
  • 网络International politics
  1. 试析国际政治学的美国重心西方女性主义国际关系理论视角中的安全

    The American Center of gravity in the study of international politics

  2. 对建立中国国际政治学理论体系的思考

    Considerations in Establishing a Theoretical System of International Politics in China

  3. 安全是一个立体式、集约式的国际政治学概念;

    Security is a three-dimensioned and intensive concept in this science .

  4. 中国国际政治学学科建设的回顾与思考

    Reflects on Disciplinary Construction of the International Politics in China

  5. 既然中国和平崛起走的是一条不同以往的新路,中国国际政治学理论建设同样应该有别于西方国际政治学理论建设的老路,寻找一条独特的新路。

    The difference determines a new theoretical construction of Chinese international politics .

  6. 摘要现实主义学派是国际政治学的主流学派。

    The realism is one of the main schools in international politics .

  7. 国际政治学理论视角下的对外援助

    Foreign Aids from the Perspective of International Political Studies

  8. 西方国际政治学的三个伦理向度

    The Three Moral Dimensions of Western International Politics

  9. 论中国国际政治学理论建设

    On Construction of International Political Theory in China

  10. 女性主义与国际政治学研究

    On the Study of Ecological Politics

  11. 美国意识形态多元维度分析&国际政治学意义测度和梳理

    An Analysis of Multidimensional American Ideology

  12. 目前,宪政工程学已经成为国际政治学界的研究热点之一。

    At present , Constitutional Engineering has become a research focus of international political academic circles .

  13. 国际政治学是一门科学,其研究必须遵循规范化的要求。

    International politics is a science , its research must follow the request of the standardization .

  14. 他的学术研究范围很广,其中也包括国际政治学。

    His studies cover a wide range of areas that include the theories of international politics .

  15. 20世纪80年代中期以来,特别是东欧政局剧变之后,中欧的概念重新出现在国际政治学词汇中。

    Since the middle of 1980s , the concept of Central Europe appeared again in international political vocabulary .

  16. 从国际政治学的角度看,危机管理是当代外交和战略研究的重要范畴之一。

    Crisis management is an important category of contemporary diplomatic and strategic studies from the angle of international politics .

  17. 在西方国际政治学界,自20世纪70年代后期以来,有关学习理论及其在外交上的应用,一直是热门话题之一。

    The theory of nuclear learning has prevailed in Western international politics and been of significant influence since the late 1970s .

  18. 日本学者从历史、社会学、国际政治学等视角对战争责任问题已有相当的研究积累;

    Japanese scholars have accumulated enormous research on war responsibility from the angle of history , sociology , and international politics .

  19. “软实力”最早是由美国学者约瑟夫·奈提出的国际政治学概念。

    The soft strength , a concept of international politics , was first put forward by an American scholar named Joseph S.Nye .

  20. 开启理论探索的新航程&读《西方国际政治学:历史与理论》(第二版)

    Making A New Voyage of Theoretic Exploration : A Review of Western International Politics : History and Theory ( the Second Edition );

  21. 从学理视角对安全问题进行理性分析是国际政治学的重要课题。

    A rational analysis of the security issues from the perspective of academic reasoning is an important task in the international political science .

  22. 经过近一个世纪的长足发展,西方国际政治学已经逐渐成长为一个极其重要而相对复杂的知识谱系。

    After almost one century 's great development , western international politics has become a most important and relatively complicated branch of knowledge genealogies .

  23. 40多年来,中国国际政治学经历了起步、补课、发展和创新四个阶段。

    Up to now , the International Politics Research of China has undergone four basic phases such as starting , vacancy-filling , developing and innovating .

  24. 古典现实主义是国际政治学理辩论和实践分析的主流理论范式之一,它一经产生就得到广泛认可。

    Classical realism , one of the mainstream theoretical paradigms for international political debate and the practice of the analysis , is widely recognized since it produced .

  25. 联盟历来是国际政治学研究的核心问题之一,但学术界对于联盟在强制外交中所发挥的作用缺乏足够的重视。

    Alliance has always been one of the core issues in the study of international politics , but its role in coercive diplomacy attracts less attention than expected in the academic community .

  26. 东北亚区域政治研究作为国际政治学研究的一个重要组成部分,还没有形成相对系统的、独立的研究体系。

    The study of the regional politics of Northeast Asia is regarded as an important part in international political science , which having not formed the relatively independent and systematic research system yet .

  27. 复旦大学国际政治学系教授沈逸介绍称,实施网络限制措施地方早有操作,草案将这一实践以法律形式明确下来。

    Shen Yi , a professor of international politics at Fudan University in Shanghai , said that the government has already issued Internet blackouts in the past , but that the law would codify that power .

  28. 本书真实反映了作者与西方众多理论巨人之间的直接对话,是一个指引读者系统而准确地理解西方国际政治学的航标。

    Truly reflecting the direct dialogue between Professor Wang and many western theoretical masters , the book serves as a navigation mark to guide its readers to get a systematic and accurate understanding of western international politics .

  29. 国际政治学的相关理论在对国际反恐合作的解释与研究方面仍显欠缺,理论研究的不足也反过来限制了国际反恐合作事宜的深入开展。

    The relevant theories of international politics have shown some inadequacy in explaining and studying the international cooperation against terrorism and vice versa , the inadequacy of theoretical research has also limited the carrying on of anti-terrorism issues .

  30. 作为国际政治学的核心问题之一,战争与和平问题受到该学科各理论流派的关注,女性主义国际政治理论也对之进行了积极的思考和探索。

    As one of the core questions of international politics , the question of war and peace draws the attention of the various schools of thought in this area of study , while feminism also makes a thorough inquiry into the question .