
fù nǚ zá zhì
  • women's magazine
  1. 她曾主编过妇女杂志。

    She used to edit a women 's magazine .

  2. 终于有一家妇女杂志起来推翻瘦即美的神话。

    At last , a women 's magazine to explode the myth that thin equals beautiful .

  3. 她为《妇女杂志》一篇又一篇地撰写谈情说爱的小说。

    She grinds out romantic stories for the women 's magazines .

  4. 这是某妇女杂志中为少女解答困难问题的版面。

    This is the problems page of a girl 's magazine .

  5. 她订阅了妇女杂志和当地报纸。

    She subscribes to women 's magazines and the local newspaper .

  6. 这篇文章大部分是从一本妇女杂志上剽窃来的。

    Most of the article was lifted from a woman 's magazine .

  7. 我是从一本妇女杂志上得到这份食谱的。

    I got the recipe from a woman 's magazine .

  8. 她为数家妇女杂志撰稿。

    She has written articles for several women 's magazines .

  9. 启蒙与被启蒙:《妇女杂志》中的女性

    Enlightening and Being Enlightened & Females in The Women Journal

  10. 妇女杂志的质量每况愈下。

    Women 's magazines get grottier and grottier .

  11. 她在一家妇女杂志社做研究员。

    She 's got herself a job as a researcher on a women 's magazine .

  12. 她以前曾在一家漂亮的大型妇女杂志担任时装编辑。

    She had been fashion editress of one of the big smart woman 's magazines .

  13. 论《妇女杂志》中的贤母良妻主义及其影响下的文学创作

    Talked about the Gentle Wives and Kind Mothers ' Doctrine in " Woman Magazine " and Influenced Literary Creation

  14. 第一是贤妻良母思想,这是《妇女杂志》前期文章的主要教育思想。

    First one is perfect wife . It is the main thoughts of female education in Ladies ' Journal .

  15. 她有着一张那种你会在无数妇女杂志的封面上看到的脸,完美而毫无特征。

    She has the sort of perfect but characterless face that you see on the front of countless women 's magazines .

  16. 第五章结语,总结民国时期《妇女杂志》所展现的多维度的女性形象。

    The fifth chapter conclusion The Ladies ' Journal shows multidimensional images of women during the period of the republic of China .

  17. 这是某妇女杂志中使编辑很伤脑筋的一个版面。编辑们有足够的理由增加有关妇女问题的篇幅。

    This is the problem page of a girl 's magazine . Editors have every reason for jacking up their women 's pages .

  18. 欲了解更多信息,订购迪梅斯复制我的9个月,3月为怀孕妇女杂志(4.95美元)。

    For more information , order a copy of My9 Months , the March of Dimes magazine for pregnant women ( $ 4.95 ) .

  19. 在她主编的“波士顿妇女杂志”及稍后的“Godey's女士手册”中,她撰写了大量的社论,支持将感恩节定为全国性节日。

    Hale wrote many editorials championing her cause in her Boston Ladies ' Magazine , and later , in Godey 's Lady 's Book .

  20. 《妇女杂志》内容和精神旨趣的变化展示了二十世纪初女性从受启蒙者到启蒙者的转变。

    The change of the content and spirit of The Women ' Journal showed the transition of female identity from being enlightened to the torchbearer .

  21. 他和妻子商定举办一次宴会。全部按着一期妇女杂志的内容来安排。

    He and his wife decided to give a dinner party , with the arrangements taken bodily from the contents of a woman 's magazine .

  22. 研究《妇女杂志》既是对妇女发展历史的回应,又是对妇女发展未来的一种关切。

    The study of The Ladies'Journal is not only a response to the history of women but also a concern for the future development of women .

  23. 对《妇女杂志》的考察,将有助于我们更好地在传统和西方化两种不同的性别观念之间寻求平衡点,加速新型性别观念的建立。

    The investigation of Woman 's magazine will be helpful for us to seek balanced point between traditional and Western gender concepts , and accelerate the establishment of new gender concepts .

  24. 本文试图通过《妇女杂志》(1920-1925)来重新探讨五四时期新女性形象具有的多层意义。

    This research attempts to re-examine the various layers of the figure of " New Women " during the May Fourth Movement period by exploring the Women s Magazine ( 1920-1925 ) .

  25. 你真地对她说过你对妇女杂志感到无法容忍吗?我担心你真的是这样讲了&她是《当代妇女》的主编哪!

    Did you really tell her that you can 't stand women 's magazines ? I 'm afraid that you 've been and gone and done it then-she 's editor of'Women Today ' !

  26. 通过对6年间《妇女杂志》内容的分类统计,归纳出杂志对女性问题的基本论调:兼容新旧,力求调和。

    By statistical sampling and classifying on the magazine in researching period , the basic view of Women 's magazine about female problem has been deduced : just make new and old be in harmony .

  27. 怀着深深的敬重和怀念,我们从刚刚故去的著名摄影家、英文中国妇女杂志社原副总编辑沈延太的大量摄影作品中,为我们的读者挑选出这些精美的图片。

    With deep respect and fond memory , we carefulty chose these exquisite pictures from among the many taken by Shen yantai , the late famous photographer and former deputy editor-in-chief of women of china .

  28. 在那些好管闲事的妇女杂志不断告诉我,低自尊无助于忧郁症时,我去剪了个漂亮的发型,买了时髦的化妆品和一件美丽的洋装。

    And when those officious women 's magazines kept telling me that my low self-esteem wasnt helping depression matters at all , I got myself a pretty haircut , bought some fancy makeup and a nice dress .

  29. 在互连网时代以前,我不知道有多少像我一样的男人,穿着女人的连衣裙,翻阅妇女杂志,以便能得到男扮女装的见解。

    Before the age of the internet I did not know how many other men like me wore dresses and spent their time looking through women 's magazines so they could get ideas on what to dress up in .

  30. 本文分为三部分:首先,从杂志经营者、编者、作者以及读者几方面分析《妇女杂志》创建女性形象的社会背景。

    This dissertation has been divided into 3 parts : Firstly , to analyze Women 's magazine from a few aspects that magazine manager , editor , author as well as reader , and found the social background of the magazine making female models .