
nǚ zǒng tǒnɡ
  • presidentess
  1. 她一直期望成为首位女总统。

    She has a longing to be the first female president .

  2. 阿根廷女总统:吃猪肉可提高性能力。

    Argentine president : Eat pork , spice your sex life .

  3. 现年60岁朴槿惠是韩国前总统朴正熙的女儿,她成为韩国历史上首位女总统。

    She will be the first female president of South Korea .

  4. 因为希拉里将成为我们的第一位女总统。

    Because Hillary Clinton will be our first woman president .

  5. 能有一位女总统就太棒了。

    It would be nice to have a woman President .

  6. 我很希望看到女总统。

    I 'd like to see a woman president .

  7. 她是韩国历史上首位女总统。

    She is country 's first female president .

  8. 未来的美国第二位女总统。

    Second female president of these United states .

  9. 如果我们不在打一场战争,我会支持选一位女总统的。

    If we were not in this war , I would support a woman president .

  10. 这位新任女总统说,她的丈夫不会退出政治舞台。

    The first-lady-turned-president made it clear her husband would not fade into the political background .

  11. 因为现在,就是这个女人成为了以色列人民的女总统。

    Because now , this is that woman who is the governess of people of israel .

  12. 不过凭心而论,她内心的确是很希望成为历史上首位美国女总统。

    Within her heart she really wants to be the historic first Woman President of America .

  13. 马丽·鲁滨逊,一位47岁的律师,被选为爱尔兰共和国第一位女总统。

    Mary Robinson , a 47-year-old advocate , was elected as the Irish Republic 's first female leader .

  14. 在去年秋天之前,现年59岁的巴切莱特最知名之处就是智利第一位女总统。

    Until last autumn , Bachelet , 59 , was best known as the first female president of Chile .

  15. 奥巴马还赞扬了他的竞争对手希拉里.克林顿。克林顿一直在争取成为美国第一任女总统。

    He also paid tribute to fellow-Democratic contender Hillary Clinton , who vied to become America 's first woman president .

  16. 米歇尔·巴切莱特稳稳当当地成为了拉美最保守国家之一的首位女总统。

    Michelle Bachelet is poised to become the first woman president of one of Latin America 's most conservative countries .

  17. 有些人可能会讲自己如何努力为第一位女总统的诞生而努力

    Some of you may be talking about how you worked on the campaign that elected our first woman president .

  18. 我们认为,我国的女总统和政府要对此负责。

    As women who have been dreaming and working for peace , we hold our woman president and this government accountable .

  19. 她说,谁将成为首任女总统取决于谁是最优秀的人。

    She said who will be the first female president depends on ' who 's the best person out there . '

  20. 她是第一位由选举产生的女总统,但不是第一个领导国家的女总统。

    But while Argentina will have its first elected female president , she will not be the first woman to lead the country .

  21. 另外还有最新一季的一些剧透,新的一季中将有以为女总统,还有人死而复生(不知道是今年流行还是福克斯电视台流行这个囧)。

    There are also hints of the new season , which brings us a female president in office , and someone back from the dead !

  22. 35岁的阿蒂费特·亚希亚加以前从参加过竞选,是科索沃独立三年以来首位女总统。

    Ms Jahjaga , who's35 and has never run for office before , is the first female president in Kosovo 's three years of independence .

  23. 前美国国务卿希拉里克林顿正式宣布将参加2016年美国总统大选,如果成功她将成为美国历史上的第一位女总统。

    Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has formally entered the 2016 race for the White House in a bid to become the first woman US president .

  24. 利比亚总统艾伦·约翰逊-瑟里夫说,她没想到自己这辈子还能看到一个黑人当选美国总统。艾伦是非洲首位女总统。

    Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf the first woman elected to head an African country said she did not expect to see a black American president in her lifetime .

  25. 自那以后,台湾被视为民主政权(一月还有可能选出首位女总统),但是这个岛仍然属于争议领土。

    Taiwan has been considered a democracy ever since ( and may elect its first female president in January ) , but the island remains a disputed territory .

  26. 当我问她是否预计在未来10年左右美国会出现一位女总统时,她回答说:我希望能有这一天,很显然,我希望有这一天。

    When I ask whether she expects a woman president in the next decade or so , she responds : I 'd love that , obviously I would love that .

  27. 埃伦•约翰逊•瑟利夫,2006年当选利比里亚总统,成为非洲历史上首位女总统。

    Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , the first elected female head of state in Africa , has acted as president of Liberia since 2006 .

  28. 让我说一下这一点,也说不定,但我的确希望在自己的有生之年内能看到一位美国女总统上任,克林顿夫人在多伦多一个非公开场合表示。

    Let me say this , hypothetically speaking , I really do hope that we have a woman president in my lifetime , Mrs Clinton told a private audience in Toronto .

  29. 劳拉•钦奇利亚是哥斯达黎加历史上首位女总统,也是拉丁美洲国家第六位民选女总统。

    Laura Chinchilla , President of Costa Rica Laura Chinchilla is the first female president of Costa Rica and the sixth woman to be elected president in a Latin American country .

  30. 那么:一位是已成为阿根廷首位民选女总统的女参议员,一位是希望成为美国首位民选女总统的女参议员,比较一下两者如何?

    So : comparing the woman senator who has become the first female elected president in Argentina and the woman senator who hopes to be the first female elected president in the US ?