
Sài nèi jiā ěr
  • Senegal
  1. 观众中有一半是非洲人,其中大多数来自塞内加尔或马里。

    The African half of the audience was mainly from Senegal or Mali

  2. 塞内加尔于1960年8月20日独立出去。

    On 20 August 1960 Senegal seceded .

  3. 在一些国家里,比如阿尔及利亚和塞内加尔,英语正在成为法语强有力的竞争者,委员会在这些地方的工作可能会很快陷入停滞状态。

    Some countries where English is becoming a strong competitor to French , such as Algeria and Senegal , may see an immediate halt to the council 's work

  4. 到目前为止,塞内加尔的进展最好,种植了大约1100万棵树。

    So far , Senegal has made the best progress by planting about 11,000,000 trees .

  5. 西起塞内加尔,东至吉布提,南临撒哈拉沙漠。

    It covers from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east , on the south of the Sahara Desert .

  6. 在H组的这场比赛中,塞内加尔队中场队员伊德里萨.盖耶一记远射,足球打在后卫西奥内克身上变线入网。

    Senegalese midfielder Idrissa Gueye 's shot took a huge deflection off the defender in their Group H game .

  7. 6月19日波兰VS塞内加尔

    Senegal ( v Poland ) , 19 June

  8. Sow家庭是与塞内加尔政府合作的志愿人员。

    The Sow family are volunteers who work with the Senegalese Government .

  9. 在冈比亚、马里和塞内加尔的2至29岁人口中成功地完成了II期和III期临床试验。

    Phase II / III clinical trials have been successfully completed in two to29 year olds in The Gambia , Mali and Senegal .

  10. 塞内加尔介绍了其有关WTO海关估价协定豁免的请求,这是请求该豁免再次得到延期。塞内加尔目前使用的是最小值估价法。

    Senegal introduced its request for a second extension of the waiver from the WTO Agreement on Customs Valuation for its use of minimum values for customs valuation .

  11. FAO还预计非洲的大米产量会恢复,马里、尼日利亚和塞内加尔都会增产。

    The FAO also is predicting a recovery for rice harvests in Africa . It expects increased production from Mali , Nigeria and Senegal .

  12. 借助Facebook,华纳兄弟终有一天有可能覆盖从约旦和塞内加尔到博茨瓦纳和马提尼克岛的200多个国家的6亿多用户。

    With Facebook , Warner Brothers has the potential to one day reach some 600 million users in more than 200 countries , from Jordan and Senegal to Botswana and Martinique .

  13. 菲律宾公民工作的化工船MTStoltStrength于去年十一月份由塞内加尔驶往印度时被劫持。

    The chemical tanker the Philippine citizen was working on , the MT Stolt Strength , was captured in November on its way to India from Senegal .

  14. 我来自东北非洲的苏丹,现在寻求难民在达喀尔塞内加尔在事务高级专员办事处(UNHCR)。

    I am from Northeastern Africa Sudan , now seeking for refugee in Dakar Senegal under the ( UNHCR ) .

  15. 在与世卫组织确保母婴平安司(MPS)的密切合作下,塞内加尔政府制定了在该国内减少母亲和儿童死亡率的路线图。

    In close cooperation with the WHO Department of Making Pregnancy Safer ( MPS ), the Government of Senegal has developed a roadmap to reduce the maternal and child mortality rates in the country .

  16. Ndiaye医生说,他们正计划将这个项目扩展到整个塞内加尔。

    Doctor Ndiaye says there are plans to expand the program throughout Senegal .

  17. ICANN官方上月与会塞内加尔首都达喀尔,布拉德·怀特称,他们讨论了通用一级域名的新方案。

    ICANN officials met last month in Dakar , Senegal . Brad White says they discussed the new program for what are known as gTLDs .

  18. 去年,Aspire学院把梅西请到了塞内加尔校区,宣布将向每一个有足球之梦项目的非洲城镇发放40万顶蚊帐,并配备一名医疗官员。

    Last year , Aspire brought Lionel Messi to its Senegal campus to announce plans to distribute 400,000 mosquito nets and place a medical official in every African town where Football Dreams operates .

