
  1. 在决定购买何款巴士前,屿巴先后分别向城巴及九巴借用富豪B6LE及丹尼士飞镖低地台巴士,试行东涌道以作评估。

    NLB had borrowed a Volvo B6LE and Dennis Dart SLF for trial on Tung Chung Road before the ordering of Dart .

  2. 约书亚就向城伸出手里的短枪。

    So Joshua held out his javelin toward Ai .

  3. 他们彻夜漫步,有说有笑地向城边那座山走去。

    Joking and chatting , they moved towards the mountain on the edge of the city .

  4. 青岛,早先是一个自然渔村,后因清政府海防建设需要,向城发展。

    Qingdao , which is a natural fishery village at first , was developed into a " city " by Qing Government for the coast defence construction .

  5. 在新的区域经济发展时期,尤其是在由区向城发展的过程中,杭州经济技术开发区面临新的机遇和挑战。

    In the new economic development period , particularly during the process from " area " to " town " , Hangzhou EDA faces new opportunities and challenges .

  6. 凡有疑问,应向城规会秘书处或规划署规划资讯及专业行政小组查询。

    In case of doubt , clarification should always be sought from the Secretariat of the board or the planning information and technical administration unit of the planning department .

  7. 每份法定图则均附有注释,说明特定地带的准许土地用途,以及须向城规会申请许可的土地用途。

    Attached to each statutory plan is a set of notes indicating the uses in particular zones that are always permitted and those uses for which the board 's permission must be sought .

  8. 我们从四面八方向该城发起攻击

    We assaulted the city on all sides .

  9. 他备鞍上马,向约克城奔去。

    He saddled a horse and rode off towards the city of york .

  10. 耶和华说,我向这城变脸,降祸不降福。

    I have determined to do this city harm and not good , declares the LORD .

  11. 军官乙他们向我们城上放礼炮了;到来的也是我们的朋友。

    Second Gentleman . They give their greeting to the citadel ; This likewise is a friend .

  12. 当你临近一城要进攻时,应先向那城提议和平;

    If at any time thou come to fight against a city , thou shalt first offer it peace .

  13. 当两处监测站被激活时,这就向墨西哥城传递一个信号,那就是自动触发警报。

    When at least two stations are activated , they relay a signal to Mexico City , automatically triggering an alarm .

  14. 他既然向尼尼微城的居民宣讲了审判信息,就希望神照他所讲的去审判他们。

    He didn 't like the idea of preaching judgment and then God not doing what he , Jonah , had prophesied .

  15. 最后这天,他输得没钱了,就通过“经理”批准,向电玩城借钱继续玩。

    The last day , he lost no money , through the " manager " approval to the city to borrow money to play video games .

  16. 这些不尽如人意的默示有一个简单的名字:城市病,指的是进口过于向年夜城阛阓中而激发的一系列社会问题。

    All the unhappy things have a simple name : city disease , it means a big population gather in big cities that cause a serious of social problems .

  17. 耶和华向这城呼叫,智慧人必敬畏他的名。你们当听是谁派定刑杖的惩罚。

    The LORD 's voice crieth unto the city , and the man of wisdom shall see thy name : hear ye the rod , and who hath appointed it .

  18. 亚述王的臣仆用犹大言语向耶路撒冷城上的民大声呼叫,要惊吓他们,扰乱他们,以便取城。

    Then they called out in Hebrew to the people of Jerusalem who were on the wall , to terrify them and make them afraid in order to capture the city .

  19. 路四43但耶稣对他们说,我也必须向别城传神的国为福音,因我奉差遣正是为此。

    Lk . 4:43 But He said to them , I must announce the gospel of the kingdom of God to the other cities also , because for this I was sent .

  20. 根据美国移民与海关执法局探员雷提西娅·萨马里帕说,为了让充满暴力的华雷斯城市少一些暴力罪犯,美国已经停止向该城遣返墨西哥国籍的获释囚犯。

    In an effort to reduce the number of violent criminals in Juarez , the United States has stopped deporting released prisoners of Mexican nationality to the embattled city , according to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Leticia Zamarripa .

  21. 耶和华说,我向这城变脸,降祸不降福。这城必交在巴比伦王的手中,他必用火焚烧。

    For my face is turned to this town for evil and not for good , says the lord : it will be given into the hands of the king of babylon , and he will have it burned with fire .

  22. 近代新疆城市具有军事防御、交通与商业枢纽等突出的个性功能,由军城向治城转变、商业职能强化、功能综合化是近代新疆城市功能的变迁趋向。

    Military defense , transportation and commercial hub were prominent personality function of modern city , change from " army city " to " governance city ", strengthen business function and colligate function were the change trend of city in modern times .

  23. 因为太过悲痛,他昨晚用麦克风向挤满墨西哥城人权办公室的记者大喊。

    In anguish , he shouted into a microphone last night to reporters jammed inside a Mexico City human rights office .

  24. 许多国的民要经过这城,各人对邻舍说,耶和华为何向这大城如此行呢。

    And many nations shall pass by this city , and they shall say every man to his neighbour , Wherefore hath the LORD done thus unto this great city ?

  25. 从青岛城市的地质构造、矿产资源和地质环境的实际状况和自然属性出发,探讨了海洋地质在由海洋科学城向海洋产业城转变过程中的作用以及城市地质与可持续发展之路。

    In the paper , the authors have expounded the application of marine geology to the transition from the marine science city to the marine industry city and how the municipal geology can have a sustainable development .

  26. 因你抢夺许多的国,杀人流血,向国内的城,并城中一切居民施行强暴,所以各国剩下的民,都必抢夺你。

    Because thou hast spoiled many nations , all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee ; because of men 's blood , and for the violence of the land , of the city , and of all that dwell therein .

  27. 我们渴望在2006年向世界公布地下城。

    We are looking forward to opening the dungeons to the world in2006 !

  28. 围绕海洋科学城向海洋科技产业城转变这一命题,阐述了海洋产业城的内涵、实质和建设海洋产业城的理论基础;

    In this paper , the contents and essence of marine industry and the theoretical basis for constructing the marine industry city are discussed concerning the topic to change from the marine science and technology city to the marine industry city .

  29. 城乡物资流动由传统乡村向城市单向流动向城乡间双向交流转变。

    Material flows changed from one-way flow of the traditional villages to two-way communication between urban and rural areas .

  30. 你向利巴嫩行强暴,与残害惊吓野兽的事,必遮盖你。因你杀人流血,向国内的城,并城中一切居民,施行强暴。

    For the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee , and the spoil of beasts , which made them afraid , because of men 's blood , and for the violence of the land , of the city , and of all that dwell therein .