
huí xuán
  • Convolute;manoeuvre;maneuver;whirl;circle round;round and round
回旋 [huí xuán]
  • (1) [circle round]∶盘旋

  • 飞机在上空回旋

  • (2) [maneuver]∶可变通;可进退;可商量

回旋[huí xuán]
  1. 高速公路回旋线路基边桩测设

    Layout of side pile on roadbed for circle round line of Expressway

  2. 辽阔的文化地域,使得中国文化有足以回旋的余地和应付环境变迁的能力;

    The vast cultural region enables the Chinese culture have enough leeway to circle round and ability to cope with the environmental changes ;

  3. 新法律没给我们留下多少回旋的余地。

    The new laws have left us little room to manoeuvre .

  4. 我们得按时完成工作,没有回旋余地。

    Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the work on time .

  5. 随着大选临近,他几乎没有什么回旋的余地了。

    With an election looming , he has little room for manoeuvre .

  6. 这件事还有回旋余地。

    The whole thing is not final .

  7. 还有回旋余地。

    There is enough space for manoeuvers .

  8. 飞机在上空回旋。

    The airplane is circling overhead .

  9. 留点儿回旋余地,别把话说死了。

    Don 't be so categorical & allow a little latitude .

  10. 他们留下回旋的余地。

    They had left their options open .

  11. 雾气回旋在这栋老房子的四周。

    The mist eddied round the old house .

  12. 它们在空中矫捷地回旋,好似缕缕青烟。

    The acrobatic twirls like wisps of smoke .

  13. 中国经济有巨大韧性、潜力和回旋余地。

    China 's economy is highly resilient and has much potential and ample space to grow .

  14. 建造眩目的回旋木马,难以置信的云霄飞车,摩天轮,恐怖木屋和其他令人毛骨悚然的设备

    Build dizzy carousels , unbelievable roller-coasters , Ferris wheels , fear halls and other thrilling andand thirsty .

  15. EAST装置离子回旋加热液态阻抗匹配系统的研究

    Study of liquid impedance matching for ICRF on the EAST tokamak

  16. W波段二次谐波突变复合腔回旋管数值模拟

    Simulation of W-band second-harmonic complex cavity gyrotron with abrupt transiton

  17. W波段回旋行波管放大器速度零散的分析

    Analysis on velocity spread of a w - band gyrotron traveling wave amplifier

  18. 回旋管电子枪CAD

    Electron gun CAD of Gyrotron

  19. Ka波段回旋振荡管准光输出系统CAD

    Computer Aided Design for Quasi-optical Output System of Ka Wave Band Gyrotron

  20. GaAs肖特基二极管外差接收系统用于托卡马克电子回旋辐射的诊断

    The diagnosis of Tokamak electron cyclotron radiation by GaAs Schottky diode heterodyne receiver

  21. DNA回旋酶是细菌特有的一种拓扑异构酶,它能够利用ATP水解的能量将共价闭合环状DNA转变为负超螺旋DNA,从而维持细菌体内正常的超螺旋水平。

    DNA gyrase is an essential bacterial topoisomerase that catalyzes the ATP dependent negative supercoiling of double stranded closed circular DNA .

  22. 挠性抗回旋PDC钻头的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Flexible Anti - Whirl PDC Bit

  23. 国外抗回旋PDC钻头研究及使用动态

    The reasearch and application of anti - whirl PDC bit in abroad

  24. 栅网与偏压对CHF3电子回旋共振放电等离子体特性的影响

    Effect of grid and bias on the characteristic of CHF_3 electron cyclotron resonance discharge plasma

  25. 最后,为正在研制中的Ka波段三次谐波倍增回旋速调管放大器设计了一种链式群聚腔。

    Finally , a chain bunching cavity is designed for the developing Ka-band frequency-tripling gyroklystron amplifier .

  26. 国际货币基金组织(imf)和欧元区国家政府提供资金的承诺,让希腊有了控制本国财政的回旋余地。

    The commitment of money by the International Monetary Fund and eurozone governments gives Greece breathing room to control its finances .

  27. 介绍了EAST装置新型离子回旋加热(ICRH)天线电流带的设计结构。

    The structure of the straps on new type of ICRH antenna for EAST tokamak was introduced .

  28. 到那时,AAA评级国家(甚至包括美国)可能会失去一切财政上的回旋余地。

    Then triple A-rated countries , including even the US , might lose all fiscal headroom .

  29. 本文给出了用4mm波段回旋管在HL-1装置进行的预电离实验结果。

    Experimental results of preionization in the HL-1 tokamak are presented .

  30. 对8mm基波回旋行波管放大器进行了研究。

    An 8 mm fundamental wave gyro traveling wave tube is studied .