
  1. 用于AVR闭环测试的同步发电机组数字仿真

    Digital Simulation of Synchronous Generator for AVR Closed-loop Tests

  2. T2S系列自励恒压同步发电机组调压系统的故障分析及检修

    Analysis for Troubles on the Voltage Adjusting System of the T 2S Series , Self Excitation , Constant Voltage , Synchronous Generator and Its Inspection & Repair

  3. 作为风力发电的主流机型,双馈型风力发电机(DFIG)具有与常规同步发电机组不一样的运行特性。

    Being a mainstream wind generator , doubly fed induction generator ( DFIG ) has the different operating characteristics from synchronous generator .

  4. 在一台MTF-5-1500型模拟同步发电机组上进行了所研制的硬、软件动模试验,结果表明:新方法测得的参数更符合实际工况。

    The results from hard and soft ware developed and dynamic simulator test on a type MTF 5 1500 simulator sychronous generator shows that parameters measured by this new method better conform with actual operation .

  5. 针对水磁同同步发电机组,提出了直驱型永磁风力发电系统低电压穿越的控制逻辑,采用储能Crowbar,故障时无功控制策略实现了永磁同步风力发电系统的低电压穿越。

    In the directly-driven permanent magnet wind power system simulation platform , the low voltage ride through of directly-driven PM wind generation system is achieved by using the power storage crowbar and reactive power control strategy during the breakdown time .

  6. 应用微机控制器控制同步发电机组的励磁和转速

    Application of Microcomputer in Excitation and Speed Control of Sychronous Generator

  7. 船舶电站同步发电机组综合控制算法

    Synthesis Control Algorithm for Parallel Synchronous Generators of Marine Power Plant

  8. 同步发电机组的抗冲击动力学分析

    On Resisting High Impact Shock Dynamics Analysis for Shipboard Synchronization Generator Set

  9. 开发了同步发电机组参数辨识软件,这为同步发电机组参数辨识的工程化应用做好了准备。

    The synchronous generator parameters identification software is developed .

  10. 同步发电机组励磁系统实时仿真研究

    A real time simulation system for synchronous generator set

  11. 同步发电机组及其控制系统暂态过程的状态间分析

    State Space Analyses of Transient Performances of Synchronous Generators and Their Control Systems

  12. 并联运行同步发电机组有功分配的离散变结构控制

    Discrete variable structure control of active power distribution in parallel synchronous generators system

  13. 并联同步发电机组振荡原因分析及处理

    Analysis on Reasons and Countermeasures of Synchronous Generator Oscillation

  14. 中频同步发电机组励磁系统的改进

    Improvement on Exciting System of I.F Synchronous Generating Set

  15. 电力系统同步发电机组仿真技术的研究及其模型的建立

    Simulation Technique for Synchronous Generator Set in Power Systems and Establishment of Its Model

  16. 同步发电机组交迭分解分散自适应控制

    Synchronous generating units overlapping decomposition decentralized adaptive controll

  17. 用于自动电压调节器调试的同步发电机组励磁系统实时仿真研究

    The study of real-time simulation of synchronous generator and its excitation syst for AVR tests and adjusts

  18. 在同步发电机组调速器侧装设电力系统稳定器是抑制电力系统低频振荡的有效措施。

    Fixing power system stabilizer on the governor of synchronous generator is an effective method to restrain low frequency oscillation .

  19. 将研究结果应用于电力系统,设计了并联运行同步发电机组有功分配控制器,仿真结果表明所提设计方法的有效性。

    Simulation results show that the controller designed here can eliminate system chattering effectively and enable the system to have strong robustness property .

  20. 提出一种实用算法,可简便、有效地判断同步发电机组的稳定运行状态。

    A practical algorithm of transient voltage regulation rate for synchronous generator is proposed to simply and effectively estimate its stable operation state .

  21. 船舶多模式电站与船舶电网电能质量研究船舶电站同步发电机组综合控制算法

    Research on Marine Combined Electrical Power Plant and Electric Network Power Quality ; Synthesis Control Algorithm for Parallel Synchronous Generators of Marine Power Plant

  22. 无刷交流励磁机是是同步发电机组的重要组成部分,直接影响到发电机组的运行特性。

    The AC brushless synchronous excitation generator is an important part of a synchronous generator and has direct influence on the running of generator .

  23. 将离散趋近律方法应用于电力系统,设计了并联运行同步发电机组有功分配的离散变结构控制器。

    Applying the reaching law approach to power system , a controller for the distribution of active power of a parallel synchronous generators system is designed .

  24. 随着同步发电机组容量的增加,为防止发电机内部故障扩大,对发电机的灭磁系统提出了更高的要求。

    Along with the synchronization power set capacity increasing , for prevent the generator interior breakdown from expanding , the generator has a higher request to the de-excitation system .

  25. 论述了同步发电机组的抗冲击动力学分析以及这种分析方法的优点和局限性。

    The article , dynamics analysis of resisting high impact shock for shipboard synchronization generator set is presented , and the advantages and shortcomings of this analysis method and discussed .

  26. 研究了同步发电机组辨识建模中的影响辨识精度的若干问题,认为合理的模型和有效的辨识方法是同步发电机组参数辨识成功的关键。

    Some aspects affecting the identification accuracy of synchronous generator are studied , which shows the reasonable model and effective identification method are the key points to the success of synchronous generator parameters identification .

  27. 因此,能够在额定风速下跟踪风能最大功率点的大功率直驱并网型低速永磁同步发电机组正成为风力发电技术研究的热点之一。

    So the low-speed permanent magnet synchronous generator ( PMSG ) direct-driven grid-connected wind turbine which can track the maximal power point of wind power when the wind speed is slower than safe speed quickly becomes one of the hotspots of wind power generation technique research .

  28. 所以单机容量等于和小于800kW的机组,应优先选用0.4kV的同步水轮发电机组。

    So , if the single-generator capacitance is equal to or smaller them 800 kW , the generator groups should select the synchronizing water turbine generator groups .

  29. 同步水轮发电机组的机械参数辨识

    Mechanical Parameter Identification of Synchronous Water Turbine Generator Unit

  30. 永磁同步风力发电机组控制策略的仿真研究

    Simulation of Control Strategy of Wind Turbine with Permanent Magnet ( PM ) Generator