
táng guān
  • waiter;restaurant waiter
堂倌 [táng guān]
  • [restaurant waiter] 旧时称饭馆、茶楼、酒店、澡堂等中的侍者

堂倌[táng guān]
  1. 你们以为一定不能让堂倌听到,好象他存心要听似的!

    You thought the waiter must not hear , as if he cared !

  2. 吉英和伊丽莎白面面相觑,便打发那个堂倌走开。

    Jane and Elizabeth looked at each other , and the waiter was told that he need not stay .

  3. 宠儿从那堂倌手里把那张纸夺过来。

    Favourite snatched the paper from the waiter 's hand .

  4. 芳汀正叹完这口气,伺候晚餐的那个堂倌走进来了。

    As Fantine concluded this sigh , the waiter who had served them at dinner entered .

  5. 堂倌们在旅馆的大院子里奔来奔去,常常彼此撞个满怀。

    In the large inn-yards waiters flitted to and fro and often ran against each other .

  6. 但是我们向法院提不出证据,饭店堂倌是现场见证人,他看了迈克尔的照片却说不认识,但见了人就可能认识。

    The waiter who witnessed the shooting doesn 't recognize a picture of Mike but he may recognize him in person .

  7. “因为那些先生们吩咐过的,”堂倌接着说,“要过了一个钟头才交给这几位太太。”

    " Because ," said the waiter ," the gentlemen ordered me not to deliver it to the ladies for an hour . "

  8. 我喊堂倌,付了帐,穿上外衣戴上帽子,往门外走。

    I called the waiter , paid the reckoning , got into my coat , put on my hat and started out the door .

  9. 唔,现在我来讲新闻啦&这是关于可爱的韦翰的新闻;堂倌不配听,是不是?

    Well , but now for my news : it is about dear Wickham ; too good for the waiter , is not it ?

  10. 子弹刚好打中索洛佐的眼睛和耳朵之间的地方,子弹从另一边迸了出来,炸出了一大团血,血和头骨碎片四处飞溅,也溅满了给吓得呆若木鸡的堂倌的衣服。

    The bullet caught Sollozzo squarely between his eye and his ear and when it exited on the other side blasted out a huge gout of blood and skull fragments onto the petrified waiter 's jacket .

  11. 柜台上,端坐着当时仍然肥硕鲜润的卢梭大娘,付帐时,他给堂倌一个苏,卢梭大娘则对他报以微笑。

    When he paid at the desk where Madam Rousseau , at that period still plump and rosy majestically presided , he gave a sou to the waiter , and Madam Rousseau gave him a smile .

  12. 关于可爱的韦翰的新闻;堂倌不配听,是不是?韦翰再不会有跟玛丽·金结婚的危险了——真是个了不起的消息呀!那位姑娘上利物浦她叔叔那儿去了——一去不回来了。韦翰安全了。”

    Well , but now for my news : it is about dear Wickham ; too good for the waiter , is not it ? There is no danger of Wickham 's marrying Mary King . There 's for you ! She is gone down to her uncle at Liverpool ; gone to stay . Wickham is safe . "