
  • 网络Foreign Language Education;Foreign Language Pedagogy
  1. 许多语言学家与外语教育学专家都认为外语学习一定要从听入手。

    And linguists and experts believe that foreign language learning must be started from " listening " .

  2. 外语教育技术学作为一种跨学科研究其成立的条件和依据有哪些?其理论体系、研究对象、研究内容和现实基础是什么?

    What are its theoretical system , research subject , research content and realistic foundation ?

  3. 但一项全国性的调查发现,外语教育在公立中小学呈下滑趋势。

    But a national survey found that in recent years foreign language teaching decreased in public elementary and middle schools .