of execution .

  27. 委任价格分为市场价格和限制价格;

    Entrstment price is divided into market price and limited price .

  28. 1492年,西班牙委任哥伦布进行新航线开辟。

    1492 – Spain gives Christopher Columbus his commission of exploration .

  29. 指派职位某人被委任的职位或位置。

    The office or position to which one has been appointed .

  30. 他被委任解决这个问题的责任。

    He was charged with the responsibility of solving the problem .