
chǎnɡ dì shǐ yònɡ fèi
  • site use fees
  1. 在经济不发达地区从事开发性的项目,场地使用费经所在地人民政府同意,可以给予特别优惠。

    Subject to the consent of the local people 's government , projects of a developmental nature carried out in economically underdeveloped regions may receive preferential treatment in respect of site use fees .

  2. 房地产税?场地使用费?契税印花税?车辆使用牌照税等。

    Real estate tax , fee for use of ground , deed tax , stamp tax , vehicle license tax , and etc.

  3. 场地使用费作为中国合营者投资的,在该合同期限内不得调整。

    If a site use fee is being contributed as an investment by a Chinese venturer , it shall not be adjusted during the term of the contract .

  4. 在合同期内,场地使用费如有调整,应当自调整的年度起按新的费用标准缴纳。

    During the term of the contract , if the site use fee is adjusted , it shall be paid at the new rate beginning from the year of adjustment .

  5. 为吸引非洲客商,“中心”将对入驻的非洲企业给予一定期限的免场地使用费、物业管理费等多项优惠措施。

    To attract African merchants ," the center " of the enterprise in Africa will give a fixed maturity from the site use fee , property management fee etc and many preferential measures .