- 名commercial paper;commercial instrument;trade paper;mercantile paper

Anxiety in the markets was exacerbated by a plunge in earnings at Bank of America and signs of mounting unease in asset-backed commercial paper .
Collectively this so-called " asset-backed commercial paper " or ABCP lasts for anything between a few days and a few months before needing to be refunded .
A Digital Watermarking Method for Anti-counterfeit of Commercial Bills Based on First Degree Orthogonal Function of U System
The asset-backed commercial paper market came to a standstill and the special investment vehicles set up by banks to get mortgages off their balance sheets could no longer get outside financing .
Data released by the US Federal Reserve showed the amount invested had its biggest weekly drop since the central bank began tracking the sector in 2001 .
A one degree orthogonal function of U system is applied to the anti-counterfeit of commercial bills , and a novel digital watermarking method is put forward .
Dozens of companies signed up last week to sell short-term IOUs called commercial paper to the Fed , which will purchase three-month debt that has high credit ratings .
Along with Rmb800m underwritten by China Development Bank , Dongbei Special also risks defaulting on Rmb1.015bn of 90-day commercial paper due in April , according to the Shanghai Clearing House website .
With an investment vehicle set up by the Fed now effectively acting as a commercial-paper buyer of last resort , companies will have more breathing room to manage their finances .
Those include discount window and Term Auction Facility loans to banks , currency swaps with other central banks , purchases of commercial paper and financing for investors in asset-backed securities .
Securities for which ISINs are issued include bonds , commercial paper , equities and warrants .
The amount of paper outstanding has fallen by $ 181 billion in two weeks , according to Soci é t é G é n é rale , a French bank .
Companies selling unsecured commercial paper will have to pay an effective rate of two percentage points above this OIS benchmark .
The Fed 's program should'relieve a fair amount of the pressure on the commercial paper market , 'says Ajay Rajadhyaksha , head of fixed-income research at Barclays Capital .
Medium-term notes ( MTN ) originated from the United States in the 1970s , initially as a financing tool lied between commercial paper with short-term and corporate bonds with long-term .
Also , last month , the Fed moved to backstop short-term debt called asset-backed commercial paper , which led investors to pull away from the other half of the short-term debt market because it had no government guarantee . This debt was issued largely by corporations and European banks .
The crisis at Sachsen LB was triggered when commercial paper investors refused to refinance Ormond Quay - its conduit - in effect calling in their loans all at once .
We are in the middle of a mini-crisis in the commercial paper market , at least half of which is related to the SIV conduits , says Robert McAdie , global head of credit strategy at Barclays .
' the liquidity support for the fund is aimed at helping to smooth liquidity flow in the corporate bond and commercial paper ' markets , said Lee ju-yeol , a deputy governor at the central bank .
Growth in bank lending , which has risen amid a sharp contraction in capital market activity , also slowed for the fifth straight month , the Bank of Japan said yesterday , reflecting a recovery in the corporate bond and commercial paper markets .
It has tried to target the price and distribution of credit more precisely . This has been done through schemes such as the commercial paper programme designed to boost corporate liquidity , or the TALF initiative designed to boost consumer lending .
Status Quo of Commercial Bill in China and Its Existing Problems
The commercial bill 's development is built on its credit .
Commercial paper is backed by a bank line of credit .
Commercial paper is typically used to finance trade and receivables .
Should I enclose this commercial paper with these two letters ?
Asset - Backed Commercial Notes : Another Financing Alternative for SMEs
Theoretical and Applied Studies of Asset - backed Commercial Paper program
We usually only discount acceptance trade and commercial bills .
The Bank of Korea isn 't planning to buy commercial paper .