  19. 让这些年纪轻轻的男孩进入位于卡塔尔和塞内加尔的学院,Aspire肩负的责任不只是发展他们的足球运动员生涯,还要把他们培养成人。

    By bringing the boys to the academies in Qatar and Senegal at such a young age , Aspire shouldered responsibility for their development not just as soccer players , but as people .

  20. 他们在达喀尔(Dakar,塞内加尔首都)和托拉博拉(ToraBora,巴基斯坦边境小镇)的会面堪称疯狂,之后有一天夜里在贾拉拉巴德(Jalalabad,阿富汗城市),面对分手,她痛哭至深夜。

    There were frenzied meetings in Dakar and Tora Bora and a night in Jalalabad when they split up and she cried into the small hours .

  21. 这些决议是本月(3月13-14日)在塞内加尔首都达喀尔举行的OIC峰会上宣布的。

    The resolutions were announced at the OIC summit held in Dakar , Senegal , this month ( 13 – 14 March ) .

  22. TudorInvestments和MillenniumPartners正资助新上市的AfricaOpportunitiesPartners,该公司正寻求入股一家坦桑尼亚的酿酒厂、一家塞内加尔的固话电信公司、一家埃及保险公司和一家西非油气服务公司。

    Tudor Investments and Millennium Partners are backing newly-listed Africa Opportunities Partners which is seeking , for example , to pick up a stake in a Tanzanian brewery , a fixed line Senegalese telecoms company , an Egyptian insurer , and a West African oil and gas services company .

  23. 乌龙球在英文中还可以简写为og,目前,“乌龙球”已经帮助伊朗队、法国队、克罗地亚队和塞内加尔队取得胜利,同时也为东道主俄罗斯队锦上添花。

    own goal . Otherwise known as " og " - own goal has so far scored for Iran , France , Croatia and Senegal . They 've also popped up with one for the hosts , Russia .

  24. 塞内加尔达喀尔的CheikhAntaDiop大学和最近的南非开普敦大学都走了这条道路。

    The Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar , Senegal and , more recently , the University of Cape Town in South Africa have both followed this route .

  25. 全部由卡塔尔学员组成的Aspire学院队取得了第八名的成绩,而来自Aspire足球之梦的U16球员组成的球队——主要是来自塞内加尔、喀麦隆和加纳的学员——将在决赛中对阵世界强队皇家马德里(RealMadrid)。

    The Aspire squad , made up of Qatari boys , finished in eighth place , and the under-16 team from Aspire Football Dreams - featuring boys from Senegal , Cameroon and Ghana - reached the title game versus Real Madrid , a global powerhouse .

  26. 最初的试点项目将在Touba种植4000公顷的麻风树,可以减少塞内加尔10%的石油进口。

    In an initial pilot project to reduce Senegal 's oil imports by10 per cent , jatropha plants will be grown on4,000 hectares of land in Touba .

  27. 在国际移徙组织任职之前,Ndiaye女士曾任塞内加尔社会发展部长以及妇女、儿童和家庭事务部长。

    Prior to her appointment at the IOM , Mrs Ndiaye served as Minister for Social Development and Minister for Women 's , Children 's and Family Affairs in Senegal .

  28. 《纽约时报》看到的一份内部概念文件显示,Aspire的高管最初把塞内加尔的那所学院当作一个为卡塔尔的足球俱乐部打造潜在“人才库”的地方,同时强化Aspire作为“世界上最优秀人才库的形象”。

    According to an internal concept document shown to The New York Times , Aspire executives initially saw the Senegal academy as a place to develop a potential " talent pool " for Qatari football clubs and to enhance Aspire 's " image as the world 's best talent pool . "

  29. 这里是VOA特别英语教育报道。本周,塞内加尔首都达喀尔举行国际会议,探讨让女孩接受教育的方法。

    More Efforts Urged to Get and Keep Girls in School This is the VOA Special English Education Report . An international conference took place this week in Dakar , Senegal , to find new ways to get and keep girls in school .

  30. 塞内加尔的捷斯地区曾报告发生第二例疑似病例,也是冈比亚Tandji地区的一位渔民。病人有神经症状,包括精神状态的改变。

    A second suspected case reported in Thies region , Senegal was also a fisherman from Tanji locality in the Gambia , showing neurologic symptoms including an altered mental state .