
hòu qín bǎo zhànɡ
  • logistic service
  1. 领队工作是优秀运动队中协助教练员做好运动员的思想、管理和后勤保障等的不可缺少的组成部分。

    The paper points out the task of the leader of a sports team is to cooperate coach on the education , management and logistic service for athletes .

  2. 高校后勤服务与管理之我见新形势下院校后勤保障工作特点及对策探讨


  3. 基于Multi-Agent的军队后勤保障系统模型研究

    Study on Army Rear-service Security System Model Based on Multi-agent

  4. 基于TOC和面向对象Petri网系统的后勤保障流程建模

    Modeling of Logistic Support Process Based on TOC & Object-oriented Petri Net System

  5. 实施ISO预防为主的管理原则促进后勤保障工作

    Implementing the management principle of prevention the first according to ISO is facilitating logistics guarantee

  6. 设备/装备综合保障工程(以下简称为综合保障工程),国外称综合后勤保障(IntegratedLogisticsSupport),正是适应时代的需要产生的一种理论。

    Integrated Support Engineering of equipment ( for short named Integrated Support ), termed Integrated Logistics Support by foreign country , is a kind of theory created accommodating time requirement .

  7. 在分析射频识别技术原理的基础上,通过实例探讨了RFID射频识别技术在军队后勤保障中的应用。

    This paper discusses applications of the RFID ′ s technique on guaranteeing in the troops pass the examples on the foundation of RFID ′ s technique principles .

  8. CALS理论与综合后勤保障信息体系的构建

    CALS Theories and the Build-up of Information System of Integrated Logistic Support

  9. CALS体系下综合后勤保障中的寿命周期费用管理研究

    Life Cycle Cost Management Research in ILS under CALS System

  10. 并且按RUP的核心工作流来安排后勤保障系统的开发过程,即对应的用例建模(涉及其分析模型、设计模型、实现模型),采用了统一建模语言UML描述各阶段的成果。

    The thesis plans the process of the software system according to the core workflow of RUP , which are use cases , analyzed model , design model , implementation model .

  11. 敏捷维修(agilemaintenance,AM)是后勤保障领域的新概念,面向先进制造系统的敏捷维修技术研究才刚刚起步。

    Agile maintenance ( AM ) is an new concept for logistics , it can be applied to maintenance for advanced manufacturing system . In china , study on for AM for manufacturing system is in initial stage .

  12. 如果能成功地把生产计划与控制(PPC)设计成具有匹配能力的调节回路,则可以持续改进企业的后勤保障效率。

    The logistical efficiency of an enterprise can be continually improved if the Pro-duction Planning and Control ( PPC ) can be designed as an adaptive control loop .

  13. 基于无维修工作期(MaintenanceFreeOperatingPeriod,MFOP)的可靠性理论既可有效改善飞机及其设备的可用性,同时也可大大降低后勤保障成本;

    Reliability centred maintenance ( RCM ) based on a new concept , namely , maintenance free operating period ( MFOP ) can effectively improve the availability of aircraft and it 's equipment . It can also decrease the cost of logistic support .

  14. 为了支持作业单元、完成任务,USCG高度依赖于它的后勤保障资产。

    The USCG is highly dependent on its logistical assets to support its operational units and accomplish its missions .

  15. 文章通过对军队引入第三方物流带来的军事、经济以及社会效益分析,结合我军后勤保障的特点提出了“战略辅助,区域依托”的初期引入模式和对TPL企业的要求。

    Combining with the characters of PLA 's logistics , it also brings some demands to the TPL corporation and a new introducing mode which asks TPL to assist in tactic and to be rely on regionally .

  16. 交互式电子技术手册IETM作为实施CALS战略的基础和关键技术,对提高武器装备系统的后勤保障水平发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    As the core technology of implementing CALS strategy , Interactive Electronic Technical Manual , IETM , plays more and more important role on improving the logistics guarantee level of weaponry system .

  17. 计算机辅助采办与后勤保障(CALS)是促进武器系统采办、设计、制造与保障功能的数字技术信息综合的一项新举措。

    Computer-aided acquisition and logistics support ( CALS ) is an intiative to facili-tate the integration of digital technical information for weapon system acquisition , design , manufacture , and support functions .

  18. 通过对综合后勤保障要素和保障性工程的研究,归纳了综合后勤保障的范围和内容,提出了综合后勤保障的功能框架,进一步完善了前面提出的CALS体系;

    After researching the elements of ILS and supportability engineering , we summed up the scope and contents of ILS , advanced an ILS Function Structure Tree and perfected CALS system mentioned above ;

  19. 因此,建立技术先进、结构开放且可适应当前和今后复杂设备后勤保障要求的IETM结构体系,对缩短维修时间,提高设备保障效率具有重要意义。

    Thus , building an IETM system that is advanced , open structure , meet the need of complex equipment that used now and in future is important for shortening repair time , improving the equipment maintainance efficiency .

  20. NAMSO的任务是在平战时对两个或多个北约成员国军队以最低的成本实施最有效的后勤保障。NAMSA由后勤规划调控部,采购部,财政部和资源部四个部门组成。

    NAMSO 's mission is to maximize , in peacetime and in wartime , the effectiveness of logistics support to the Armed Forces of NATO states and to minimize costs .

  21. 国家金融安全与军队后勤保障

    A research of the state financial safety and troops logistic support

  22. 集团军战时后勤保障计划微机管理系统

    Microcomputer Managment System of Safeguard plan for Logistics Supplies in War

  23. 基于三阶段划分视角下的后勤保障模式研究

    Study on Logistics Support Modes Based on the " Three-Stage "

  24. 该车适用于作战部队伙食单位野外作业的炊事后勤保障;

    This trailer is available for kitchen support in field work .

  25. 对21世纪初我军后勤保障打得赢的思考

    Thinking of the logistic construction in the early 21 st Century

  26. 对驻疆部队后勤保障社会化改革模式的宏观思考

    The model of the socialization of logistic support in Xinjiang troops

  27. 推行综合后勤保障与提高军机效费比

    Pursue integrated logistic support and enhance the cost-effectiveness of military aircraft

  28. 未来高技术战争空军后勤保障的三大任务

    Three tasks of air support in future high & tech operations

  29. 非作战部队后勤保障社会化改革再探

    The socialization of logistic support in the non - fighting troops

  30. 它们在后勤保障上较易储存和分发。

    Logistically , they are easier to store and distribute .