
  • 网络PTV;TV News Weekly
  1. 在20世纪80年代,埃及的大众电视节目上有一些著名的科学传播者。

    In the1980 's , Egypt had some famous science communicators with popular TV shows .

  2. 11年来,我一直是大众电视系列片‘美国科学前沿’的主持人。

    For11 years , I was the host of the public television series Scientific American Frontiers .

  3. 大多数音乐家喜欢像《美国偶像》决赛那样的大众电视曝光程度。

    Most musicians would love to get the massive TV exposure that American Idol finalists receive .

  4. 这一结构由大众电视剧的全球通用性模块组合与本土差异性模块组合共同构成。

    This structure is made up by the global current module combination and the native otherness one of the mass TV play series .

  5. 《我台》模拟大众电视媒体的制作样式,一个月当中的每周周末在“箭厂空间”现场录制一期节目,其余时间在相同地点循环播放。

    Channel Me transforms the Arrow Factory into a one-room television production studio that will create original programming on-site to be " narrowcast " within the space .

  6. 大众对电视上的暴力镜头越来越麻木了。

    People are increasingly becoming desensitized to violence on television .

  7. 我国文化产业发展的相关政策,以及文体系统政府机构改革,为大众体育电视节目实现文化产业层面的飞跃提供了有利条件。

    And the policies of culture industry offered some opportunities to the mass sports TV programs .

  8. 大众体育电视节目作为近年来兴起的电视节目类型,保持着强劲的收视动能。

    As a rising style of TV programs , the mass sports TV programs have kept increasing strongly .

  9. 体育媒介化构建了我国大众体育电视节目创新扩散的社会系统。

    Media-oriented sports is the theory to build the social system for the mass sports TV programs ' diffusion .

  10. 真人秀作为一种节目形态,已经逐渐被人们所熟悉,并且得到了大众和电视从业者的普遍关注。

    " reality Show " as a program form , has been more and more people are familiar with , and received the general public and television practitioners attention .

  11. 当大众观看电视或去看一场流行电影时,他们就被没收掉类似性质的梦想到西方的好莱坞或者东方的宝莱坞(印度)那里。

    As the masses watch television or go to see a popular movie , they forfeit dreams of parallel nature unto Hollywood in the West or Bollywood in the East .

  12. 因此,作为面向大众的电视节目而言,应该规范自己的传播尺度,既要展现节目的精髓又要符合主流价值观,避免相亲嘉宾对大众思想的误导。

    But as television programs that face the public , it must be standardize the communication scale , both shows the essence of the programs and complies with the mainstream values .

  13. 通过文献资料法、统计研究法、专家访谈法分析了影响我国大众体育电视节目创新扩散的基本要素。

    By using the methods of documentation , statistical approach and interviewing experts , this paper analyses the main factors which can bring on innovation and diffusion for the mass sports TV programs .

  14. 知晓途径主要依赖于传统的大众媒体电视、报纸,在及时程度、信息量和信任度方面对电视的评价最高,电视宣传是流动人口最乐于接受的教育方式(73.8%)。

    Traditional mass media such as television and newspaper was still the main approach they relied on . TV gained highest score not only on rapidity and capacity but also on trust degree . Therefore , TV communication turned out to be the most acceptable method ( 73.8 % ) .

  15. 蓝鼻子嘲弄般的模仿XX世纪的高雅艺术,大众文化,电视,休闲娱乐,体育观赏以及每日中神圣的仪式等等。

    Blue Noses mockingly imitate the high art of the XXth century , mass culture , television , glamour , the joy of leisure , the spectacle of sport , the sacred rituals of everyday life etc.

  16. 他是大众喜爱的电视演员。

    He 's a popular television entertainer .

  17. 鉴于大众杂志和电视节目的宣传,越来越多的人对美国时尚感兴趣了。

    Due to popular magazines and televison shows , there is more interest in American fashion .

  18. 现在,从大众广播到电视广告,嘻哈音乐似乎无所不在。

    It seems that hip-hop music is ubiquitous these days , from popular radio to TV commercials .

  19. 当代大众文化与电视传媒

    Mass Culture and TV

  20. 再者,电视相亲节目作为大众文化在电视上一种呈现,只是社会万象的一种表现。

    Besides , TV dating show is a display of popular culture on TV , a display of the society .

  21. 其次电视购物的定位要大众化,电视购物只有做成了规模经济,才能真正做大做强。

    Secondly , the positioning of the television must be public shopping . TV shopping can truly become bigger and stronger , only as a result of scale economy .

  22. 广告带来的好消息是其工作符合市场经济的运行,这还得部分归功于大众媒体如电视,收音机,报纸,杂志与因特网。

    The good news is that advertising serves market economy well , thanks in part to the media outlets like television , radio , newspapers , magazines and the Internet .

  23. 喜剧小品是一种深受大众喜爱的电视艺术,幽默是喜剧小品的灵魂,喜剧小品中的幽默话语自然就成了吸引观众的法宝。

    Comic sketch is a popular TV art in China . Humor is the soul of comic sketches , therefore the humor discourse in comic sketches becomes the main factor to attract the audience .

  24. 同时,分析了大众文化对电视剧人物塑造的作用与由此而来的艺术得失。

    It provides good premise for academic research on figure modeling of TV drama and analyses the role of popular culture on figure modeling of TV drama and resulted gain and loss in art .

  25. 尤其是作为大众传媒的电视要肩负起促进现实生活的全面进步、提升整个社会精神文明程度的光荣职责和神圣历史使命。

    Especially as a mass media , television must shoulder the promotion of real life , enhance the comprehensive progress of the social spiritual civilization degree of the glorious duty and sacred historical mission .

  26. 电视是承载着多形式元素的大众媒介,电视新闻借助其传播技术的优势,以多视角的画面叙事元素,将信息以更加生动、具象、准确、易受的形式呈现在观众面前。

    TV is carrying the more formal elements of the mass media , television news with its advantages of communication technology to multi-view images of narrative elements , the information in a more vivid , concrete , accurate and sensitive form to present in front of an audience .

  27. 大众应该要为电视节目的水准变高尚负责任。

    The public should be responsible for elevating the standards of TV programs .

  28. 大众文化时代的电视征候&2000年电视传媒时潮现状分析三题

    TV Phenomena in Popular Culture Times : An Analysis of TV Programming Trends in 2000

  29. 挖掘、传承、发扬区域文化和培育大众化特征的电视文化。

    And It spreads 、 accepts and develops regional culture and grows the television culture of the popular character .

  30. 一个广告的大众传媒,比如电视、收音机、报纸和杂志等等。

    By placing an ad with a mass medium , such as television , radio , newspaper , and magazines , etc.