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jiān gù
  • strong;solid;sturdy;firm;hard;steady
坚固 [jiān gù]
  • [firm;steady;hard;solid] 牢固,不易毁坏

  • 这座平房很坚固

坚固[jiān gù]
  1. 只要表面平整、坚固而且干燥,瓷砖就可以贴住。

    Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it 's flat , firm and dry

  2. 就好象房屋需要坚固的地基一样,rootvg必须足够可靠才能保证成功完成迁移。

    Just as a house needs a firm foundation , the rootvg must be solid for the migration to be successful .

  3. 这把钻足以钻透坚固的岩石。

    The drill is strong enough to bore through solid rock .

  4. 他们凿出一条穿过坚固岩石的隧道。

    They drove a tunnel through the solid rock .

  5. 这条隧道是在坚固的岩石中炸出来的。

    The tunnel was blasted out of solid rock .

  6. 这辆汽车的外壳给人的感觉异常坚固。

    The solid feel of the car 's shell is impressive .

  7. 珊瑚虽然看上去坚固,实际上非常易碎。

    Although the coral looks hard , it is very delicate .

  8. 混凝土会像岩石一样坚固。

    The concrete will stay as solid as a rock .

  9. 这款相机既坚固耐用,又有超凡的光学性能和快门速度。

    The camera combines rugged reliability with unequalled optical performance and speed .

  10. 银行往往建得看上去很坚固,好让顾客放心。

    Banks are built to look solid to reassure their customers

  11. 我们买下这栋房子的时候,它的结构还非常坚固。

    When we bought the house , it was structurally sound

  12. 它由3块坚固的木板做成,很结实。

    It was very strong , made of three solid planks of wood .

  13. 相机固定在一个坚固的三脚架上。

    The camera was mounted on a sturdy tripod .

  14. 在工业上,金刚石可以用作工具表面坚固、耐腐蚀的覆盖层。

    In industry , diamond can form a tough , non-corrosive coating for tools .

  15. 这种热水瓶瓶身坚固,不易断裂破碎。

    The vacuum flask has a strong casing , which won 't crack or chip

  16. 他们虚晃一招,然后集中兵力攻打敌方最坚固的阵线。

    They feinted and concentrated forces against the most fortified line of the enemy side .

  17. 骨灰瓷坚固耐用。

    Bone china is strong and durable .

  18. 钻石本身可能很坚固,但却不易与其他物质很好地黏合。

    Diamond may be strong in itself , but it does not bond well with other materials

  19. 坦克造得都很坚固,拆卸过程复杂而艰难。

    Tanks are strongly built . It is a complicated and difficult process to break them up .

  20. 他坐在一张坚固的扶手椅的椅边上,手里端着一杯茶。

    He sat on the edge of an unyielding armchair , a cup of tea in his hand .

  21. 坚固的云杉木做成的桅杆已经弯得像一把弓,那一刻我觉得它马上就要断了。

    The mast , which was a solid spruce spar , bent like a bow , and for a moment I thought we were going to lose it .

  22. 水坝不够坚固,抵挡不住洪水。

    The dam was not strong enough to hold the floodwaters .

  23. 河堤非常坚固,足以防止洪水泛滥。

    The dikes are strong enough to prevent floods .

  24. 专家称从坚固的岩石中炸出一条路来是不可能的。

    The experts said it was impossible to blast a road out of solid rock .

  25. 飞船的框架是用轻而坚固的金属制成的。

    The frame of an airship is made of light but strong metal .

  26. 这座桥造得很坚固。

    This bridge is very solidly built .

  27. 你需要待在坚固的物体旁,避免被掉落的东西砸伤。

    You need to have something strong around you to protect you from falling objects .

  28. 这艘拖船又小又黑,还冒出许多烟来,但十分坚固,因为它还拖着一艘大得多的船。这幅画展现了一个真实的场景。

    The tugboat is small and dark and it 's making a lot of smoke , but it 's very strong , because it 's pulling the much bigger ship The painting shows a real event .

  29. 包装必须十分坚固,以承受粗率的搬运。

    The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling .

  30. 金属会非常坚硬、坚固,并比以前减少了韧性。

    The metal is very hard and strong and less ductile than before .